Resolution 665 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 8r"7
Re'solution of Intention to Create special. 1mproveyiient: Lighting
District Nos 8
Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of halisPell, Montwna-
Section 1 That It is the intention of the City Council of
thl City Df Ullopellt 11untana to Create a Speo I al Improvement
Lighting District heraby designated as Special Improvement
Liglhtin6 District . o*S for the purpose of liIltint; Sixth Avenue
East of the City Of Kalispell as follows, to wit; From a point
oppdsite the Lot line of Lots Nine and Ten in Block Two .Hundred.
One, and Lots Three and Four in Block Two Hundred Two, northerly
to Third Street*
Section 2 That the boundaries of such proposed Special
Improvement Lighting District are as follows-- -beginning at a point
in the center of Block Two Hundred One thence northerly parallel-
ing the east line of Sixth Avenue East to the center of Sixth Street;
thence easterly in the center of Sixth Street to a point opposite
the alley in Block One Rundred Ninety-nine; thence northerly Paralleli
ing the East line of Sixth Street to the center of Fifth Street;t"
thenee westerly in the center of Fifth Street to.apoint opposite tie
centz:"r of the alley in Block One hundred Ni ney Six; thence northerly
paralleling the east boundary of Sixth Avenue .grit to a point in the
center of Fourth Street; thence easterly in the center of Fourth
Street to the west line of Woodland Avenuev thenve northerly along
the west line of Woodland Avenue to the center of Third Street, tt-ienae
along the center of Third Street to a point opposite the center of
the alley of Block One Hundred Ninety -faun thence southerly parall-
eling the west boundary of Sixth Avenue 'Sast to -the center of Block
Two Hundred Two,, thence easterly to the place of beginninge
Section 3 That the general character of the imirove ments to
be made in said proposed especial improvement light1bg district is as
follows, to wit; the 'pro curing and erecting of pouts, wites lamps
and other suitable and necesnary appliances for the purpose of
lighting those parts of the avenues streets and public highwgya of
the City of Kalispell Aereinbefore dearibed.
Section 4 That the approximate estimate of the cost of the
improvements to be made is the aum, of 45#80 and an approximate
estimate of the cost of maintainin6 the lights in the proposed dis-
triat and supplying electrical current therefor for the first year
iB the sum of $172*80 and three fourths of the cost shall be
assessed against the property embraced within the district abuttin6
such ayenue Q
Section 5 That on, the 6tki, day of January the Countil
Chambers in the City Hall of the Citj of Kalispell, at'seven thirty 0
o'cloak p%.m., a regular meeting, the City Council will :hear and pass
upon all protests that may be made against the mayn6 of such improve-
ments or the creation of such district.
Section 6 The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to give the proper notice of the passage of this resolution by pub-
lication and mailing as required by law, such publication to be made
in the Inter Lake, a daily newspaper published in the City of Kalis-
Pell a
Passed this the 14th. day of December 1918
Approved tl-'Lis the 14th. day of December 1916
State of Montana
Couter of Fla,_thead S8
City of Kalispell
R.Fauline Mayor
RA.SoRollins City Clerk
I, R.E.Rollins, Clerk of the City of
Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that the forng is a
full, true and exact copy of a resolution passed and approved by
the City Council of the it of Kalispell, Montana on the 14tha
day of December 191S*
Witness my hand this the 19th, day December 1918
City Clerk