Resolution 666 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 91A.P11, RESOLUTION NUMBER 666 Wfto "a RESOLUTION OF" II-TTENTION TO CREATE SPECIAL IMPROVSY-ENT LIGHTING DISTRICT O. 91 E e it resolved by, the City Cour-cil Of' the City of KalisPellv ,Ulontan a: Section I That it is the inten tier. Of the City Ccuntil of the city of Kalispell to create a speci,il improvemert Lighting District hereby, deli tested a5 SpeCial Improvement Lighting District No# 9. for the purpoae of lighting Woodland Avenue of the City of Kaliapll as follows; to wit;_FroiA a point- opposite the Lot line betweer. Lots three and four in Block One Hundred Ninety-three, to a point opposite the Northeast Corner of Lot One, Block One Hundred Ninety - or. e 0 Section 2 That the boundaries of auch proposed Special Improve- ment Lighting District are as follows; Beginnir-g at the center of Block One Hundred Ninety-three, thence northerly paralleling the east line of Fif th Avenue fast to the Center of Second Street; there westerly in the center of Second Street,to a point opposite the center of the alley in Block One Hundred Ninety-two, thence north- erly to a point in the center of the alley or. the north line of Block One Hundred Ninety-one; thence easterly four hundred feet to a point or a line with the north boundary of Block One Hundred Ninety-one produced; thence southerly paralleling the east line of Woodland Avenue to a point of intersection with the Lot line be- tween Lots Three and Four, Block One Hundred Ninety-three pro- duced; thence westerly on said line produced to the Center of block One Hundred Ninety-three and the place of begir-r-ing. SeQtior. 3 That the general character of the improvements to be made in said proposed special improvement lighting district ie as follows, to wit; the procurirg and erecting of posts, wices, lamps and other suitable and necessary appliances for the purposes of lighting those parts of the avenues, streets and public highways of the City of Kalispell hereir-before described. Section 4 That the approximate �stimate of the Qort of the improve mements to be made is the sum of $4.35 and an approximate eatimate of the cost of maintaining the lights in the proposed district and supplying electrical current therefcr for the first year is the sum of 4129,60 and. three f ourths of' the cost shall be assessed against the property ernbraced within the district abutting such Woodland Avenue, Section 5 That on the 6th.day of January, 1919, at the Council Chambers, ir. the City all of the City of Kalispell, at sever- thirty o�cock, p.m., a regular meeting, the City Council will hear and pass upon all protests that may be made against the making of such improvements or the creaLlon of such district. Section 6 The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give the proper notice of the passage of this resoutior. by publi- cation and mailing as required by law, such publication to be made ir. the Inter Lak4, a daily newspaper published in the City of Kalispell. Pass d this 14th. day of December 1918 Approved this 14th. day of December 1918 R.Pauline Mayor R.H.Roll ins City Clerk, State of Montana x cunt y of Flathead SS City of Kai spell 1, R.E.Rollins, Clerk of the City of Kalispell lEontana, do hereby certify that the foregoing ie a full, true and exact ccpy of a resilutior. pass . ed and approved by the City Ccurcil of the City of Kslisp ell, Montana, or. the 14th. day of December 1918, Witness my hand this the 19th.day of December 1918, ..... . ....... City Cleik.