Resolution 667 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 10RESOLUTION NUAMSR 667 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CRZkTE SPECIAL I.EPROWMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 10 Be it resolved 'by the City Council of the city of Kalispell, Mor-tanas ection That it is the intention cf the City Council of SI the City ff Kaliepell to create a special. improvement Lighting Die- trict hereby deli rated as Special Improvement Lighting District No+ 10 for the. purpose of lighting First Avenue East Of the City of Kalispell as fojlowzto wit; From a point opposite Lots line between Lots Nine and Ter. Jr. Block Two Hundred Fourteen, and Lots Three and Four in Block Two Hundred Fifteen; the.nce northerly to 10curth Street* Section 2 That the boundaries of such proposed Special Improvement Lighting District are as follows: BeginnifIg at the center of Block Two Hundred Fourteen; thence n.ortherly parallel with the east line of First Avenue East to the center cf the alley or- the south line of Fourth Street; thence westerly along the .south line of Fourth Street to the center of the alley of block Severty-six; thence soultherly paralleling the west line of First Avenue East to the center of Block Two H-.Alndred Fif teer.; thence e�.zterly to the place of beginning. Section 3 That the general character of the improvements to be made in said prop6sibd special improvement Lighting District is as follows, to wit,- the prccuring and erecting of posts, wires, lamps and other suitable and necessary appliances for tkie purpo'se of lighting those parts of the avenues, streets and public high- ways of the City of Kalispell hereinbefore described, Section 4 That the approximate estimate of the cost of the it to be made is the sum of $11.60 and ar approximate cost Of Mairtain41 ng eotimate of the the lights ir. the propcsed district and supplying electrical current therefor for the first year Is the sum of $345.60 and three fourths of the cost shall be assessed against the property embraced withir. the district ab-utting such First Avenue East, Section 5 That or. the 6th. day of January 1919 at the Council Chambers, in the City all of the City of Kalispell, at seven thirty o'clock, p*m*t a regular meeting, the City Council will hear and pass upon: all protests thatmay be made againet the making of such improvements cr the creation of such district, Section 6 The City. Clerk is hereby authorized and dive rested to give the proper notice of the passage of this resclutior. by Publication and mailing as required 'by law, such publicatior. tMY be made ir. the Inter Lake, a daily newspaper tublished ir. the cit,y of Kalispell,& Passed this the .14th. day of December 1918 Approved this the 14th, day of December 1918 State of Yertana CO'Unty of 11.1athead SS City of Kalispell R. Pauline R'aycr R.E.Roll irs City Clerk I, R,E,Rollins. Clerk of" the City of' Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and exact copy of a resolution passed and approved by the City Council of' the City of Kalispell, Manta a, or. the 14th. Day of December, 1918.6 Fitness my hand this the 19th. day of December 1918 City Clerk