Resolution 671 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 14RESOLUTION NUMBER 671 RESOLUTION OF INTFSTION TO CREATE SPECIAL IMPROV14-NIENT LlGHTING DISTRICT NUMBER 14 Be it Resolved by the City Ccureil of The City of Kaidlspell, hor. tar.&: That it is the intention of the City G.ouncil of the City of Ulispell to create a special improvement Lighting Die- trict hereby designated as Special Improvement Lightir-g District Number 14 for the purpose of lighting Third Averue East of the From a peint epposite Lot City of Kalispell as folic a, tO Wit; lines of Lots Nine and Ter- ire. Block Ore Eurdred Fcrty-five and Three and Four, Block One Hundred Forty Six; thence northerly to Railroad Street, Section 2 That the boundaries of such. proposed Special Improvement Lighting District are as follows; Beginring at the center ef Block Ore Hundred Forty Five, thence northerly parall- eling the east line of Third Avenue West to the south lire of Railroad Street; thence wee terly ular.g the sounth line of Rail- road Street to the center of the alley it Block Thirty-two; thence southerly- paralleling the west 11ne of Third, kver-u&Wes t to the center of Block One Hundred Forty-six,; thence easterly to the pla-ce of beginning. Section 3 That the general character of the improvemerts to be made it saidproposedspecial improvement Lighting District is- as fellewe, to wit; the procuring and erecting of posts, wires lamps and other suitable ard necessary appliances for the purpose of lighting these parts of the avenues, streets and public high- ways of the City of Kalispell hereirbefore described, Section 4 That the approximate estimate of the cost of the iraprcvemente to bewade is the sum of $17*40 and ar approximate estimate of the cost of maintaining the lights ir. the proposed district and supplying electrical current therefor for the first year ie the sum -of $518.40 andthree fourths of the ccst shall be aszersed againet the property embraced withir. the distriQt abuttirg such Third Avenue West. $ectior. 5 That or. the 8tho day of Jar uaAIM y 1919,4.4t the Council Chamber, in the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, at sever -thirty o'clock, p.m., a regular meeting, the City Council will hear and pass upor. all protests that may be made agair-st the making of such improvemerts or the creation of such district., Section 6 The City Clerk is hereby authotized and directed to give the proper notice of the passage of this resolution by Publication and mailing as required by law, such publication to be mace in the Inter Lake, a daily newspaper published it the Ci ty of Kal ispell. Passed this the 14th* day of December 1918 Approved. this the 14tho day of December 1918 R.Pauline Mayor R.E.Rollins City Clerk State of' Nontarn County of Flathead S.S. City of Kalispell 1, R,IL. Rol lir-s, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Y'ontar-&, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and exact copy of a resolution passed and approved by the City Ccur-cil cf the City of Kalispell on the 14th. day of December 1918, Witness my hand this the 19tho day of December 19180 A City Clerk