Resolution 673 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 16523
B e it Resolved by the City Council cf the it of Kalispell Mcntanas
That iL iz the irMr.ticr. Of the CitY GQL�r.cil
of the City cf KaliePell to create a special imprcvement Lighting
District hereby designated as Speciz:A1 Improvement L.ighting istrict
No. 16 for the purpose of lighting Fifth Avenue 'West of the City
of Kalispell as follows, to wit; From a poirt apposite lot lite
betweer. Lots Three and Fcur of Block Fif teen, and Lots Nine and
Ten of Block Fourteen* to a point Two hundred ter f eet north of
the south lire of Railroad Street*
Secticn 2 That the boundaries of such proposed Special
Improvemert Lighting District are as followe; Beginning at the
center of Block Fifteen, thence northerly paralleling the east
line of Fif th Avenue West to a point Two Hundred Ten feet north
cof the south line of Railroad Street; thence westerly parallel-
ing the south line of Railroad Street Three Hundred Sixty-six
feet; therce southerly paralleling the west lire of Fifth Avenue
West tc the center of Flock Fourteen; thence easterly te the
place of beginning.
Section 3 That the general character of the improvemerts
to be made innsaid proposed special Improvement Lighting District
je as followso to wit; the procuring and erecting of poste, wires,
lamps and other suitable and recessary appliar-ces for the purpose
of lighting those parts of the averues, streets and public high-
ways cf the City of Yalispell hereirbefore deacribed.
SOction 4 That the &,pprcximate estimate of the cost of
the improvements to be made is the aura of $15a95 and ar approx-
imate estimate of the cost of maintaining the lights in the pro-
posed. district and supplyirg electrical current therefor for the
firzt year is the s= of $475.20 and three fourths of the cost
shall be aseessed agairs t the property embraced within the dis-
trict abutting such Fifth livenue West.
Section 5 That or. the 6th. day of January 1919 at the
Council Chamber in the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, at
sever thirty o'clock, pow,6p a regular meeting, the City Council
will hear and pass upor. all protests that may be made agair at the
making of such improvements or the creation of such district.:
Section 6 The City- Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to give the proper notice of the passage of this resolutiolt by
publication and marling as required 'by law, such publication to
be made in the Inter Lake, a daily newspaper published ir. the City
of Kalispell,
Passed oh s 14th* day of December 11918
Approvod this the 14thaday of December 1918
R. Pauline Mayor
R.E*Rollirs City Clerk
St6te of Year t&na
County of Flathead SS
City of Kalispell I
1. R.E.Rollits, Clerk of the City of
Kaliopell, Montana, do he2r.eby certify that the foregoirg is a
full, true and exact copy of a resolution passed and approved
by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana. on the
14th. day of December 1918
Witness my hand thie the 19th, day of December 1918
. .... .......
City Cle