Resolution 660 - Renews Contract with Northern Power and MT Power4 Resolution NO. 660 RESOLUTION REUETINGI CONTRACT WITH ITORTHRMT IDAHO AND MONTANA, POWM COMPANY � WHE'ROASY the Northern Tdaho al id Montana Power Company, a corporatipn, as the party of the first. part, and The .0"ity of Kal- ispell, as the party of the second part, did, on the sixth day of April 11�14, enter into a contract in writing, wherein and whereby the said Northern Idaho and Montana Power Company did agree under certain terms and conditions to f'Irnis',li the said The City of Ka.19% ispell electric current as apeod.fled in said contract for a period of five years from and after December 1, 1913; A!711 WHTREAS� for a va.luable consideration, �%s t'derein specified, to it in hand paid by the said The City of Kalispell, the said Northern Idaho and Montana Power Corapany did on the f2lst day of Septembet, 1915, execute and deliver to the said The City of Kallspell a certain option in writing to renew the said contract for a periiod of five yearB, w�ich option was in words and fioiireo as followat Kalispell, Mont, September 21, 19150 TO THE H0N01-iABLX MKIOR jkNTD CITY COUNCIL OF THE (1,1TY OF KALI WELL Ge-ritle.men: For and in conaideSRO ation of tne payment to the Yorthern Idaho & Montana Power Co% of the sum of one dollar by The City of Kalispell, receipt of which zum is he-reby acknowledged, The City of Kalispell is herelby diven the option of a renewal of the present power contract between this company and the City for a. per- iod. of five, yeare, -at the same rate, as provided by the present con- tract. Such option may be exercised by t]zie City at any time prior to tf�e. expiration of the prese-zit contract. This proPosition is subject to the approval of the Public Service. Commission of Montana. R I eerectf -ally Northern ld..Wio & Montana Power Cool By W * B * MacDonald Manager 1P -N,"OW T17ali-AIFOIRR B.'.E' IT R'A`�"'ASOLVEDIV +"'hMt The City of Talispell %a do,,�'�s Aereby fexer�Iae its said option to renew said contrtiict and. does State of Montana County of Flathead SE City of Kalispell it R. 2. Rollins, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and exact c-apy,of a resolution pazeed and approved. by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, on the day of hovember 191110 Witness my nand this the ���� �.,., ay d of November 1918, -OWL City Clerk,