Resolution 657 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 1Resolution h7o, 6 5'0 7 . A Resolution estimating the cost of lighting Special Light6w ing District Fumber One of the City of Kalispell, for t he - year 1918, and levying and assessing all the property within said district with the cost of lighting said Di strict BBi IT R'It"SOLVED BY T11F, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL; Section 1. The cost of liefiting Lighting District Number One of the City of Kalispell for the year 1918 is estimated to be $8o9,280 Block Lot Owner Assessment. 36 1 So J. Dahlberg 8'* A 0*10 2 So Jo Dahlberg 8 . 4 300 3 Sa J* Dall-.1ber' 9 8*43 4 Knight & Twining 8.043 Knight & Twining 8*43 6 Mary McKoy 8 * 43 7 Mary McKoy 8.43 8 Vary M',.-.Koy 8o43 9 G* V-* Houtz 6*97 9 John R, Listle 1.,46 10 Mary 'VN'1-ite 8*43 11 Mary mvlite 8*43 12 Mary White 8.43 37 7 Frederick Redeker 8643 8 Frederick Redeker 8*43 9 Frederick Redeker 8,w43 10 Sarah Hyde 6*43 11 Sarah Hyde 8643 12 Alice A, Adams 8*43 13 Kalispell Mercantile Co. 6*43 14 Kalispell, Mercantile Co. 8*43 15 Kalispell Mercantile Co* 8,s43 JL6 KallsTpell Mercantile Coo bo43 17 First Vational Bank 8 s 435 18 First National Bank 81* 43 44 7 First National Bank 6o43 First Vat ional Bank 43 9 Wo R. Twining,- & Eo 0, Kni6ht A 'Z 80 13 10 Robert IT. Goshorn 8 * 4V- � 11 Frank D. Stoop 8,o43 12 Robert Ilauline ox 8443 13 Robert Pauline 4 3 14 otto P. J. Mosby A 1. 15 otto F. J. Mosby S, 1/2 4*21 15 Vountain States Power Co N 4,21 16 Mountain States Power Co - 8o43 17 Winifred Tremblejt 6.43 is Winifred 11'rerribley 8 * 46 45 1 A* Do Conrad, Trustee 8*43 2 Ao D. Con-Itad. , Trustee 8*43 3 A, D. Conrad, Trustee a * 4 016� 5 Block Lot Owner Assessment 45 4 7 8 9 - 10 56 57 64 65 11 12 1 2 3 4 7 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 A,s D . Conrad . Trustee W. B. MacDonald Christine J* Tenn*Lson Mountain States Power Co. Rosa Zahn Rosa Zahn Re J. Benn? Estate and Carrie Vv McKn i ght R. J. Bean, Estate and Carrie Y* McKnight R. J. Bean, 'Estate and Carrie Iff. McKnight Kali -spell Mercantile Co Kalispell Mercantile Coo Kalispell Mercantile Co. Kalispell Mercantile Co. Kalispell Mercantile Co, Kalispe-1411 Mercantile Coo Kalispell Mercantile Co, Kalispell Versant it Co . Kalispell Mercantile Co. Kal i spe I I Mercantile Cot Kalispell Mercantile Co, Kalispell Mercantile Co. United States Of America United States Of' Am e r i o, a United States Of America United States Of America United S-testes Of Anie i c a United. States Of Aj.qerjCa Oza Lee James Leila Y. Derringer Leila M. De in So 1/2 McClellan Wininger V.4, 1/2 McClellan 11ininber Bank of Connerce McClellan Wininger McClellan Wininger F* We Buckeen F. W. Buckeen Peter So Mori -is Oza Lee James Valind-a E. James Esau James Chris Fo Kolle Wm. A* Johnson Carrie E. Penrod Geo* Taylor Mary T, Morris and Irvin6 W, Lindlahr Anton &, Jos,Une Fox City of Kalispell City of Kalippell City of Kalispell Conrad National Bank Conrad National Bank Wmo Fe Vulaney First NatI.- Bank First Natle Bank First Yes tl* Bank First Natlo Bank First Fatl * Bank First Nati. Bank 8*43 So43 8 143 8043 8.43 & 10 41 3 6 s 4� 80413 6o43 8*43 6 a 43 So43 8 e 47W 81043 8 04Z 8 43. 8 43 8043 EoO 8*43 8 o 4,P3 8, 4Z 8043 8,43 a 04 6.43 8*43 8,4Z 8043 4*22 4,21 8o43 5*26 3617 8v43 8*43 8,043 4 3 Eo4Z 8o43 8*43 6 * 4 -2., 8143 6- t 43 894Z 6043 a * 4 3% 81043 8 * 43 8*43 8043 8,43 8*43 , E, , 41. 8043 8 o 4:3 8o43 8o 0 6 1, 4Z Section 3. The to hereby levied becomes delinquent at six O'clock P& Vs on the 3oth dcay of November 1918* Section 4. R f i, P i-� v rn,�4 ri P f. h #q P o a ^ i ,I + 4 ---- W ww 4&4aow wt �r 3,r WAw 4JA-W4A V41 Intention to Create Li6htinj�,, District Number One for further parm naillri- quird ,lai, soIh uhlcation to be made JLn the Tntler- Lake V, �114a i I -,. 1--evu s pap e v pub 1-1 s h e. d i n t h e C i t f K a'I li spe 11, 4Y I Passed this,, l4t.hL- day of- Decembcor 1911� Apprnved tb-is da.y of -Dec-c-,,Ynber 1�Iq 'R.Pauline !Ja, Y -0 -T.- P W 4 , t P 0 1 1J, n s 't N ity Clerk. State of Montacna n If T C,ty O-r I Kalispell Clerk of the Cltv of Yal-ils, s pell TIontana d"o certify the forpsocing ]Ls a full true ar(l. exact cordy o' a rezilw�.-A,rjn Pas,,zied card vpprovecl. by the. City Council of the, City of Kalispell, on the, l4th. day of Pecen-l",le'r 1,919 . .. . . ...... A City cle-Ck*