Resolution 662 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 5EM
V �� 62 "A `'j77, T. T T T 1,) 1��
C,ate S 1) e c i a I I lrpr ovr rr. e, n. t.; L 161 t I g
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Be it 1,"Y the Cit-ly COU'l"'Cil c"" 1,-.he City of 1. s p v,
Tha- it the intertion of the Cit�y- Council of t -h t
ci%�T OJF Ealisippl.l. to create a 3pecJal. irjqxrovcvient 1A6,htinG
district here -by dez"14nated Special, Tml,)11cver,,ent Li6:-,'1,.,.,1,-, 'r.g District
No. 5, fcr poe1.Lin n ucEo i , v uvf 2jnte f f i
Valisl_�)ell as fo-llowsj 'to wltm- From. ca polint opposite the Iot IA.,
.1 I 11� ine
between Lots Mn e and. Tt;m iri B'IoClz Two Humdred Filfty- also oppovJte
the, lot lire between Lots niree, an)_4. ir, Blo,-R Two H"undred Fifty -
One to fift-y _-Lre"et of C2he Y :rtl--.,, 11-Ane Al
R a J. 1 r r1l. 0' St r e e t,
.(,:h. 1.�ropose.,J Special Improvernumt T.Ag-hF,"AnE, are an fo"1110�]Z: PeglnniriL4 at the Cent.;er o-,:"
vv-c All un OL,.v -�-I% then,-_,c� rcrtherly the ec-2,st hcundar-y
Eas+ to a poir,.-t cnle H I 0 1 .; � I
"'i rd Avenue Ur,u,1red F'fty feot north of the
norfl-i line of 71-allrortd �,,7,treetthey�ce %,caterl,,y the nort'113.
llne, Or jjai3,roa.j
-i I � - �- 'e e t t h n c c zs o u t 'A e r I v p
Streettm hlirec, ul. drmd sixty
.4. A t 0 h e I ac e b e r, I-, J, r.1
w o 11,u Syr d r e d Fift--ore, t_kA L�_Fe e 91 �13
S e c t i Oln 3 "Ph -at the c,haractel- o,417 tile improver..).ents to be,
4 1 1 yj�, r O,V t I
ct t, J t I fo
maele i.;, c,-,4aid p.roYp�c1csecl epeciFl i 1)
e r 0 S t f,
t i
Icivis, to wit the prc)c1arir-,iL and p"I
Y 1 i g-t, t
ay)Cl necessary appliances for. tl-� piggy pc) s
tho,""e pznrts, of. -the. a -,venues stjeel and. pullic hi.hvic-.-i,yz of th. e. C I ty
04�7 Yall. i.spell. Tier o -for e, (J'ase,ribeC14
Section 4 Thatthhe approx-ir-lat.e cstim,r'-Ite of thp cositcf� the -iT�A.provC4
ments to 1'e rv,,,,!e isthe &,,;uqtq of! $20,',`50 ancl 4,�n approv-imate es"mate Of 11
te cosof ri1ait?tbalighe ,e tri,)
pP, I Yh'j onc
�., " _ -1 f
pzi s t h s jrj o 6 4 6 0
t cl,
, f eo .s a e as c`z eam
4Che prcer�',
&,% urths th, tI b ki s d a6 .p
ell -r,,,qxed wit .1.1.1n t1he, dist'lcict abuttinm� such Ave rtue�
t "he Counc,11,
January,191Q,',, av 1�
JS e c t 1' 0 T 1 15, 171qat on thLe 6 tb c vo
k � jv
Char,nbe.r,.si JA',, tl-4e Cit 11'all tl"Le City of K`Iisr�e A,
at zevn th].-ri,v
11, be,--ir �,uad pass,
be tc' z t ol' s}Uch irvrrove
up-r) aa,,L prctest"Z that may le a %�,J.i_ t.he,
n oly t "'i e o n o S A
Film. -t
EAve "he proper notice -of the passae olT 15 J'
lcainamz!a'lqlr-, �?,-, zc"f ''6 1`o itc,,, nd �AJnbs Vued b13\ul.?J0 i, ld C E.
n the Inter Lake a, daily rewspapel, pub"llished n -t "a e (" "L t o f a I I v
Pazzliile lwlthe , da- of December 1018
.gip ved this 14th, # day' of 'Decelabotr 1918
TR E R 1'.1.1 n s C i C 1, e, z "p,
state or
f7ount'-.-y cif Flathen;t.d 's S
City Of, Kalir"nell,
,, a.
PT 0 11 t a'n 'a do ce-lqtlIfy the'gt4s6, Ie folvc.�,groln' is a full. t r u d
4t4 p
exact copy a x,esolluticn pu,vsed, &.nd. approved. by ",-,he City Coun.011.
of the Ci'l',,y Kali-srell, Vont4rial' le,.Ah,Okay of
�'_l .411
Yitrt�w'i My harl�l. thi�6 diay o-r Be-ceyn'ber 1916
......... ....
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