Resolution 605 - Transfers Funds11 R "T" S 0 L IT T 1 0 IT N 0 .1 605 A RITMIOLUT1011' TRA.1"I'SPER ITT -77 CRMTA-11T FUNDS INT THE CI.TY TRRIMMIRY .117 I'll' RF",r30LV'BD by the City Council of the. city oll-- Kalispell. rp ,That the sum of Two Tfundred Nineteen Dollars and Twent,y Cents $219.20) be transfe-cred from the Contingent Fund to the and Intereat Pun d for the gurpose of paying the interest on, the Twenty ..Thousqnd 1,)o11am; Bonds maturing October lst$' 19150 Adopted Sept ibex 5the 1915* Appro-ved 'Septariber 21.)th) 19156 R. E. 11012, SO Citv Clerk, Attest 21,11 STATE 07 1-IONTMA ale OIJEITY .0,F WT,,A'-PT-1-F1M sso CITY OF KALISPRML 2 J, R. E., Rollins, City Clerk of the City of Ylontana, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a f-ull, true and exact copy of a r�sc)jut.iors ad-olpted "'Ind ap- -anroved by the City Cowicil of the City of Kalispell, 1,11","-ontana, on t'he 2)th day of' Septe.,Mber 1915. 'Dated t1ii s, the 81915 2th dq-,vJ1 of Oe-otember II tj.01