Resolution 608 - Authorizes Treasurer to Purchase Warrants,.,Esui.mor No 6q A RDSOLU'11'1017i AUTHORIZING- Al�`D DIRECTING THE CITY T11[i,'-ASURF4R TO PURCHAS.14 CERTAIN WATMAIMT WITH T11E 1110NEY' NOW IN TIJE VIATER BOUD 11-,d11K141T(-3 11-IND4 BE IT R'ESOLVED BY T11E CITY COUNCIL 01P KALIESPE11411 MOZ11T that the City Trettsurer be authorized and directed to pvr- cl.mse wq,-mants iskeued by the Cl-ty, of K�1,ispell, 111�ontana, to the extent of V.600,00 which arnount is now In tbe 'Ve-iter Bond 1E,,inkine, Fund., ]�.-Iassed, la.-nd RPproveel this the 9th d.q-y of 1916, R* P�,,vulirie, I % Attest. R. E. Rollino, City Clerk4 STATE OF MONTANA COUNTY OF FLATHEAD SS CITY' OF 4ALISPELL It R. E,, Rolllns, Cdty Clerk of' the Cjlt,�,, of Kalispell, Yontpmia, do hereb' certify that the fore goanE is E.�i full, true sun d exact copy a Resolution -cms,s,erl. rand app ro ved by the (.'it,,,v- Council of the City of DI-e'llispell -,on- tar.a, on the gth, day of L',,arch 1�)16 D,-101;e".-! this thelllt�) daly, of 111,,Ilarch. ica6 /f L 7 A Citj- Clerk.