Resolution 609 - Transfers FundslF1 E S 0 D-l'T 10 11 N 0 6oc) .Pl A RE i CER'IPAINT l' 171DF! III,' CITY �`Rl]AOJRY;p .1[31'll IT By 'the C"ity Council of 1,0''he City of qlispell 0 n t a 11 a Thfat -the cs-uln.q of 95 be tvansfern d fro III tile. Gen er- uzit bo.].r.g, inlerest R-1 Fund , to �,Vor,ks 71undl# this, amo P t`rs aid b,- the 1�arlks, on trifit portion of' Vi,e NI ty T-reasuo� rl Mon Un Iv bal�anck-ws belomrina to the ld,-ater Works FlAnd., Tl.,ie s,-aid trqnsfev beiiag made for thie purpos"e ol Plac- m.­ tl-ae vec,�-_�ive.d i-.,a tl­le. po"'ci .p r P - a. ass�a-d and s�pprovc-)A, 4-,his, ;;-rd da,�- o 1) v j. 1 1 �) 2.6 'rlyor e At t est , R, E'. �Tlv_)llirlsl 0, i t y (';l 1 c rk u Or, 1.410111I.IA"EA ll-,]AD tos cl I "Y UP Kid, I SP`E'LL -A. ty of do `,:-��ereby cert-,ify that. tlae foreC.,�o_ing RI ed ar e- d '.01y, of a re""0111U.10y]. iopt amid n Al-11, truo nand ex-ac- b 7 t 1 -a y o Ap r i 1 19 DD -rk