Resolution 610 - Transfers FundsM s () `.,Dais or r, o . 61,C) BE IT &MGVED By the Nty rouncil of the Mty Of Tontana. I That the follozvdnn-z be tranoferrod "rom the fullowinE F"nds to the Overonyrie-at -nid Adjus"ument ",,'LAnd, e c t rower Nuct. 19 124 17-05 S'p I. . Dap, Diset, #(�4 13 - 7 3 s sp1,11 " 11 ii � 1 s c t 0 0 ID,j0 't 1 b 04.94 Tmp. 7"i , c t. 1'n 16 o 5 Yhat then) be transfeled from the Wverpa;ynent and Adjustment Pund, to the Fo13owin[,,, Fun6s' t]hi) followin"-; _pI. 1m p i `` c t. !cat I Ini p 1) i s c t, 9 4 10 2 8 ""Pl. I 121P Di 2c t. 98 ly) 68 SPI , tans. 'Di Sc L. I r) I ?5.o6 I'liat there be transfered froin the 0,revpa.�,aent and lv3 j a s tn, en t Pu nd to th e sp I , Li t I n-?, -,,) I o ct . N0. I 'F"U n d, the s'u ra of QQ4,96, ThuL there te tvan,,'ere-5 from inip. 195 Fuwl to QL imp, NW, C)4- Pund, t1ae slum of That there be trwnsfereO frwm, V,),e tar Light Aund to Lhe Komi Ni'6ereot Lhe ouia of Th,.-,L trie abov,r trqnsfers be „,,;de Wr the Wrpano of protecting overdrafts in the Funds mentioned, and out- etmidine wvarrnnts that have been WW, Paisr—i qnrl npproved this loth kl--iy of bpril 1916, Geo, W. Slack, Acting, Mayor. Attest, R, 4, Rollins, City Clerk. C01�'I'T-Z OF T". t.,T2,11-11110( S CITY OF WISPELI ) 1, R, E� Rollins, City Caerk. of the CiLy of Z"lispoll, Montana, do hereby certify th.rit t1fie foreroin,,? is fe, full, true and cor-rect co.py of a RenAntim P.Sal and approved by the 01ty Council of the rity of Ke,,Iiopoll, oil tsar; 10th duy Of April 1916. 'thip di L y o ' A 1) rat I 16 1�4