Resolution 615 - SID 170RRIS 0 UT T I ON No. 615 IMSOLUTIOIL CIRli4ATING PELT AL LIMPROVETAE24I3T DISTRICT I -To. 171D* BE IT REMOLTIPM By the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Irlontana. section 1. That Special 1�naproveyaent District N 0 he purDose of, the constructi on 11 - 17 Pid hereby created f or t of q twelve inch sRialtart' sewer with nerian, laoles, fliish to and other apprvtenanaes, commencing at the point of intersection with the center line of the q11ey in block 13 with the center line of "I"'E'ont-anan 1.7treet, thence -the center line of said alley, to the center Zinc of 'Ji'ashington Street, Section 2. That said district is created subject to all the terms and conditions spec.1fied in 1ievolution :To. 611, entitled ?'Resolution of intention to create .,'Teclal Improvement Dist rict'U N"O. 1707 adopted May let 1916, to which 'reference is h hereby made for further particulars. Passed Tune 5th 19164 Approved .3"une 5t1i 1916* Tj. P_qUj' ine, .1yore R. T,. Rollins, City Clerk, STATIM OF Ar',ONTAEA CMTUTT-'_r OF TFLATHEAD SS CITY OF ALL SPELL It R, R. Rollini3, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, 141,ontanaa do hereby certify thRt the i:o-regoing is a full true -and exact copy of a resol-ation adopted -and approved bY the City Council, of the it; of Kalispell, Montana, 01a the 5 t)-i d a y o f .Tune 1916, Dated this the 12th de-y of r"'T- ii n e 16 C itya erg