Resolution 621 - Assessment - SID 168W RE SOLUT ION NOLL-2 A 'Resolutior� 10v�'i2lf; �1 tax UP= R'll PrOPfe't'Y in- cjuded ill apcci"11 Improvement District 1�10. ',? of t1,le city, of l-,pell, 1,Tontpm,, , f"rar th e pu rpoo, e of def rfAyi ng-, the Cast:-,, smd e�xpenser of improvements made rznd constructed in said district in uccordnnce -with the resolutions and ordinances, of the City of BE IT HJIISOLV!,M by the City CounciI, of the C11ty of Kaliopell, Section 1. There is he-reby 3e-vicd, <uid �ssos2ed, to defray the costs and expenne-c of improvomentp mride, and constructed in. Specir,,l Improvement -1)istrict No. /(", "!"', ol" the ""Ity a" K,Uispell Montmix.,, in. accordarce with the, resolutions and ordinskrjcss of spid City, o, trjx ugninst li propert,y included ill the FT,,id district, thc,, nmoumt to be elixir lot or pc,rcol thereu," beinE, set oppo�ite the description of the property, ,1 mri t -n d t, I i e name. of ghee o vin c, r , -, o f o I a a t Q- Annual al col Lot 11 s sm t P ay Yn e n t -�r Own 142 1 Orig 12.33 4.11, -Ftederic,1 C. Nlereord and 4.11 Jomeph Imholl. 4.1.1. 2 12.33 4.13, Frederick (I.. lreroord -9,nd 4,11 1110'seph Imholt 4. 11 as 2.2.53 4.11 Rudolp?,., A. Sheptr, 4,11 4.11 4 12.33 4.11 Rudoloh A. Sheets 4,11 4.11 12.33 4.11 Thos. E,jones 4.11 4.11 6 4.)-1 ThoF. R. loner, 431 4,7.2, 7 12 , -A1,3 4.3'1 7. S. 'Holderbaum 4.11 Eir"'hwood, Ifont. 4,11 12.32 410 D. S. Hof1derb,,,ium 4.11 Hirhvood, Mont; 4, 11 12.32 5,10 7umm Tinley 4,11 4,11 Anniml Block L Q,% Aoomot Paymomt Owner Orin 142 10 of 12.32 4.10 F=m Linle;,r 4.11 4.11 11 12.32 4.10 Lowrie L. Davis 4.11 4.21 12 12.32 4.10 Loi,%,rje L. Davis 4.1.1 4..11. 13 12.32 4.1() Kill Pell. B�Idg. & Lorm Ass'n. 4.11 4.11 14 12-32 4.10 Kalispell, Bldg. & Loan,AsOn 4.11 4.11 15 of 12.52 4.1(, Kell spell Bldg. & Lo-m Ass'n Z1. 13" 4.11 16 to 12.32 4.10 Kalispell BldC. & loan Aos' r. 4®11 4.11 17 as 12.52 4.10 John Thoma2 lffuSlroy 4. 2 11 411 18 4.10 John Thomas llc'-1,Iroy 4.11 4.11 19 12.52 4.10 laaqand, Henrickson 4.11 4.11 20 ey 12.172 4.1() Amtnd�j Henrickson 4.11 4.11 21 ar 12.32 4.10 John lich 4.1.1 A.11 22 12.32 4.10 John Lich 4,11 4.11 23 04 12.52 4,10 John Lich 4,11 4. a,1 "ection 2, The snit taxes to be pald in three annual installments in amms :Ints as?, above eet forth, the far t of which installment sh-3-1 become ri,,ie tmd pa.,ynble u26n thc of cert,ified rcpyT of thic:! rc;,olution in t),le, office of the City Treasurer of snid City , firid uh�all become delinquent -Ifter the; 30th d.�j7y of llovtnrzber 1916, enci the annu-al lnstullmeatFshall therel)-fter'become dace am", 1)aIyable on 'the first d�,��y of October of exach y,ear t-md delinquent on the 50th-dy of Yovember i.n ench Year. ,`11 of the iibove pnymont., be-,ir intvrO,,t aIt the rate of six per cent per annum after the 30th day of 11ovember 1916 until ind if ,iny Instn.112nent'r, nriy piece, ,rroperty, becomev, dolinquent, tle whole tnx f,Cninst such perti- cul.-.r piece becomes hue tmd delinquent. Section 3. ObJections to the firv-.).1 sdoption of Unix -e-solution rill be herArd nt ti, meetim- of the Council. to m be held qt the Coialcil Chn.mbers at 10 —Oclock P.M. Pas,sed and �ipproved day lo16. 7 1 t -3c 7 a r 1, Pin -ally -vlapted and upproved this d aY 0 f city Clerk. ,TAT--P' OV YONTANA �GUNTY 07, -FLATHRAn, SS CITY OF KALI 'SPIFILI,, 1, 11. E. 7-1,ollins, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, MantRn,A, do heieby certify that the fore p- v n ,oing is u, full, true an,i exva.ot copy of s - resal tio adopted and appToverl by the C ty Caunci t of the City of Kalispell, mon'-nuthe 61dny of t, oil A 2Z,�' 1916. Dated this the 1016. L�dpy City Olevk�