Resolution 619 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 1'RESOLU T I ON N�o' A RESOLUTION EST11AAT1.',N'G THR, COST OF LIGHT114G SPECIAL LIGHTIl'I"G DIS'l,"11IM" ITUT-M-Ti'M ONE OF THE CITY 0"r.1P KALISte :; PELL- FO,'i TKIM YEIM-1 1916 AND LEVYING AND ASSESS111C ALL TTIR 'V',l ";'I"T AAr I, rr� 'N" T S'ID 1)10'.-N)T.RICT VVIl I TER COST OF L101,1111TIG BE IT M,",S)OLVED BY MIR;' CITY COUNC!11, OF THE1 CITY A. 0 -A,,' KALI SPRML 5P Section 1. The cost of light.'ag I L i ght .1 ng s - ;jrot _N'Tumber On+:.,, of the City qf Kalispell for the -year 1916 is bstimated to be 68oi.6o,, section 20 A xi hereby levIed and, assessed upon all. -tl ae property in said lighting dlis-'C'Mct for t"he amount of the e2timated cos"C. of 12ghting the street therein by appor- tioning -to the severRl lots and parceles of land within thcA s 'd distrlict' as follows, tuAft� it: 'W ORI(""TINKAL TOVTITSI`1"WOF KALI'P211'-'LL: 37 Lot A 9,9 e s csff i en t Owner 8 -�rick: Redeke'r ,35 r edcl 8'7)5 Frederick Redeker 9 8 Frederick Red ek er .10 10 E"Mriah E,,Hyde 8.35 Sarah E.Hyde 7. ff 12 Alice A* hd.�ms Kal i S Pe I Mercantile Company 14- 35 Ka I i spe T1 e -t? c n n t i I e, Cdo baqyp,, a n � y' 8 3r ra 11. r' � p e 11 '11-Ae'rea-Titile COIMP':11n,11 C, 0 T-ft n evo a ny, v arit 1. 1 8.35 First 'Na­�Aonal -Bank 8.35 F'iret Nat,ional Beank BLOCK 4.4 8"'35 F I *r s t Nzat­ i 0 a I a I B a mk Fir'st 9%all4ional B-ank 3d,1,1V. R. TArining 1/2 Ej. 0. K-I'ac;,tht 1192 7�5 ob e r t o sla, i - o r i i rlank D S to by 12 P-alalille 14 5 Otto pto G-0 10.0sby 15 401 Northern ThIdn'ho & Mont--ana .-Pavar Co. I rd 4. Otto I'', J. Lffoosby 16 C W- ' - �--1 Montana Power Co. -orlh.e-rn Idlaho 11 17 18 �,Vre.mbsew ay BLOOL 57 7 )t n t e s u n _4 t e (-I r UO -I! e 0" Q ta t e, S U �J 9 U ni 10. P, 1 v T31:(i t-- �,-!d S t!n, t e n e; n fn S 12 Uni ted St at e S 13 g Oza Lee jnnies 14 1,eila. 1111. Deei' q nger 15 4,, ;7 11,11'eClelle,.n. B140CR 57 Lot 1edaa BLocy, 64 7 3 9 10 11 12 16 BLOCK 36 1 2 6 9 9 12 BLOCK 45 1 2 4 6 9 .10. 11 12 BLOCK 56 1 2 3 4 6 K 9 10 11 12 B:Lo cK 6 1 n. -M, 0 1, 1, Ownev 1 8035 ni r ,ger 5' Bank Of cwwgerce & McC,. Win.-Lnger an k o f Commerce & !,�,Iln-lrigelr I prederIck 1, Bucksen 'Rl.redevic,k. IN. BiAcksexi, 'Pete-v S. I�jorrls Ora Lee Jrames 8 0.5� Malinda, Et) 8.3,5 Beaw James 8*35 1,1V'I 11 imn A.,, J ohn s on 8,35 Ctirrie E. Pon -rod 8 Antori "Fox ,Dahlbevg 35 7). 0" . DahlAN' r2crg 8, Knight & T�4ni,ng S. TIM .,�?* C', Knight & Iff. JR. TwIfting 8o35 Ma ry I'TaK OY 8,35 Mary IdCKOY 8.35 10hry McKoy 8 .3 j 6.1an P,. Listle & G'. 3 5, 8*35 M's vy Vj , 1, i t e. I'Ia r Y WhI t e 8.35 U, a ry Wh i t e 8,35 8.3,5 A 1). Coy ,d TvAstee 8035 A. D. Co �I T ru s t e e 80�5 W, B. Y1 a C D 0 n a 8 7,5 Hattie 111,1. ;E3milth n Tri St,-Ite. ;4u:nd Com,vp-any 1�osa Zahn C. A. Zwahn 11"Pst,,,ate obt QL� QB e nn t 'RRobeeri T,EE sstee Robert T. Bc-,,mvi Estate 3 5 Kalispell Irvercantileeompany 8435 Kallspell h1ercan't-.1le Comp<any 8A35 K al i el I ",Ue-rcz.%nt,J le Cwnp--,My 5 Kali qpel I II.Iercnn,-I.e comn"any P -I e, c ob;p any Kal i Sp el I Niercr,u u Kal I ,.,pell Mer c an t i I e C om pe, n Y '5 3 Kaligpell 11'erc ant i 1, e C p any 8.35 Kal I sp e 11 Id er C alri t i 1 e C on, p a ny 8 3 5' a I. i s P el'AI IA e r c ri-'L i I e C Kali spell T,.De r c n t j 1 e ori any Kalispell Mercantile c orqprany 8.35 Clity Of Kalispell B Lo cK 6 � 2 8.35 City of Kalispell 3 8.35 Clk-�'"y of Kall,,�.,�Pell 4 8.35, Conrad N-itlomzil Bank, r, 8.35 Bqnk 6 8*35 William F. Yul-aney 8,35 Fm a r st 11,1-1 t J. wria, I Bra iik 8 4 35 1" a . st 1� o wou 1 B,ajjk 9 Firstly 11 a ti o n a I B gnk 10 8.55 Fi onri I .11.. 8.35 i�, J, rst t I an da. 1 B fan 1 2 8.35 J. IF I r Ila tl a n a I Bank Se c "b"I, on The tax hereby levi ;mod becomes -Ieli-,i,quent y at six oclock an the, '70th Ri of IT, 0 v b r igi-6 r Pection 4. Refvrroner, is hereby vaadeReso- lutioaa o-f Intentioia to Cveate� Lighting D.1-strict Number One foer further purticulqxs, n4.;roduc�eN 'We-7rt 1916, vind set for 19' 6 at h e a, r.1 ri 1 o I cl ock ........... .... A T Y. 15 LE city k OP ed t"Ir, Is a Y 0 APProved tl-ii s A d a y o f 4LL, .3.1 gi 6 Mayor CI ty Clerk. STATE 01P EM"N'TANA COUNTY OF FLATIUVJ) S S I - �,Is Cit,­ Clc%rk of the City of gal l"Sj,,�ellt Yont%,,way he-reby cert-Ify -that the fore- L�70inLp' 'S R fUll�R tl':U(_� �.tnd emact copy of resolution rtdopted k i to. Y oil n q4, 1 0 f t h r", i f Kq, I i p el ,,Kontana on the 7�( f 19164 Dated tlai�� the d ray o f c,lity ..Ierkf