Resolution 642 - Tax Levyeta Resolution 1,40. 642 Y A Rescdution mt,),kinp,. t'he J_Innual Tax Levy I'or 'bhe ulty of Kalispell, Lontanat for the year 1' 170 he it Reaolveti by the city Council! of the city- of JE" ra pell, f-;,ion That 'U-here be levied ol i each and. every oollar of the assessed valuation of the taxable property 2*.n the ("it y of Pell, Montana, for the year 1917, the foliowing amounts, Mills General and Adminstrative Pu-rposes 4 - 1/2 Street and Road Purposes 2 - 5/8 Water &, I Lg , h t Fund I - 0 Light Fund .2 - 1/2 Park Fund L 1 )rg"r Y "(A,u nd Fire Pro-Eectlon Fund 0 VNI;er Bond Interest Fund 1/2 P,ond Interest -Vund 0 - 3/8 Vater Bond Sinking Yu nd I - 0 Sewer 13oncl Yu n d 0 Total levy f or all purposes -above mentloned 19 - 0 A d o p te d lt�-4 h i s 3 r d d -a y o If S e p t e mb er 1917. Approved tiIIJ s the Ord d.ny of ";eptember 917. R.. P"'au• llne, Y Or 0 I 11. Eo 1101-Linst C i t Y C.1 erk State of 'Montana County of FIR-th-e-sd SS Clity of Kalispell jj 'D 01-yek of-'eVA>1ins, (At.Lrh, t.;ity of Kalispell, iNiontana, do hereby certify that Lhe raregoing is va full, true and exact copy of a Resolution adopteo and approved by the Ckty CoLzncil of the (pity of K;Alispell, s g on the 3rd day of SePt.ember 1917* h Wi tness my hand this 14th day of Septeraber 1917, t Y- j- e rk