Resolution 643 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 3Resolution ro. 643 Resolution of Intention to re to Special Improvement 1ighting District '.11o. 3. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City,of Kalispell* M on t -a na Sect i On 1,0 That it is the intention of City Council of the City of Kalispell to create a special improvement lighting district, hereby designated as Special Improvement Lighting Dis.w trIct O. 3, for the, purpose of lightlng aerta'in parts of certain and public highways,of the City of avenues, streets, p el 1, as follov's, to wit: Se'venth Aye-mae DList North from the north side of California Street to a point one h"ndred fifty feet south of the soiAth side of Idaho Street; Sixth Avenue East Fort from the north side of CRlifornia Street to a point one hundred flifty feet aoiAt.h of the south side of Idaho Street; Fifth Avenue East North from the north �,,id-e of P921for nia Street to a point one hundred f1fty feet south of the south side, of laontans Street* all of Fourth Avenue Ecist North- all of Third Avenue : ic,5t North., Second Avenue Esst North from 4 point one hundred fifty feet north of the north side of Neera Street to the center of the main line tract of the Great Nor-'thern R�tilway Company; First Avenue East North fro.ri a point one hundred fifty feet nort1h. of The north side, of !-Fevada StTeet to a point one hundred fifty feet south of t'he south side of Ullontana Street; M�iin Street Ilorth from, -6he naTth rsdde of Wyoming Street to the ceriter of the m-ain line track of the great I'Torthern Railway comp--_tny- First Aveniae West NL orth from a point one hundred fifty feet north of the north side of 11'evada Street tO :its inter- section w1th the right of way of tkie Greet Northern Railway Com- pany- Second Avenue West North froill a point one hundred fifty feet north of the north side of 211evada Street to its intersection with the 'right of wa of the Great Northern Railway Company;- Third Avm Y 6 enl�e West North frorq, a point one Inindred fifty feet north of the north Pile of Washington Street to Its intersection with the right of way of the Great Northern Railway Company - 9 Fourth Avenue hest North from a point one hundred fifty feet north of the north side of Wtishiinto n street to %A point one hundred fifty feet north of its intersection with the right of way of the Great Northern Railway company; Fifth Avenue West ]North from a point one hun(I I red ' f fifth feet north of 11-dhe north side of Wu shi ngtorl Street to uhe cen- ter of the main line track of the Great 1-1forthern ���ilwq.y CoMP:MY; Sixth Avenue West North from a point one hundred fifty feet north of the north side of Viashington Street to a, point one hundred fifty feet north of Its intersection with the right of v-ly of the Great Northern R��Ilway Company; Seventh Avenue West North from a point one hundred fifty feet north of Idaho Street to a poInt one hundred fifty feet north of its intersecticn with the right Of Way Of the Great Nout hern Railway Comp%lny- 'Woodland Avenuo fvom the north side of Railway Street to R point midway between its intersection with Sixth Street and Seventh 15treeto Seventh Avenue East from the north side 4. of Sixth Street to a po'Int one hundTed fifty feet soiath of the south side of Seventh Street,* Sixth Avenue 'East from the north side of Third Street -to a point one iiund.red fifty feet south of tLhe eouth side of -Eighth Street,, All of Fifth Avenue East- all of Third Av- enlie 7,ast; all of Second Avenue East, First Avenue East from the south side of Fourth Street to the Potithern limits of the City; M a6n Street from the center of the '"ain Line trac`- of the Great a Northern Railway Company south one hundred fifty feet; from the south side of Fourth Street to the South side of ",Eighth Street,, and from the north side of rlinth Street to the southern limits of the City; The hig1liways on the east side and west side of the Flathead County C 0jart TIOUSe connecting Liain Street at RUg7b.th Street and Ith Street - all of First Avenue West; all of Third Avenue "ilest; li of Fourth Avenue Vlezt; all of 'Fifth Avenue West- all. of Sixth A -venue West- all of Seventh Avenue West; all of Eighth Avenue West north of a point one hundred fifty feet south of the south side Eighth Street; all N inth Avenue, West north of a point one hianfired f if ty feet south of the so�ztl-i side of Seventh Street; all of Tenth Avenue West north of a point one hundred fifty feet south of the south side of Seventh Street; all of Eleventh Avenue NVestnorth of va. point one hundred fifty feet south of the south side of Seventh Street - Section 2. Thqt the boundries of such proposed special improvement lighting district are as follows; beginning at a point sixty six feet north of vlhe north west corner of block two of Duncans Addition to Kall spell, whence proceeding north seventy six degrees eleven m i n i i t p q A%Ani nn,= 1,11, Y1,P4 -onA 4. 1- 1- L I - J __ -a.. degrees forty nine minutes east, one thousand -three hundred fourteen feet* thence sovth seventy six degrees eleven minutes west seven 0 hundred thirty two feet,, thence south thirteen degrees forty nine min AAtea east three hundred mixty six feet, thence south- seventy six degrees eleven minutes west, three hundred sixty six feet- thence south thirteen degrees forty nine minutes east, seven hundred feet,; thence north seventy six degrees eleven minutes east, six hundred sixteen feet; thence in the generally southeasterly direction along the east side of Woodland Avenue to a point which is the intersection of the south line proposed of lot three of block two hundred of AdVP dation No. wWi said east side of Woodland Avenue* thence south seventy six degrees eleven minutes west to the center of the alley in said block two hundred,, tbence south thirteen degrees forty nine minutes e-a-st one hundred fifty feet; thence southeRsterly to the north end of the alley �n 'block two hundred five- thence south thir- teen degrees forty nine minutes et, one hundred fifty feet; thence souVn seventy six degveez eleven minvtez west, four hundved zixteen feet; thence south thirteen degrees forty nine minutes east, three hund,, aixty six feet; thence south seventy six degrees eleven rain- 4 lutee west 'three hundred sixty six feet; thence south 11 lr-'Leen degrees forty nine mines emast along the center line of I_-':')Ixth,A1.Ley R--tat to an intersection, wit],ri the sou'Lhern City limits; thence west along the subdivisional line between the northeast quarter and the south east quarterof the south west quarter of section seventeen, in town ship twenty e-Ig:fit north, of range twenty one west, to an intervection with the south side of Fourteenth Street; thence south -seventy six degrees eleven minutes west to an intersection with the west side of Second Avenue East- thence north thirteen degrees forty nine min- utes west to an intersection with the subdivision -al line between the north half and south. if of the fi�outh west quarter of s i d cti-On seventeen4 thence west 91ong the ss,id. subdivisional line to the south west corner of the north west quarter of the south esist quarter of section eighteen, said township tand range; thence north to the center line of TE'leventh Street; thence south seventy six degrees eleven minutes west to an intersection ivith the center line of 'Eighth Alley Viest; thence north thirteen degrees forty nine mllnutes -nest along the center line of said aliey to -Ghe center of biock ten of high School Addition to lklispell; thence south, seventy six degrees eleven mina tes west, one hundred eighty three feet* P thence -north thirteen degrees forty nine minutes west to. -Gfte center line of Fighth Street; t1jence e-,outh seventy six degrees eleven minutes west one hun- dred P,* 0 �,reeM s foTtY nine ina lehty three feet, thence north thirteen deP one hundred eighty -three feetg - thence south thirteen de- utes west, greee forty nine mi=Atez west to the center liae of 'Eleventh ,avenue, Idest; thence north. thirteen degrees forty nine minutes west, one hunlp* dred eighty- three feet, thence north seventy six degrees eleven min- utes en,st to an intersection with the subdiviqional line between the east half and the west half of -the south west quarter of said section eighteen; thence riorth 91ong said subdivisionval. line to an intersect- ion with the south line produced of lot ten of block one hundred forty eight; IV -hence north seventy six degreep eleven minutes east to the center of block orie hundred forty eight; thence north thirteen de. green forty nine minutes west threehundred sixty six feet; thence north seventy six degrees elev'en minutes east to an intersection with the cent line 'orodueed of Third Alley 'Me at; thence north thirteen degre,E)s forty n-Ine minutes west, one thoust.inel ninety eight feet; thence no "�ie center of block rth seventy six degrees eleven minutes east 't o 42 1. two hundred thirty -'our� -thence north thl'-fteen degrees forty nine minutes west, two hundred feet- thence north seventy siz degrees eleven minutes east, three hundred ninety feet; thence south thirteen degrees forty nine minutes east two hun,-ired feet, �O the center to �he center of block two hundred twenty seven; thence north seventy six degrees eleven minutes to an intersection with the City limits; trance south forty degrees thirty seven minutes east, three hundred nineteen avCid tive tenths feet� thence south eigrhty four degrees four minutes t eas,t to an intersection with the center line produced of Fo,,.Arth Alley East North,, thence south thirteen degre' es forty nine minutes east to the north side of California S-treet; thence north severi� b degrees eleven minutes east to the place of beginning- excepti,"ng Lhe fo_Llowing described trractt3 to-wite Tract 1. M.ha t Portion of the right of way of the Great Northern Railway Company lying between First All ey 21-1 s t and Fourth Alley Tract 2. That portion of the right of way Of the Great Northern Railway Company lying between Fir'.0 1t Alley �'jest and Fifth Alley West; Tract That port.1r.)n of .the, right of wad Northern Flailway Company lying between Sixth All West and the subdivisional 1.1ne between the efzist hnl:r and the, west half of the sou "[.1h.west quarter of section seven in township twenty eight north of rugs twenty one westa Tract 4 Beginiiing at the inter- sect'lon of the solath. side of '.Rourth Street with the center line of 1.3'econd All. East; !Vhence proceeding west Rion the south side of Fourth Street to an iPtersection with the center line of First Alley Wezt� thence north along the center line of said ITirst All West to a point fifty feet north of the south side of the right of way of the Oreat Northern Railway Company 'thence east parallel to said south side of said right of way to an intersection with the center line Produced of Second Alley East; thence south to Lhe place of beginning, Section 3. That the general character of the improvements to be rnR.de in said proposed special improvement lighting district in procuring snd erecting of so lam I 011ows to -wit; the I posts, wire lamps and other suitable and necessary qppliances, for the purpose of lightinp those parts of the avenues, streets and public highways of the Clity of ispell hereinbefore describedw Section 4,, That an approximate estlynate of the cost of the improvements to be Y.riade -is the sum of fourteen thousand fl-Ve hundred oliars and sn approximate estimate of the cost of maintain- ing the lights In the proposed district rind. supplying elec-t-.Xical , current therefor for the first year is th-e sum of eleven thousand nine hundred dollars and three fourths of the cost in each ease shall be asmesf_-�ed ag;q_ inst the property embraced within the district abutting upon some 1-,)ortiori of the parts of 'the avenues, streets, and Plibljo hurthways withIn such d�strlct to be, 2.1ghted- every parcel of Ifind so abutting to be 99sessed 2*n the proportion which the street frontvge of such parcel of IsArid bears to the street Prontage of the endue district to be lighted, S e t ird. day of Decembev 1017, at A oil Tha t on "the th tile Couylcll Cy jnmber.s. in the City Ell 0-0 tj,e Cit,y of Kalispell, t seven -thirty o'clock p*m*$ ;R regular meeting, the City Council will hear -and pt�ss up _,on all protests that may be made age the making 4.11 Of such im.provernents or the creation of such district. Section The CIty Clerk is hereby -authorized and di- Ye,cted to Eive the proper notice of the pta-ssage of this resolution by Publ i cs ti on and me i I ing as eQua red by larl, such publi cS Uzi LU be made In Ill:,he Kalispell Times a weekly newen ir the I ,ctper published I City, of Kalispell Passed November f�th 1917o Approved November 5th 1917 R. pa-Ulaxle.; Ma Y or , R, Et Rollins$ City Clerk, StEite, Of Montvtne- County of Flathead SS City of Yglispell it RO E, Roliins; City Clerk of the City, of Kali s-oe2l, Yontanu do her cent that 11;he forego.Ing is a full, tr-ue and exac"Z, copy of a ResoliAti on passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Ali spell, Montana, on the 5th day of November 1917. eraber 1917, Witness my hand this the 16th day of Nov-Mo City Clerk