Resolution 644 - Resolution of Intent - SID 174i,iEsom t2 i off' iio� 644
Section 1. That it -1,s the inten"Gion of the City Council
of the it of Kallspell 'to crertte a IS peciql Improvemen."L. Diotr-lct,
hereby designated as Special Improvement District 'No. 174, and the
bolandries of said proposed special improvement district are here -by
de,cla-red to be ns follows;:, begInning at the center of blocIc 4. of
Montana whence proceeding so orlp gin9,1 towns)'te of Kalisello I C
south along the center line of Second Alley East Northq to the in-
teirsection with the center line of Idaho Street; thence west along
the center line of Idaho Street to an intersection with. -n center
line of First Avenue El:�,qt 11orth; thence south along the center line
of First Avenue 11,Dast Nor*i.549 feet, thence west along thesouth
side of lot 6 p-roduced of block 2to 'the, center of block 26- tie
thence north along the center 1.1ne of First Alley, West- I�orth to an
interse.ctlon with the center line of 11ontans Street; thence east
along the center line of Montana Street to gn intersection with
the center line of First Alley at Nlorth; thence along the cen-
ter line of said First 'First Alley East 114orth to an intersection
wit'n the comer line of Id-sho Stveet� t'hence west Tilonrp the center
line of Idnho Street tavn intersection with the center line of
First Alley West 11iorth; thence north along the, center line of
Firs Alley West 11TOrth -to the, center of clock 6 thence east -Lo the
-place of beginning,
Section 20 -Lhqt she general ch-aracter of the improveye ents
4 7 'r C 01-
Uo bes made in said proposed Speci�xl lm,�,)rovement list i t la as f
lows, to -wit*,, Constv, ws
VICtion of concre4-e 01.0ss W-alks r +
On the north side of the intersection of ITD:In anc.1 Idaho Streets,,
10 n th e S ) ou th s, I d e o if t).e, j n t e,,r s e c,,t, i on o f '11,� .1 n a n T,[ n ta na G t r 0 e t 6
Acrose the alley
Acroscs the alley on 1.-.rie north side of ulock 2
on she �,,outh side of block the nogh ani west s1des of the.
Int,er,section of Idaho and Firslk-, Avenue 'Ev,�st 11�orth. On the west
side of the intersection 010. Yont*1111* Street and 12yrst Avenue E."RIst
11", 0 -&,-, t I 1 1;
Section 2, Thagt. the apprloxilnS',te CO St Of id
is Vr/0".00 -and "qo.00 enginepring, expense.
she, ent-ire cost R-nd ex�?ense, Of slch im-&
,cilection 4. T Ti a t
provements, including street and alley -intersections, shall be asm
messed against the entire rldstricteach lot or parcel of 1TAnd
wi th. i n su ch d. i s tri c t to b A, s s so s s ed I- or that pwr t o f the whol e cost
which its area berars to the rarea o-.,L' the enredistrict exclt-�slve
of streets, alleys and public places,
sects hat sa i d assessment sli a 1, 1 b e p,*, i d for I n
two equal -annual installments hereby extended over a period of two
years. Said assessment shall . cors stitlute a fund �o be now
as Special Improvement DJs-trict Fund No. 174.
Secti on 6. ha t s a i c4o. i rap r o v eTments sh911 be p�iid scar
Specl,al lmoo rove-ment 'District Coupon W9,rr.*-,ants issued, ag-qinst said
%,.: -ring interest at 6 per cent
district in the sum of eac�fi ben,
per annum frora, the date of regietration until called for rede4
or paid in full, interest ion yable annucilly on the firs� dBy of kTan-
uary of each year, payable two years from date and redeeiftabl,e at any
ime there are funds to the crredit of such. Tmprove,U.,ilent District Fund
nera .ilable tdherefor; thtclrest coupons at�!.-4ched to such warrants
to bear -he fac-sim*le sig I gnq4-vres of the Thaiyor and Clerk,
section 7, That on the 7th day of -Tvinuary 1918, at 'the
Council Ch-ambers in the City Hall of the City of Kali ell. IhIontaria,
4 P
at 7:3o o'clock P., M*$. a regulfir neetlng, the City Council will
hear Rnd PA 4S tipon all protests thn-,t racy be rule agsinst the nnaking
of c,.�uch j,mprove-nients or the creation of dislErlict,
Section 8* The 0i"4.,Y Clerk is hereby �:�uthorlzed and di-
rected to give the propert notice of the p�,ssssge of this resolution
by ptiblicRtion and mRiling as required by IR-w, such p-ubllcation to
be made in the K,alispeil Times, a weekly newspaper published in the
City of Kalispell,
Pesed December 3rd 19170,
Approved Decr,.,,,Tnbe'r 3rd 191t,7.
R, Paulinev Ma Y or ,
R. E. Rollins, Citv Clerk.
State of j1dontana
Countv of Flathead
Cit,,v of Kalispell
1$ R. Rollins, City- Clerk of the City
o ?�ereby certify that tT roregoing, 9
Egalispellt 'Eontana t
� 4 , - - - A 3
r I I 0�� n. 11 ?1 "z im f e i , T ^ -P 'n, n *1 ,� 4-
t-be City Council of the City of Kolispell, .'Liantana, on :the 3rd
dfay of December 1,93-7.
Witness my hand this the 8th daft of -7),ecember
City Clerk.