Resolution 651 - SID 175Resolution 651 RESOUTION CREATIUG SPEC"dIAL 111PR0VMEWT DISTRICT NO, 3-7r,* BE IT RESOILVED BY T-T-TE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Y.ALISPEIJLMONTiM AITA section 10 That Spec Impro:veynent Dallsctrict No,, 175 is hereby created for the purpose: of the conatru'ctlon of a twelve J noh sanitary sewer wi t.a one lamp hole and one. man hole and the necessary tancea, commencing at the-inters-ection of the cen- ter line, of '.Phlrd Avenue West with the center line of 1.1rontana Street* whence proceeding north along the center line :of Third Avenue West to an intersectionwith the center line of Idaho Street-, thence west RElong the center line of Idaho Street to an interseation with the center line of Fourth Avenue West,, thence south. clang-. the center line of Fourth Avenue Vv'est to an intersection with the center line of Montana Street., thence easterly to the plac of beginning, S e C t J On 2 That said distri,ot is created subject to all the terms and conditions specified in Resolution No,, 649 entitled Stri Ct Resolution of Intention to create Special Improvement . 7)' I N 0 17 15 adopted �„ay 6tii 1918s to which reference Is hereby made for, further particulars, Pa S S ed U n e Ird 9 118 Approved June 3rd 1918t, Pa Pauline* mayor. 11 RV Eq Rollins* City Clerk,, State of Montana County of 1111athead SS City of f l E, Rollins, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montans, do hereby certify that the foregolng is a full., true and exact copy od a Resolution passed and approved by the City Council, of the City of XRIispell, 3"Jontans, on the 3rd day of June, 1918. Witness my hand this the 13th day of June 19180 A/ - CC City Clerk,