Resolution 652 - Tax Levy4 2 �
Fi e s o. J,J. IC� I o n IT cw
making the Anm�gil Trnx Levy flor the, CilLy of
4'r o
Kna 11 S.-n e I I I
Be i.,,- by the City COU"10,11 ryf the city Of Kalis-
s 's -
That- De, 1(?,vi O-d Oyl fmch and. every el othe a
I i, za t a on o t P e I I
to roperty in Ci.z-A'v of P'�t""Iisjj'
year 1.918, +'(je followin-c- -,.'A mo,' n t a,,
-P o r tTi e, w
on t a na I V C
G e ra 1 a n d d m i n 1 9 t rfa, t J.Ve' gu r o C,s e, s
4. 1/2
Street and Road purposes
GAF p iter jl.ifizht 'Fund
1, igh t F,U n d
P a r X 2ai Y i d
elm P
1, j. b ra, ry Yung.
X 1:re Protection Fund
water Pond interest Fund
Bond Inte-res-t Funel
�,'j �3 te-c Dond 75:1 A n d
Sewer Bon(i '�.irikinrg Fii nd
Total levy for all p)lr,)(-,)ses �ibove z7aentioned,
19- 0
cl. o p't- P�pl th th e nd d,,a y o f ep t emb er I sa
A.pproved this t�ie 2nd. d�iy of, 11""ej.)tember 19 1
Ra T., Ylollinq, Uity
state of !Aorltafm
Cloi,mty of F),-at'.head ss
City of K'aliespe-11
1, R. E,, Rollins, Merk of 1-ohe
City, of
iepell, Montana, .10 he.-reby certify t1l.e Gin� WJ
t-rue ranrl ex-a4ct corrl 0"'. q 'Resollition oa'."Sed and %110proveld
j J,
by "i ty
t'hie %C
Councl, OIL tile, ity of spell I.Tontsm,,A, on '21nd
day of Sep-
ternber '11918.
itr.CS�7 MY 119,TIrl t! j S h" 10 t1l
dRy Of Sej)-
........ .... . . .... . ....... . ....... .
City Clerk