Resolution 640 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 1Resolution No. 640 A RESOLUTION THE COST 0E-1_J1G1-'1'T1'VG SPEIDTAL LIGHTU�vG DISTRICT NMiB1J'R ONE OF THE CITY. OF KALISPML,, FOR THE YEAR 1917, AND LEVYING AND ASSESSING ALL THE PROPERTY WITHIN SkID DISTRICT WITH THE COST OP LIG11TINTG SAID DISTRI C T BE IT MSOLVED BY THE CITY COLANL OF THE C1'7Y OF YUJ,,1SPZLL., v Section 1. The cost of lighting Lighting District Nwnber One of the City of Kalispell for the year 1917 is estimated to be:$806.,40,0 Section 2,, A tax is bereky levied and assessed upon all property in said lighting district for the arnount of the estimated cost of lighting the street therein apportioning to the several lots and parcels of .and within the said district as 41 followso to-wits Block Lot Assessmen't Own e 37 7 8*40 Frederick Redeker 8 3,*40 Frederick Redeker 9 8o40 Frederick Redeker 10 8*40 -Sarah E. Hyde 13. 9 o,4 C Sarah B. Hyde 12 8o40 Alica A. Adams 1z 8*40 Kalis-pell Mercantile Ccajpany 14 8*40 Kalispell 111,ereaxitile Ccu.pany 15 8940 Kalispell ITercantile nisi pan 16 8*40 Kalispell klercantile Coinpany 17 8*40 First National Bank 18 8a40 First National Bank 19 8*40 Filsst National Bank .44 7 8*40 First 'National Bank 8 8*40 First National Bank 9 8tO W.R,Twining and E.C,Knight-1/2 each 10 8940 Robert 1% Goshorn 11 8* 40 Frank D. Stoop- 12 8*40 Robert Pauline 13 8,o40 �',.,obert Pauline 14 8,040 Otto P. J. Mosby 15 4*20 Otto P.J.YodbS-1/2 15 4,o2O Northern Idaho and AfTont. P. CO-11-1/2 16 8,j40 Northern Idano and lont P40 COO 17 8*40 Win if ted Tr Aay is 8$40 Winif red Treml)lay 57 7 8.40 United States a 8o40 United States 9 8s40 United States 10 8*40 United States 6 011 -111�3 Block 45 56 65 3b 46 55 M Lot Assessment Owner 24 8v40 W.C,Sivyer 1.3 8*40 Masonic Temple Ccripany 14 8*40 Masonic Temple Ccmipany 15 8*40 W'.R.Twi).,ii'ng and B.C.Knight i6 8040 John J. Frohlicher 1.7 aiw4o Karcher and Durall 18 8*40 Henry Noil and Joseph IV. 1. .'arto 19 6*40 Wm, Calbick 20 8*40 G.H,,Adams 21 8*40 G,,H.Adams 22 8,o40 Alicia D, Cenrad 23 7o3U W. N. Nof f's inner E�441 and W-78t 2.3 1*10 A.D.Conrad V-18t 2,4 7 1W 30 W.N.Noffsinger Em-441 and W-7V 24 1010 A. D. Con racr U-18 13 8*40 BOP.O.Elks Temple kzzns 14 8s4O B.SAC �O.Blkram` Temple As,,-m, 15 8*40 B.P.O.Elks Temple Assn. 16 8.40 Hannah Marsden 17 8*40 Nora K. Sherman 18 8*40 Sallie Page Nelson 19 8*40 Kalispell Tovinsite Company 20 8.*40 First National Bank 21 8*40 Emma Y. Pose 22 8*40 Wm. C. Whipps 23 8*40 WM. C. Whipps 24 3440 Wm. C. WhIpps 1 8*40 First N,,,ticnal Bank 2 8*40 First National Bank 3 8*40 First National Bank 3040 Stenar A. Haugen 5 8.40 Rudolph W. Schima,el 6 8*40 Mrs. Annie Walker 7 8*40 Thorvold A. Noppang 8 8*40 Thcrvald A. Koppang "9 SIS40 Judson Sawyer 10 8*40 McIntosh Hardware Company 11 8*40 McIntosh Hardware Coi.Vpany 12 8*40 McIntosh Hard. ware Company 1 8*40 Ida 11. Rudolph, Edward�.'- G, Ellis and Mathilda Eli is 2 8*40 Ida Y. Rudo1ph, Edward,: G. Ellis and Yathilda Ellis 3 8*40 W, F. Hal I i day 4 8,*40 W.F.Mulimey 5 8*40 Miary T. Morris and Irving W. LindlEdr 6 8*40 Julius Fischer H.H.Howeley Agt i 7 B40 Julius Fischer R.H.Howsley Ant a .8040 Heys ry Bierman . 9 840 ,o Grace 141. Nelson ME.Webster Agt, 10 8*40 August Heller 11 8,,40 Robt.,, Russell 12 ;* 840 Robt, Russell 1 8*40 Conrad National Bank 2 8*40 Conrad 1�ationa1 Bank 3 8*40 Ccnrad National Bank 4 8*40 John H.O'Connell 5 8*40 John H. O$Coniiell 6 8040 John 1:�,, Listle 7 8#40 W.R'.Twining and E.C.I(nightal/2 eof'-Ch 8*40 E.B. Conrad Estate 8*40 C.B.Conrad Estate 10 8a4C C.B.Conn ad Estate 11 8*40 0.10. Conrad Estate 12 8*40 C.2.Conrad Estate 1 8o40 First National Bank 2 8*40 First '!,atiofial Bank