07/10/97 Site Review SummarySITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, July 10,1997 10:00 a.m. - PECDD Conference Room ATTENDING: Ad Clark, Police Chief Ross Plambeck, Chairman Larry Gallagher, PECDD Director Ted Waggener, Fire Chief Jim Hansi, Public Works Director John Wilson, Assistant City Engineer Diana Harrison, Zoning Administrator Narda Wilson, FRDO Craig Kerzman, Building Official Debbie Woodham, PECDD Secretary The committee reviewed, discussed, and recommended the following: 1. Subdivision of Haven Field. Diana and Narda met with Outlaw Inn representatives regarding subdivision of Haven Field. Under the Development Agreement, no portion of the property can be sold until the entire parcel is developed. If subdivision is requested, conditions and covenants can be required for cross -easements, architectural compatibility, and common landscape themes to help facilitate the individual development. 2. Glacier Tennis Facility. A meeting with City staff and Glacier Tennis Facility representatives has been scheduled for Friday, July 11, 1997. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the conditions of the CUP and whether the current plans meet the requirements set forth in the CUP. The SDRC discussed Condition No. 9 which states: "That the building should be constructed with an exterior finish similar to that of the Summit Complex and there shall be adequate landscaping along Windward Way and Sunnyview Drive." SDRC members agreed that the proposed plans do not meet requirements in Condition No. 9 which states that the exterior finish of the building be similar to that of the Summit. Ross will prepare a Memo to Clarence with the SDRC's recommendation. 3. Closure of 2"d Ave W.N. from Montana Street to the Railroad Tracks. In the Development Agreement between the Kalispell Center Limited Partnership and Equity Supply, it calls for the abandonment of 2"d Ave W.N. from Montana Street to the railroad tracks. The City has received a request to close, abandon and vacate this portion of 2nd Ave W.N. with the understanding the City will maintain any and all necessary utility easements. Public Works requires a 20' easement over any existing water, sewer, or storm drain, line. When a street is abandoned it goes to the owners on both sides of the street. Equity owns all of the property on both sides of this section of 2' Ave W.N. 4. Buffalo Stage - Phase Ill. The CUP for Buffalo Stage includes a requirements that Bruyer Way be relocated when Phase Ill is started so that access to the lots that run along Whitefish Stage Road will be off of Bruyer Way. Narda has received a request from Tom Sands that the road plan be left the way it is with access to these lots directly off of Whitefish Stage Road. Condition #17 of the Preliminary Plat, dated May 13, 1992, states "That Bruyer Way be extended eastward to follow the easterly lines of lots 78-82 and lots 127-129. This roadway Site Development Review Committee Summary July 10, 1997 Page Two alignment is necessary to.facilitate the efficient platting (in the future) of the narrow strip of land adjoining Whitefish Stage Road. This requirement is intended to prevent the need for driveway approaches onto the county road from that narrow piece of property." .This request will come before the County Commissioners on July 28, 1997. Narda will recommend to the County Commissioners that they allow for a temporary permit for driveway access onto Whitefish Stage Road until Buffalo Stage Phase III is developed and Bruyer Way is constructed. She will also recommend that the developer put in dry sewer and provide 30' assess easement along the west boundary of the lots along Whitefish Stage Road. 5. Distribution of Signed Documents. Committee members stated that they are still not receiving signed copies of documents from the City Council. Applicants are also not being sent copies of approved requests.