Resolution 636 - Changes Boundaries of Section 2, Sprinkling DistrictR 0 s 0.1 U t I on 0 6;6 A RESOLUTION CH-AJJ1G1hG T11.141, 13OUITDRIES OF SECT101-�' TWO OF ThE SPRIIN4,E,.- .T I v DISTRICT. BE IT RESOLVIEM BY 'f.1_,1'E CITY COU11"C111 OF THE CITY' 0111 KALI SaIIRLL That the. bound,rn',-ev of "'.7ection Two of the Siprinkling T)istrJct, b'Lhey are hereby extended to incl%ode Fifth Ykvtza enue Ecist from, Seoond Street zo FiJ."th Street Egst. Passed hi's the 4-th day of JT-une 1017 by the 1". iyor Approve,(� this the 4th day of Ju1917, 'R. Pauline, o r Tl ns e'rk State Of Countv of 1-11athead SS 0.1ty of Knalispell 1, R. _1,1. Roll -ins, City Cj..P,-rk o-r the City of K1:32,ispell Montam I do hereby certify that the -rore. going, is s full, true and exact copy of -a resol.vti,on pass e(j qnd approved by the City r,oiincil of the City of Jh"Ir ��r r .1. � I i. sp e o n t a n wa the, 4th dqy of 0"une 1917, �d of 'U'le 192-7, Witness my, hand this, the 8-th clay City Clerke