Notice of Public Hearing,. , - , ..v... ...........,...... t Lz,.J)-1.JW-IV;rV r. VVL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON CREATION OF KALISPELL CITY AIRPORTIATHLETIC COMPLEX REDEVELOPMENT PLAN (AN URBAN RENEWAL FLAN) TO PROVIDE FOR THE REHABILITATION, REDEVELOPMENT OR COMBINATION THEREOF WITHIN THAT CERTAIN AREA OF .PROPERTY DESCRIBED HERRIN. A Public Hearing will be meld by the Kalispell City Council on Monday, the 17th day of ,Tune, 1996, at the regularly scheduled Council Meeting in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Uispell, Montana, said meeting to begin at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of said Public Hearing is to hear public comment on a proposal to create an Airport/Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan including therein certain real property described herein. On the 15th day of April, 1996, the City Council of the City of Kalispell passed Resolution No. 4256 entitled "A, RESOLUTION FINDING THAT AN AREA OF BLIGHT EXISTS WITHIN THE AREA OF THE KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT/ATHLETIC COMPLEX REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ANALYSIS AND THAT REHABILITATION, REDEVELOPMENT OR A COMBINATION THEREOF, WITHIN SUCH AREA IS NECESSARY IN THE INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY, MORALS OR WELFARE OF THE RESIDENTS OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL." The Resolution of Intention was considered by the Kalispell City - County Plannning Board on the 14th clay of May, 1996, pursuant to a public service announcement published in the Daily Inter Lake ou the I st day of May, 1996, 7be Kalispell City Airport/Athletic, Complex Redevelopment Plan was prepared by the Planning, Economic, and Community Development Department, with, the aid of the Airport Advisory Board, professional consultants, and with the support of local government officials' and citizens. Redevelopment goals are to minimize hazards to navigation, develop the airport in accordance with an airport layout plan, increase development opportunntim on nearby properties, promote compatible land uses in and around the airport, establish funding mechanisms for airport operations, and establish a priority schedule for Plan implementation, The Council considers that the proposed Airport/Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan shall contribute significantly to the goals established. The proposed redevelopment area is bourdied generally by starting at the intersection of Twelfth Street West and U.S. Highway 93 South, then south along U.S. Highway 93 South to 18th Street West„ then east to 'Third Avenue East, then south to the City limits boundary, then west following the southern City limits boundary to Ashley Creek, then north following Ashley Creek to the northwest corner of Begg Park, then following the western City limits bourolary to the south west corner of properties owned by Flathead County School District #5, then north to Twelfth Street West, then east to the point of beginning. For purposes of this Redevelopment Plan, {City owned land lying adjacent to U.S. highway 93 and occupied by the Haven Ballftelds and Lion's Park is considered to be a part of the airport property. That at said Public Hearing any resident of the City of Kalispell may appear in person, or an authorized agent, and furnish orally, or in writing, conunnents supporting or opposing the proposed adoption of the Airport/Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan; prior to said hearing any person may submit written comments supporting or opposing the adoption of the proposed plan by delivering same to the City Clerk of Council prior to the commencement of said Public Hearing. Following said Public Hearing and upon receipt of comments from the Kalispell City -County Planning Board, the Kalispell City Council will take appropriate action adopting, modifying, or rejecting the Airport/Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan. _ Clerk of Counci Publish: May 29, 1996 June 4, 1996