Resolution 622 - Assessment - Curbs & SidewalksIW; SQLIJT ION NO 4 nv- P !k LEVYING ASSI�SSING TIU1 COSTS 01" C0-1,TS)]11,`RUGTING COITCRP'T] SI' E'iVkLKS A3�1) CWIBS III' THE CIT'Y OF KALISPIML, D'I `R TIM PROVISIWTS OF ORDIN2)101.', NUn"ER 2880 FOR DO'N'T10"TA 11',TD11j. Y1.0jAR 1915 and 19 16 V,.;-"D 303Y TILE] CITY' COM"CIl", OF THIE' CITY Ki-�LISPELLo BE IT R'E.,,)OL Seetion 1. An asseesment c,,-;,Ind tax is hey levied and azsesbe�-' ago,inst eac.ri lot orl parcel 01, land kiere- inafte,r desoribed te defray the costs of 19 i d env al k s an d caTbe cOnstructed i'nf-ront1:,.,..,..-f each of said 1 60 or 1p.,;-�Ircei of land res.pecti,,rcly, such assessment and tax bein,g s-,,,,iread over a �,eriod of' five years, and the of the oviner, t . he tot -al amount of' Lhe ae�se�c-sment and Lax ei,nd the amount cf ea-ch ktrinuz;d p,�3Lyrpent "beiintz, set opposite the des- cription of the property �.,Ls fcllovrs, to -wit., Seotion 2, 1915 -1916 Block Lot ssnl I t An nual Owner Orig U 90,08 18io 01 Flathead County 2 It . 18088 3 J# 18488 4 It 18,88 5 it lat 88 6 it 90608 18,01 0 2 18, 02 18.02 30-77 43o 77 3178 3.78 3178 3* 77 3o77 3s78 3o78 3e77 3,77 3.78 3.78 ;5. 78 3o 77 34,77 3478 '18,101 Flathead Ocunty Flat -head Ccunty 1411�..,,thead County Fl�j,the,Eid Count' Flathead County Annual Block Lot Own e r 191 6 90408 18.01 Flathead Coun%r 17 41 84*15 16&93 PIhead County 16 41 83 16,83 16,83 a 18088 3o77 Flt.�thead. County 3,1177 3,78 3078 9. 18038 3 *77 I'L3, the County 3.77 3o78 3.78 3*78 10 18.88 So, 77 F I a Llh e.ad Ccunty 3* 77 3,78 3*78 3t 78 11 18188. 3o77 Flathea.d County 3.77 3078 -3. 78 12 84*15 16.83 Flathead County 16183 16, 1 83 83 83 Section 2. The f ivz­t pa�-ment v*hall becoraqe de.- l I i ' , thirtiet-1). day, c-f IT�.Nvember inquent LA five o'clock P. LT ., on W 1916, and each aninual payment shall become delinquent each yeca,lr cry. Navemlber 30th at 0clock P. Y. an(� eac.h payment sha-11. bear inte.-.rest �,_'L the of six per cent per annum. frcm. +.Ij,.e date of' `Lhe, zF-,,istr�,Aicr cf tb,i.-,i, 'warrant iz,,sued for the work for which the payment is "U-c 'be -tc t1ie final adopticn ,eCLLion 3, Objecticne of '.'.his veso]Luticn will 'be heard 'b�r the (..'cuncil C­-A T,,Qeet- 1, in,,.,,, thereof tc I�e, 'AelJ. at trie Ccunoil Charribers in t'I'le Gj-,-Oy of Kali sp,,:)11, on the day of,/ 1.916 at O'clock P. T P d ,p p r ev e d .. ....... Mayo r 7 Finally adcpted Fine.11y approved 1916 ST,i�'Pi'�'j 01' 1 OITT, 11TA COU*17= 01' PLXPI-1]� D( SS CITY' 011" KLIJI`-DIPELL ) Mayor City Clerk Ho 'E. IR"ollins , C i ty 01 er,'k of' the Ci-Ly cf-' Kalispell, M`cnt,,..-,n dc hu-�,: eby e tify th<,.:it the 10re- 1s A. full, true any exact copy of a. res-blw,ion &(�opted by the Cit�r Ccuncil, of' the City of Kz,,lispell,, 1..-Tontwm:�,, On the day o ZZ/1--f" 19 16 Dated t' iis tkie day of 1916* I fA City Clerk