Thursday, P* 10,1"7
10:00 a.m. - PECDO Conference Room
Ad Clark, Police Chief Ross Plambeck, Chairman
Larry Gallagher, PECDD Director Ted Waggener, Hire Chief
Jim Hansz, Public Works Director John Wilson, Assistant City Engineer
Diana Harrison, Zoning Administrator Narda Wilson, FRDO
Craig Kerzman, Building Official Debbie Woodham, PECDD Secretary
The committee reviewed, discussed, and recommended the following:
1. Subdivision of Haven Field. Diana and Narda met with Outlaw Inn representatives
regarding subdivision of Haven Field. Under the Development Agreement, no portion of the
property can be sold until the entire parcel is developed. If subdivision is requested,
conditions and covenants can be required for cross -easements, architectural compatibility, and
common landscape themes to help facilitate the individual development.
2. Glacier Tennis Facility. A meeting with City staff and Glacier Tennis Facility
representatives has been scheduled for Friday, July 11, 1997. The purpose of the meeting is
to discuss the conditions of the CUP and whether the current plans meet the requirements set
forth in the CUP. The SDRC discussed Condition No. 9 which states: "That the building
should be constructed with an exterior finish similar to that of the Summit Complex and there
shall be adequate landscaping along Windward Way and Sunnyview Drive." SDRC members
agreed that the proposed plans do not meet requirements in Condition No. 9 which states that
the exterior finish of the building be similar to that of the Summit. Ross will prepare a Memo
to Clarence with the SDRC's recommendation.
3. Closure of 2"d Ave W.N. from Montana Street to the Railroad Tracks. In the
Development Agreement between the Kalispell Center limited Partnership and Equity Supply,
it calls for the abandonment of 2"d Ave W.N. from Montana Street to the railroad tracks. The
City has received a request to close, abandon and vacate this portion of 2"d Ave W.N. with the
understanding the City will maintain any and all necessary utility easements. Public Works
requires a 20' easement over any existing water, sewer, or storm drain, line. When a street is
abandoned it goes to the owners on both sides of the street. Equity owns all of the property
on both sides of this section of 2"d Ave W.N.
4. Buffalo Stage - Phase Ill. The CUP for Buffalo Stage includes a requirements that Bruyer
Way be relocated when Phase Ill is started so that access to the lots that run along Whitefish
Stage Road will be off of Bruyer Way. Narda has received a request from Tom Sands that the
road plan be left the way it is with access to these lots directly off of Whitefish Stage Road.
Condition #17 of the Preliminary Plat, dated May 13, 1992, states "That Bruyer Way be
extended eastward to follow the easterly lines of lots 78-82 and lots 127-129. This roadway
Site Development Review Committee Summary
July 100, 1997
Page Two
alignment is necessary to.facilitate the efficient platting (in the future) of the narrow strip of
land adjoining Whitefish Stage Road. This requirement is intended to prevent the need for
driveway approaches onto the county road from that narrow piece of property." .This request
will come before the County Commissioners on July 28, 1997. Narda will recommend to the
County Commissioners that they allow for a temporary permit for driveway access onto
Whitefish Stage Road until Buffalo Stage Phase III is developed and Bruyer Way is
constructed. She will also recommend that the developer put in dry sewer and provide 30'
assess easement along the west boundary of the lots along Whitefish Stage Road.
S. Distribution of Signed Documents. Committee members stated that they are still not
receiving signed copies of documents from the City Council. Applicants are also not being
sent copies of approved requests.
Thursday, Septmitw 1111967
10:00 a.m. - PECDD Conference Room
I1wi1:[1 1ZleT
Larry Gallagher, PECDD Director Ross Plambeck. Chairman
Paul Hahn, Poke Department Ted Waggener, Fire Chief
Jim Hansz, Public Works Director John Wfson, Assistant City Engineer
Diana Harrison, toning Administrator Narda Wilson, FRDO
Craig Kerzman, Building Official Debbie Woodham, PECDD Secretary
The committee reviewed, discussed, and recommended the following:
1. Zone Change - Meridian & 2 Mlle. The property is located on the northwest comer of
Meridian and 2 Mile Drive. The North Meridian Neighborhood Plan designates the east 2/3
of this property as B1 and the western 1/3 as high density residential. The zone change
request is for the eastern 2/3 of the property to change it from B1 to B3. It was suggested
that parking be limited only to the area being rezoned and sidewalks be put in along
Glenwood and 2 Mile. When plans are submitted for development of the property, they must
include engineered drainage plans.
2. Whitefish Stage Professional Park - Phase i Final Plat Final plat cannot be approved
until the following have been -completed: The parking lot and driveway must be up to final
grade ready for paving for emergency access vehicles and the fire hydrants must be installed
as the buildings will not be sprinkled. There must be a 10' reservation of ROW for future
expansion of Whitefish Stage Road.
3. Buffalo Stage Phase I - Preliminary Plat 12 lots originally designated for townhouse
units are being replatted for single family homes. RA1 zoning requires 60' minimum lot
widths. Lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 don't meet this minimum. Developer has submitted a
variance request. Committee members would be supportive of the variance request. In the
final plat, it must affirm that the utility easements are firmly in effect.
4. Tire Rama - i' Ave East & Hwy 93 South. The owner of the Tire Rama property
located at I" Ave East and Hwy 93 South has submitted a preliminary plat for a two lot
subdivision of the property. The property is zoned B2 which requires a 60' minimum lot
width. The subdivision only gives a 20' wide lot on 1" Ave East. The committee reviewed the
request and determined there were no physical constraints and were going to look at a
favorable interpretation of the zoning ordinance to permit the subdivision. Fire access is o.k.
An extension on the utilities may be required. A road and utility easement onto 1st Ave East
will be required.
5. Haven Field Development The developer for Haven Field has brought in new site
plans. It shows a bldg with 28,700 sq ft of retail with an additional potential of 12,000 sq ft of
office space to be located on the second floor. There are two other buildings shown on the
site plans. These plans are completely different from the plans submitted with the offer to
purchase Haven Field by the Outlaw Inn. The plans need to show access points on the east
side of 3rd Ave East and the realignment of 181' Street East. Elevations must be shown. The
plans also need to show the design of the reconstruction of Hwy 93 South. The developer
Site Development Review Committee Summary
September 11, 1997
Page Two
should contact Forsgren & Associates or John Wilson regarding the reconst action plans.
There needs to be more landscaping and berming buffer between the street and the parking
area. ti appears there is adequate parking for the amount of sq footage stated on the plans.
6. Hwy 93 South Reconstruction Update. City staff attended a meeting with MDOT on
Monday, September 8,1997, regarding the Hwy 93 South reconstructions. MDOT told the
City that they would have to pay for the signalized intersection at and Ave East and Hwy 93
South. The cost to the city wail be approximately $80,000. MDOT will provide underground
electrical connections and other infrastructure required for the traffic signal. A discussion
was also held regarding the bike path running along Hwy 93 South. The plans are calling for
a bike path on one side of the road and a sidewalk on the other side down to 4 Comers.
From 4 Comers to Ashley Creek there will be a striped bike path section on the side of the
7. Daley Field Proposals. The Kalispell Development Corporation and staff are making a
recommendation to the City Council to accept the proposal submitted by Rosauers
Supermarkets Inc. for the Daley Field site. Their offer is for approximately 5-1/2 acres. The
remaining parcels north and south of the Rosauers site will be sold either together or
separately as two individual parcels.
8. City Service Center. The developer has applied for a building permit for Phase ll. The
site plans submitted are not the ones approved with the CUP. The approved plans showed
curbing and driveways along and Ave East as well as a landscaping bled. 15 parking spaces
are required on the CUP. The canopy on the north side must be extended over the sidewalk
to the curb. Parking spaces that conflict with the canopy must be relocated.
9. Northwest Drywall. John Wilson researched USC standards and found that Northwest
Drywall is not required to install a backflow preventer in every dry system. They do need to
repair OS&Y values on the fire system. The fire system must meet standard tests.
Thursday, February 18, IM
10:00 a.m. - PECDD Conference Room
Clarence Krepps, City Manager Ross Plambedc, Chairman
Larry Gallagher, PECDD Director Ted Waggoner, Fire Chief
Jim Hansz, Public Works Director Narda Wilson, FRDO
Diana Harrison, Zoning Administrator Debbie Woodham, PECDD Secretary
Craig Kerzman, Building Official
The committee reviewed, discussed, and recommended the following:
1. Proposed Barber Shop - Td Ave West between Wheaton'9 and the Hearing Aid
Shop. A barber shop has been proposed for the 25' lot between Wheaton's and the Hearing
Aid Shop on 1" Ave West. The property is in a B4 zone which has no setback requirements.
It is located in the Downtown Parking District. Parking requirements are 1 space per 400 sq
ft of gross floor area. The proposed building would be 1560 sq ft with an apartment above.
A total of 6 parking spaces would be required. The 25' lot proposed for the barber shop is
not large enough to meet the parking requirements. The owners of Wheaton's and the
Hearing Aid Shop are willing to grant a cross -easement agreement for parking on their
property to the rear (west) of their businesses. Since Wheaton's and the Hearing Aid Shop
were existing businesses when the Downtown Parking District was established, they are
exempt from parking requirements. However, committee members are not sure whether
businesses in the Downtown Parking District are permitted to give away or allow someone
else to use the parking they do have when they themselves do not meet the parking
requirements. Glen will be asked to give an opinion. Diana will let the proposed owner know
that the committee is waiting for an opinion from Glen. She will also give him information
regarding requesting a variance.
2. Site Review Procedures. A discussion was held regarding Clarence's Memo to the City
Council regarding Site Review Procedures. All complete plans received by the City by
10:00 a.m. on Monday morning will be presented at the Site Review Meeting that week.
There is also an option for developers to schedule a pre -development meeting or attend the
Site Review Meeting when their project is discussed. Committee members agreed that it
would be helpful to have an informational letter prepared to send out and give to developers
and contractors who are submitting plans for review. Diana will prepare a checklist for plans
to be presented to the Site Review Committee.
3. Daley Field Utilities. As a follow up to the discussion at the last Site Review Meeting
regarding the City installing the utilities on Daley Field, Committee members agreed it was
important to have written confirmation of Rosauer's position on the utilities. Larry will speak
with Jerry Hagood. Lary was reminded to tell Mr. Hagood that if Rosauer's decides to install
the utilities, they must pay Davis Bacon wages.
Site Development Review Committee Summary
February 19, 1998
4. Haven Field Subdivision. Narda has had a pre -application meeting with a
representative for Mr. Dasen, the developer of Haven Field, regarding subdividing the Haven
Field property. Issues to be addressed in the subdivision include water and sewer, storm
drainage, approach permit from MDOT, cross easement agreements for ac om for Lot 2
which doesn't have direct access, parking, location of fire hydrants, sidewalks, traffic, etc.
Payment -in -lieu of tax information must be included in deeds resulting from the subdivision.
A discussion was also held regarding the Development Agreement between the City and
Mr. Dasen regarding subdividing and transfer of ownership.
S. Cardinal True Value - W. Center Street As a follow-up to the discussion held last
week regarding Cardinal True Value, committee members felt it was important to let
Mr. Hansen, the owner of Cardinal True Value, know that he has the option of an
administrative appeal on the Building Department's interpretation of the Building Code. Craig
will provide Clarence with a copy of the Board of Appeals procedure. Clarence will include
this information in his response to Mr. Haarr's inquiry on behalf of Mr. Hansen.