Resolution 623 - Assessment - SID 170]reso2vti on oe 3 A R,1_"s'S()LUT101T Ii. T'AX UPON ALL PIROPSIR TY lr'CLUT,122) .i. " Thl,,-,' CI TY OF KA141 SPELL TRI OT NO, 4 Ilo SPI'Clid. TIVIPROV'1�14MAT 17o 01 J U1111M�1]DEIVYII'G. " OFP2OFFTAJ, J) 7' T"I C T I A COINS"-".'('iTEID I "A I'D J 4.i I M11 ROVIF�]'.11- 1 T S -JfL!k1,'1'.A.1)1 A., Vi 1 11111., 1f.11E I i. 111_`SO D JT 1011 S AND ORD 11:� AINI! CE S OF '11TE CITY OF KALI SPI"Lla. ) I _e1., L) ZY Thil,", CITY C0111_Xll, OF Tl-fl.�, CITY 011' KAL- I SP El.,L 011 TAI -or'A V Section I TY.iereis Yierel)y levied, to defrsy t1le Costs exi 1 0 peyi,,:�es of improvetuents, m,,7ide and coartn.ict d Al in spec-IP21 Impv0van3�ent District 170 of t' e Cit3v 0"' in -accordP%nce tY'Le resolutions n,nd ordiri-nees of 'Csp_, d City, p. operty inclu� 1 in i L'r c tYie �gmount to be clm­)rged en-ch lot ov pareel thereof being opp6site the discription of tfie pro:oerty, and nsuae of the om,ner, 1.)s follows� to -wit* Ann u 71., 1 Block Lot k s. s ra t P Owner 1 0 ri 61, 36, 13 12.o5 C. 12.o4 f� 12.o4 v e,'r kiraan 03 L 0 0 3 4,1� .16 a6 C 1 e za en t- a n t e, t t e 4 4-/a 16 .06 .11ya" T rn, ra t e t t e $16 15. o6 Kt�'ispell. BIdg, Lwu,n Assi'4 0/. 6 45. 1, 6 lt�'* 06 Bldg. Lofan Assn, 5.0" 15.05 45.16 1. r" o6 Anylle, E, 'Robinpon,, 05 C) -Fu a J_ or 5.06 C 05 16 15 06 1 s s a c T o rin em, r7a lk- or 05 10 45 JC, 15, o6 I s, f� i T o Z21 e,�Naq.k er 15.05 0.5, 4-5-17 J. 15.06 25.o5 nu ",I: B1 1 q ok 10t A S St'l t t 0 vi n e r 8 12 ori g 45.*17 15. o6 vr4,-,,,jter 1j. Bf,-fjjy f *o6 0 4�. 17 '0 15 6 R E. --a r I. M, o n t L.: orm. e ry 15.o6 15 05 2 4. 17 ..15: o6 A n d r ew 0 %?Pn: 1 s t v, d I r, "'.06 c/o Alvilover n s 15.05 3 45.17 15.06 Ane-Irep 0. VIalstad 154,o6 C/o Alvin 1'1�,Iover 15*05 4 41� 4 17 .06 -ames Conlon 006 15 05 5 it 4`� '11-17 15 o6 0 -,,mes (',oTtilon i,�. o6 6 4�. 17 iv'. 0 6 'rai"zloxil on 0 - i e s C 1 7 45.17 15. 01� 06 K11' spell ev. coo 15.6 o6 15. or 4 15.06 rYlvid Varner 1 � . 06 o6 9 4.5017 '/Wo6 Davla Vt:-,mer ji 06 Da-kad V�:i-vner a5*06 45. 11�' 15o o6 Euphebia Varner ./.06 17 E'uphebje vrmrner C) 7 e c on The said t�xes, to be in 'three -annual -A.ments In �:PIOIInts as ai.:jove -et -rorth$ the first of which in- stallyfient shgll become due, and p-, ,,_-iy-,,ii-ble upon the -['iling of a certi- fied of' -rhis resolution in the of:rice of the City Treasux,er of sr,qjd City, and. shnll. becol-rie delinquent �ftev �,hc 5oth (iav of em,'ber 1916, and. the iris I L.-all-nients shnll thereafter become due- and p-a,1;--@11e w,,tufle Q,r october of er-ch �/ear and delin- ouent on -'L;he 3ot�l day of Noveiuber in erach li-er. All oil the !-:�I)ove p-r.,ty-r,,ients bea.tr interest �,,t the r�te of six per cont per -'Irinum 'Y;,fter the 3oth daly' ol" 15,16 until p7aid, and if cm y instn,.113,Ients gra nst rany PF-rt*,cuDD-r Piece o property e I i n q o n t 14 h W0 1 e t a x c,,7 ry i ri s t su c I i n7- r t i c u I �)- r Pi e c e t.", e c oAl] e, s due n. n d d e I a. n qv P, n t 3, 0 -1) " e C t j. Ons, to Vre f j. na I �i Op t j. On of t1l I S resolution wll.2 be, herror d *at ,a meeting of t-,�.e Coancil to be held tit t', e- Council C M; 1926 at 7* 30 ol clock P. 11-0 h-* beres October 6th Pv�.,,.!sed -.,pproved this ?8th Sept- P err,Lber 2,916. 4 ly in�Dlly 4_�dopl;ed Fmd. ,3,ppruved tliis) bt].1. da-,v of October iga-60 1'1, P��Liline, LIT y 0,V 4 R. 21. Rollins, City Clerk. A'STATE F T,,10TEA C,0�r!TTIr OF FLATHRAD SS CITY OF K_kLISPEML I, R. E. Rollinss Ci-­ Clork of -%,he Ca-ty Y/ 'by certify tha", -he -foref-%,oing ic v e of ��Ii zP0119 1,",ontana, do he 1.111, Lrue ia--ad exact copy of vs,. res,,,,,hA,tion �:tdopted. -�--;,d a.pproved j vpel T:, the 1)2� the Cit-,., ("ouncil, of' t1lie Ciit,y, of 0 n t,�Arl Pv o n 6th dg:y of October 1u16 . ............ . City Clerk*