Resolution 625 - Resolution of Intent - SID 172n�
lies olution
,o IW 625
1221"T DIE]TRICIT 11o. 1720
�-,ecti on I T-Ma"t it is the intention of the (7ity
Colinc-l'.2. of, the City of spell to create pecl-al im- -i,-overwnt
district, heveby designRted as Special Laprovem.nLent Dikit-rict 1�06
172, and the boundries of o�-tid proPosed special improve�aent di I-) -
trict are hereby (jedared r)e ,is, 13eginin�� at the
intersectJAB on of the center line of Third Avenue '_'E.�ast with the cen-
ter line of Kontama 10treet, tkience proceeding eisterly along said
tion of T,,"ae, center
center line of lj.ontoan�.i, Street, to n3 i n t e rs e c �j 4 A.
1 i n f
;.ourt-h Avenue s t thence southerly long oaid sraid con-
to-r.line of 'ourth Avenue .E,�i,st, to an inHers ection the south
side of Block 22 praduced, thence v-,,!este"1y n1ono, -,, si7id south side
0 f ,r�,ja id 1" 10 c k- 2 -Pr o du c e d to �a -,ectAon yr,t',,. the center
t1i(-,,�nce northerIv alont g he center
line of Tk,iii-d Avenije T�'-sts V
line of said Third Avenue R,,.,,st to tvL-.,A.e pl�Zce of beginirlgr.
secti on 2. Th.f-).-'Ld tho g al chav,-7icter of the im-
p r o v elr.q e rl�
�_k ia o v &m_ e rat rl t f) a 0 i r.1 e d pecial T�. i St i C t
to 1) e Yq e in m I prop
s tru c t i on, o n, n eipY,it san' tary
i F, �t q follov"-s to -wit: The consL., I
th tl-�P necess,,aory.wyes, holes anti other necesm-try, �ip-
(,vver wi
e c t 1 0 n 36 Lh�,.vt t1qc 00,ql") ol,, mild 1m.-
is �340.00 e i. t . on 4. 'In '! %J 1lta, re co
sV an(l' c,,xpeuse of su ch
haprove'.,,n,ents, jrjcj,UAAjrv s'L -e C_ e t mnd ley intersectionq, shell be,
listrict,, e�3,c",, lot or pfcce.j. of 11;3,'y1d
a s s e Y.: e r [7 �D i n (s t .1 e e n + j -v e d
I'l U C, 1:1 i tl I, JL C t t 0 b e; s e - r xt of' t"In"e v,,�IC
3. A
11 re -,,d• str�ct ex-
i !DN
C 0 S t V,,-1 Al d. C.�P.. its ..� Ye*i area of t�le enti
C111sive of Streets', Rnd publlo, pl,ices.
1 1 ".j be wa�d', for 1 t i x� s, co e - �s,� f I e 1, 1 t
e c, t i on
L by exte,,j.ded. over -,p e, r -t 0 d
4Q-�,..ree equr-.,l -imnu7,mll 1-non Ls here
of "u-11ree years* sh t) I I C, o n s, t i t I 1 0-, el, u n d to be
0 " e, ri U knovm Dm.,.,r V -Aac D 1 t ri C FU Y1 d
"J, h s sh-1 1 7 e i d for
t i - o n
i VS cua e d a, g a i. 11 s t
per U r �� t
per cep ion until
v.edem,ption or paid in full, p,-ay-03Ie nanywalIZ/ on the first
04, three yearo dls�,te and re-
ra t e
aany iA4 U.1-ere P, :rumds to lu,'Yie cro(it, ouc,111,--, 11,;nprove.
-m c, n t AD�otricl- P-1,nd avai-l!Dble t.h.eve lor the interest coum-:)Ons at-
t�ched to csuc`,,h vmrr!�mts to be-,h--r she fsic-si.mile si grip, tiare. of the
lecti oil h -,,), 1� o n t Y--i. e t la . a �,i� �w o f .n,, o v e ri"b, e -v 1 16
m � tir r of z1he City Coun-
110ritangr t R7:3o'cloc
0 k P* 111, R regal a: meef -�E
C i I vv- 111 'r I -r a n d P taF,� cs iA', p o n i� I I protccts t1IRA, narl".1 Of� -ar,,ainst
t1-. is 4. 3 t of suah or the crea:tion of, suc.,-- (-Iistrict,
i on T� e Cit- -, 'Clerk is, he�eby sut'.1-,iorized and
d-i,rected to t-,,dve t],.i-e not -ice of the pa,ssat--,-,e of this vesolu-
tion required b-,� SU(111,1. PUI�lic,,a-
t d on t o b e ma, -.-at e r D-ak e ub-
r P
lished --in t1!-I e C i ty o f 12, 1 i sp el I
0 c I'0 e r
7-,,..,,: � !., C:,,. IV rl e �
1 i n F... Citv Clerk.
OF TLA'J"HEj0 ss
11. IF:% IqoaIlns, Clezk -,L,he city
-fo j, s- -,n
f TV, 9 1 s P e]41 1 ontarlaw do he oy certifth y , K or n,c
full tr u e n d exact copy of --3'resolution ridoipt-ecl a II d 'a , --Q r
$ p_ oved
by -the City Coun(,111, of t.Y.,te City c)-.'L' hontana� on the