Resolution 630 - Transfers Funds13 e v, o li.-t i on 6 3 0 .'k 'PITMOLUT 10 N R - A T",j SF F R R I I G 0, El R T A I N . 'K €'ID S) IIN T I ][ E C I T Y T R EjA ST .1 RY, 3 7 -r.m E 'E CITY OF KALISPEML: 's J�' J-4 Ru"'"SCLVEI' BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 71 Th,at the, following amounts be. tram�ferred fvovi tl'i.e following funds to the Overpayment 8,: Adjustr-.ient Fund. S]pl, Irap, Disct. 'No, 107 $4o8,47, 116 126 104 7,6 32. 7"/ 39 42 9.7 52 72,713 61 24 2, r59 .00 A2 W 23,66 80 .2o 82 41,96 4�793,,3o That the above tranfer be made for the J-n�rpose of calling Outstanding warrailts in other fund's, Passed this t he 5th day of T.Iarch 1917, Approved this the 5th day of '1,,,7,arch 191-7. Ilaillinep 1,46!��i� y o r Attest: R. ITI. Rollins., Citza' Clerk* State of M-ontana Count�,,, of FIRIL'ohe9d Citv of Kq.lispell 1, R. E. Rollins, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, montana, do hereby certify" that the foregoing Is a flit trille and exact COPY of sk resolution passed and approved by the City Coi,neil. of tile Ci 0 a ispell, Yontana, or). the 5tki ria-y of& Tlfarch 1'�)17, of '111'.arch 1917., Vlithe ss my hand this the 7th day e a x it Clerk,