Resolution 631 - Transfers FundsResoluti on IT0.9 631 FTUII,M'i-,�) TIHIEL CITY TREASURV. B E 31 T RESOLVED By t' ty Counicil of the 0.1ty of a spells tana .hat the following aynounts be transferred fron, the follow - ME Funds to the 'Itreet Fund. V,,,'ater L Light Fund $607,34 F i Y4,, e P r o t e c,,Iu, i on T.'u n d 21o,.65 rk Fu n d 1314 3�8 Light Fiand 336, o� Nia.-Intenr-mce Fund 45,o.00 Tota' $1 7%3 That the above tranoller be mode for Lhe purpose of calling outstnrid,Ing, lw&nrrF�,nts in the Street F.,iund, Adopteldl this the ?nd &iy- of Apr.J. 1, 19174, Approved by the Ysyor this the end. ' da.v of A-Pril 1917 I R. Paaullnc­,� TV' Y Attest: E. E. Rollins, CIty Cirk. St tana. Countv o" Flathead SS City of 1,14''Yall spell. T In :r4",, Rollins, 117'itoy C2erk of the City of Kellspell, y ontana, do hereby certify th-st the torpgoing is va A111, trDe and exact copy of a, reso2li-tion pas�sed and �_approvecl by the, City Council oC the City of 117.931ispell, Montana, on the ?nd day of A,..Prj,l 193.7 0 I I .9, 7 I Y,,Iitness my h-and-this the 4th day, of April 'CAtli' tv,