09/11/97 Site Review SummarySITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, September 11,1997 10:00 a.m. - PECDD Conference Room ATTENDING: Larry Gallagher, PECDD Director Ross Plambeck, Chairman Paul Hahn, Police Department Ted Waggener, Fire Chief Jim Hansz, Public Works Director John Wilson, Assistant City Engineer Diana Harrison, Zoning Administrator Narda Wilson, FRDO Craig Kerzman, Building Official Debbie Woodham, PECDD Secretary The committee reviewed, discussed, and recommended the following: 1. Zone Change - Meridian & 2 Mite. The property is located on the northwest comer of Meridian and 2 Mile Drive. The North Meridian Neighborhood Plan designates the east 2/3 of this property as 131 and the western 1/3 as high density residential. The zone change request is for the eastern 213 of the property to change it from B1 to B3. It was suggested that parking be limited only to the area being rezoned and sidewalks be put in along Glenwood and 2 Mile. When plans are submitted for development of the property, they must include engineered drainage plans. 2. Whitefish Stage Professional Park - Phase I Final Plat. Final plat cannot be approved until the following have been -completed: The parking lot and driveway must be up to final grade ready for paving for emergency access vehicles and the fire hydrants must be installed as the buildings will not be sprinkled. There must be a 10' reservation of ROW for future expansion of Whitefish Stage Road. 3. Buffalo Stage Phase i - Preliminary Plat. 12 lots originally designated for townhouse units are being replatted for single family homes. RA1 zoning requires 60' minimum lot widths. Lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 don't meet this minimum. Developer has submitted a variance request. Committee members would be supportive of the variance request. In the final plat, it must affirm that the utility easements are firmly in effect. 4. Tire Rama - I' Ave East & Hwy 93 South. The owner of the Tire Rama property located at 1"t Ave East and Hwy 93 South has submitted a preliminary plat for a two lot subdivision of the property. The property is zoned B2 which requires a 60' minimum lot width. The subdivision only gives a 20' wide lot on 1 st Ave East. The committee reviewed the request and determined there were no physical constraints and were going to look at a favorable interpretation of the zoning ordinance to permit the subdivision. Fire access is o.k. An extension on the utilities may be required. A road and utility easement onto 1st Ave East will be required. 5. Haven Field Development. The developer for Haven Field has brought in new site plans. it shows a bldg with 28,700 sq ft of retail with an additional potential of 12,000 sq ft of office space to be located on the second floor. There are two other buildings shown on the site plans. These plans are completely different from the plans submitted with the offer to purchase Haven Field by the Outlaw Inn. The plans need to show access points on the east side of 31d Ave East and the realignment of 18t" Street East. Elevations must be shown. The plans also need to show the design of the reconstruction of Hwy 93 South. The developer Site Development Review Committee Summary September 11, 1997 Page Two should contact Forsgren & Associates or John Wilson regarding the reconstruction plans. There needs to be more landscaping and berming buffer between the street and the parking area. It appears there is adequate parking for the amount of sq footage stated on the plans. 6. Hwy 93 South Reconstruction Update. City staff attended a meeting with MDOT on Monday, September 8, 1997, regarding the Hwy 93 South reconstruction. MDOT told the City that they would have to pay for the signalized intersection at 3ro Ave East and Hwy 93 South. The cost to the city will be approximately $80,000. MDOT will provide underground electrical connections and other infrastructure required for the traffic signal. A discussion was also held regarding the bike path running along Hwy 93 South. The plans are calling for a bike path on one side of the road and a sidewalk on the other side down to 4 Comers. From 4 Comers to Ashley Creek there will be a striped bike path section on the side of the highway. 7. Daley Field Proposals. The Kalispell Development Corporation and staff are making a recommendation to the City Council to accept the proposal submitted by Rosauers Supermarkets Inc. for the Daley Field site. Their offer is for approximately 5-1/2 acres. The remaining parcels north and south of the Rosauers site will be sold either together or separately as two individual parcels. 8. City Service Center. The developer has applied for a building permit for Phase 11. The site plans submitted are not the ones approved with the CUP. The approved plans showed curbing and driveways along 3'd Ave East as well as a landscaping bled. 15 parking spaces are required on the CUP. The canopy on the north side must be extended over the sidewalk to the curb. Parking spaces that conflict with the canopy must be relocated. 9. Northwest Drywall. John Wilson researched USC standards and found that Northwest Drywall is not required to install a backflow preventer in every dry system. They do need to repair OS&Y values on the fire system. The fire system must meet standard tests.