01/08/98 Jackola/Request for Waiver of Preliminary Plat RequirementQ-seln{ Coov January 8, 1998 Mr. Tom Jentz FRDO 723 5t' Ave. E. Room 414 Kalispell, Mt. 59901 Re: Request for waiver of Preliminary Plat Requirement on Haven Field. Dear Tom, We respectfully request waiver of the Preliminary Plat Requirement on the Haven Field Subdivision. We thank you for your consideration. S' ly, or . JJ C Jackola Engineering Co. Owners esen tive. Cc. Outlaw Inn/City Service Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1134, Kalispell, MT 59903 Location: 317 1st Avenue East phone (406) 755-3208 fax (406) 755-3218 RECORD OF PRE -APPLICATION MEETING FLATHEAD REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OFFICE 0 • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 • 0 • • * • • • • 0 0 • • • • 0 DAY & DATE SURVEYOR/ENGINEER SUBDIVIDER/APPLICA� SUBDIVISION NAME LOCATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION -go j : ✓ Ji TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT OTHER PERSONS PUESEUT ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 1. General Subdivision Process 2. Proposed Land Use & zoning 3. Review of proposed Plat & Site Plan: a. Number of Lots ✓� b. Size of Lots C. Location of Easements d. Water/Sewer System e. Topography & Storm Drainage f. Tract & Lot Boundaries g.ingress & Egress h. Park & Open Space 1. Existing Structures/improvements j. Proposed Structures/improvements k. Environmental Assessment Required? COMMENTS •V,vX -•�. Avg TIME Di 4. Conformity to Comprehensive Plan 5. if Master Plan is Required 6. Design &Improvement Standards GENERAL COMMENTS CM, / 1`Z H \FRDO\F000\FORM4Z\PRE-APP FRM 5/20/96 APPLICATION FOR SU13DIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL This application shall be submitted, along with all information required by the applicable Subdivision Reguistdons iw. the Montana Subdivision and PWLiug Act• and tho appropriate Coo to: Flathead R,ogtonal Development Colon, 723 Filth Avonuo East, Room 414 ICallspctl, Moatnna 59901 - Tolopbono (406) 758-5780 :UBDIVISIONNAMj3: Haven Field Subdivision )VVN-12F_M OF RECORD: Outlaw Inn/Dick Dasen Name Phone • Mailin Addres 1701 Highway 93 S., Kalispell, MT cit pCod y do Zip Colo 'ERSON(S) ALTI HORIZED to roproscnl the subdivision and to wborn all oorrvspondonoo is to bo soot: 'Jackola En ineering Co 755-6H4 5990T : Name g Phone 7 5 5- 3 2 Va Mpg city. state Addrosa P.O. ' Box 1 134 dr.Zip Code Kalispell., MT 59 T3C>iNICALl1aROF$SSI�NAI. PA,RTZG'TPANTS (Survayor/Dosigner/Bnglnoor• e{o.): Natne&.Address Jackola Engineering Co. , Box 1134, Kalispell, MT 59903 Nnme&.Addreas City Service,Inc./Matt Waatti, Box 1, Kalispell, .MT 59904 Namo & Address .EG}AL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERT-Y: City/ As.e..or,s Survey # 1 21 40 County Kalispell/Flathead TractNo(s) Strout Uot A.,ddross Hi h 'aX 93 South) Parcel 2 1/4 NE 1 4 NE 1 4& NW N Suction 2Q Townslalp 2 P Rxngo 21 ENSRA.L DEsCRSPTZON OF PROPOSED suDDrvisioN: The old Haven Field lumber of Lots or R,cntal &pacca 5 Total Awr g7a In 8ubdlvislon otnl Aarcago in Lots Mlnlntum SLno of Lots or Hpaoaa oW AAcroaga in Strcata or Ronda Maximum Sim of Lots or Ugaom Total A,orcagc in Parks, Open Spaoo and/or Common Areas ROPOSED USE(8) AND NUNME3R OF AS80CIATED LOTS/SPACE8: inAlc Family 'uplex tuiti-Famlly: partment laru-�od Unit Dovelopmont and ominlum Town bo u so Mobilo Home Park Rcorattlonai Vchioic Park Commcroini Ind ustriwl O thcr PPI-ICAI3LE ZONING DESIGNATION & DISTRICT B— 2 City s'IZMA.TB OF MARXST VALijB IjHFORB impROVBMBN rs _$ 7 3 8 , 0 0 0 APROVBMEN'I'S TO DE PROVIDED: onds: Oravd _ X Paved X Club X Outtor X Sidawniks Alloys Other ,ratar Systcrn: Individual Multiple Uacr Neighborhood X Public Other -wor systc=,. Individual Multiples User Noighborlaood X Public Other thcr Utilitica: X Cable TV X Tdcpbone X IIloctrio x Qas x Otbcr -Aid Wastes Homo Pick-up Ocntral Storage, X Contract Hautor Owner Haul fall Dollvory: ire PmAcotion. _ Central X_ Individual School District: 4 5 lHydrants Tanker Rccahargo Fire Distriot. Kalispell �nAge Systam: Storm drainage connected to City/Highway upgrades tOPdSED13poSION/SBDIM13ITTATIONCOZ,rMO7: municipal storm drains 4.6.j , r ARIANCEB: ARE ANY VAPL ANCES RBQUESrum If no, plenae complete the Infotmation below, (yea/no) B13CI'ION/RETQULATION OF RBC301-ATION5 CRHA'I-I C3 HARDSHIP: HXPLAIN TH8 HARDSHIP T13AT WOULD DB CR33ATBD WITH STRICr COMPL3ANCII OF REGUI—AXIONS: PROPOSED ALTBRNATIVE(S) TO UrTUCrr COMPI-IANC13 WITH ABOVE PJ30ULATIONB: PLEiA913ANSWI3R TH13 FOLLOiVINO QUESTIONS IN THB 9PACB8 PROVIDED D13LOW: 1. Will tba granting of tbo variarwn ba detrimentwi to the public hoaith, satbly or gone-aI wcilfaro or Injurious to other adjoining pmp4twUm7 2. Will the varianon oauso a subwUmilal incroaso Ira public costa? 3. Will 13so varinnca affoot* in any manner, tlo provisions of any adoptod zoning regulations or Master Plan? 4. Are there spooW droumstnnoos related to tho pbysioal ohFLmetcristios of tho alto (topography, sbapo, oto.) that crnato tba hardship7 S. What other conditions aro unigtio to this property thAt oroate the need for a varianoo7 LIST 017 MATBRIA3_.5 15UDNM-1= WITH TI•II6 APPLICA'UONi n, o. b. f. C. A• d. h. I bcrcby ocvdfy under penalty of perjury and tbo laws of tlx State of Montana that tbo Information subnnittod beroln, on all other subalttod forms, domimonts, plans or any otbar Information submitted as part of this apptloat%n, to bo true, oompleto, and aom:rate to the best of my kno•wlodgo. Should any information or representation submitted in oonnoodcm with this i npplionAlon ba untrue, I understand that any approval basal ttrcroon nary ba resdndod, atki otber appropriate action (Aken. j Tbo slgning of this application s(gniflcs approval for F.R-D.O. staff to bo present on the property for routine monitoring and Inspection Burin the appr//offval and dovdopmoni proaces.