05/16/00 Johns/Richard Dasen & Southfield ParkMAY-16-00 TUE 11:38 AM CROI'LEY LAW/KALISPELL FAX NO, 4f b2+ P. 02/03 GnowLEY, HAvonny, H.ANSow, Tomi: & DiETIRrcH ATTORYrzYS ,AT L" P.51'An L,t52ILn 1805 KALISPELL 4;31 FIRST A.VFYUL'WEST PA r10x 71SO D111` EL D. JOI M KALISPPLT„ MONT"A 139000-0760 E-MiUM djohnsUcmwleyLmconl POONE WAM 762-604 4 FAX (400) 76 m-G ion May 16, 2000 Mr, Glenn Ncier, City Attorney City of Kalispell, MT P. O, Box 1997 Kalispell, MT (Via facsiutile and U. S. Mail) RE: Richard Dasen and Southfield Park Development Dear Glcnii: I have spoken with Dick Dasen regarding the South Field Park Development Agreement acid your ingtdry on behalf of the City regarding paylnents described in that Agreement. For information purposes, I am enclosing a copy of a letter that was forwarded to Chris Kukulski on May 27, 1999. It is my understanding that the discussions suggcstcd in that letter did not occur. Mr. Dasen advises that at the time the Development Agreement was signed sales were pending on four of the live lots available in the development. However, due to delays in project approval which our client contends were attributable to the City the sales were lost. The reason for requesting a conference was to discuss these circumstances and explore a possible resolution. We will await word from the City as to whether it wishes to meet or suggest a different alternative. Very truly yours, CROWLEY, HAUGHEY, HANSON, TOOT,E & DIETMCH P.L, L.P. DANIEL D. JO. - Sr Enclosure cc: Richard Dascn ➢ILI INGS: 400 NORTH UIST STREET . P.O. ktOX QS tS • BIT TYWC,S, MONYANA 61?70➢-2i5E9 . PHONIi (40(3) 0*2-344I 3fe.1,11NA: 100 NORTH PARK AVI?NUE . SUITE 000 PO- BOX 70V • IIELENA. MONTANE 508914 112IONF, (4CO) a 4-4186 WILT.ISTON: 11L7 TSa9T EROAUW.%.Y - P.O• ➢OX 1208 . 'WILLISTON, NORTH DAXOTA 1sid002.1L`00 PHON13 (701) n72-220p 2