Resolution 602 - Resolution of Intent - SID 168R E. ' 0 1, U T 1 0 N N o 602
BEE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kalispell,
1 on tana,
Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the
City of K,�alispell, to create a Speciral Improvement District, here
by designated as Special Improvement District I\To. 168, and the
boundries of said proposed Special Improvement District are here
by declared to be as 1'ollows-4 Co=aening at the South west cor-
ne." of block one hundred forty two, thence easterly along the nor-
tl.i,rly boundry line of Twelfth Street to its intersection with
the wester1v bound line' of First Avenue East, therice northerly
along the westerly boundary line of First Avenue East to its in-
tersection with the center line of Eleventh Street, thence westerly
z-tlong the center line of �T,leventh street to its intersection with
the easterly boundary line of TN"Ain Street, thence southerly along
the easterly boundary line of 11sin Street to the southwest corner
of said block one hundred forty two, the place of bep inning,
Section 2, That the general character of the improveraents to be
made in said proposed Special Improvement Idst-ralet is as followso
to wit: The construction of an eight inch sanitary sewer with
manholes, flush tanks and other appurtenances, corranencing at the
point of intersection of the conter line of the alley in block
one hundred forty two wi"Ch the northerly lizip of Twelfth Street,
the along the center line of said alley and to P.. connection
wl-'Gh the we in 711eventh street,
Section That the approximate cost of said improve ients iz
Section 4. That the entire cost and expenses of such improve-
rri.ents, includin(,.; street and alley intersections, shall be ass-
essed against the entire district, each lot or parcel of land
within such distTict to be assessed for ghat part of the i,;ihale
cost which, its area bears to the area of the entire district
exc1.u,--4streets, alleys and public places.
Section 5. That sadd assessment shall. be paid for in three
equal annual installments hereby extended over a period of three
years. Said, assessment shall constituto, a fund to be known as
eciaa, Improvemcnt Ditstrict Fund Nlo. 3.68.
section 6. That 9ald improveraerats shall be paid for in Spec-
lal Improvement District Coupon NTarrants issued against said
district in the sum of $100.00 each, bearing interest at 6 per
cent, per -annum from the date of registration until called for
red.emPtion or paid In full, Interest pa,-Y,.able annually on the
first day of of ench year, payable three years from
date and redeemable at any time there are funds to the credit
of such Improvement District Furld available there for* the
inter e,,��>,t coupons at-.tached to such warrants to bear the fac.
simile signal"lures of the `..'ayor and Cierk.
"ection 7. 'Phat on the fourth, (i,,.-xy of October, el
191��, eat the
Council Chfambersi in the City of the City of Krtlispell,
iv,rwn-C.ana, at 7:30 ofclock Po M,,q a regular meeting the City
Council will hear and pa,,s upon ala. protes-ts that may be m-ade
acainst the making of stuch improvements or the cree.tion of
such. district.
a lirected
uthorized and r
section �,-3. The Cit�, Clerk ics, hereby , s resoltition
to give the proper notice of the passage of thi
by Publication and riailing as required by law, such piiblioa-
ti-on to be made in the Dally Inter Lake, a daily new paper
p 'blished in the Clt*�,' u i , of Kalispell.,
passed September 7t.h, 191�
Approved September 7th, 191,5*
R. Pauline, 11 -a y o r 4.
R, E. RollinF. City Clerk,
CITY OF KALI S,2'41`411-1
1. R. E. Rollins., City Clerk of' X.qa1ispell,
M'ontana, do lh,ereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true
and exact copy of a resolution passed and approved by the
Citv Council of the N-t'y of Kr.-31ispell, 'Montana on the 7th
day of September 101�
01 0
Dated this :7,Oth day of September 1915,
City ClerkV