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Exhibit C - Advertisement for Bid #3NOTICE OF SALE OF CITY PROPERTY NOTICE is herby given that the City of Kalispell will receive sealed bids for the purchase of certain real property owned by the City of Kalispell, as more particularly described as follows: That portion of the Northeast ;i of the Northwest k and the Northwest 41 of the Northwest 4 of Section 20, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the Northeast 14 of the Northwest k of said Section 20; thence along the northerly line of said Section 20, North 890 52'30" West 1556.90 feet to the northeasterly right-of-way of U.S. Highway No. 93; thence along said northeasterly right -of-_ way line, South 330 04119" East 71.70 feet to the Point of Beginning of the parcel being described; thence continuing along said northeasterly right-of-way line, South 330 04'19" East 650.27 feet to the northwesterly right-of-way of Lion Park Street; thence along said northwesterly right-of-way line of said Lion Park Street, North 63012'02" East, 281.20 feet to the southwesterly right-of-way line of Third Avenue East, said point being on a 1392.50 foot radius curve concave southwesterly, having a radial bearing of South 720 27'06" West; thence northwesterly along the curve and along the southwesterly right-of-way line of Third Avenue East, through a central angle of 19' 24119", on arc distance of 471.62 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of Eighteenth Street East; thence along said North 89' 52' 30" West 390.92 feet to Point of Eeg_n__ing, con'�u-ning 4.i00 Acres of land, all as shown on Certificate of Survey No. Bids shall be received For the purchase of said property by the City Clerk of Council of the City of Kalispell until 11:00 A.M. cr November 19, 1996. All bids will be opened by the City Manager at an open administrative session commencing at 11:30 on November 19, 1996, in the Council Chambers, City :fall, Kalispell, Montana. The terms of the sale shall be cash within ten (10) days after notice from the City to the prospective purchaser that the bid for the sale is acceptable to the City. The prospective purchasers of said property shall as a condition of bidding said property, submit to the City Clerk of Council with their proposal, cash, certified check, or bank money order in an amount of not less than five (5) percent of the bid amount as earnest money. The earnest money, herein required, shall assure that the prospective purchaser, whose bid is accepted, shall enter into, execute and perform according to his bid. Should the prospective purchaser fail or refuse to purchase the property and/or perform as set forth in his proposal, he shall forfeit such earnest money to the City. The earnest money of unsuccessful prospective purchasers shall be returned. The City of Kalispell has established tn,-fair market value of the property to be in a range of not less than $4.48 per square foot and not more than $5.00 per square foot. The City shall require a minimum bid of at least $4.48 per square foot. The City in considering the competing proposals received as a result of the published notice shall consider the purchase price offered by the respective respondents. However, the purchase price shall not be the sole factor in disposing of the property to a successful purchaser. The City shall consider such other factors as: proposal's potential to further the goals and objectives of the urban renewal plan, background of potential developers, financial ability of potential developers to perform under the proposal, benefit to the City in general and benefit to the urban renewal area, in particular. The decision on disposing of the property will ultimately be based upon a broad evaluation of the proposals submitted and how the proposals individually serve the public interest. Should the successful prospective purchaser fail to purchase the property, the City reserves the right to consider and sell property to another prospective purchaser. Should the City fail to receive any bids for the property or should the bids received not be at least the minimum fair market value established by the City Council, the City reserves the right to sell the property at private sale at an amount agreeable between the City and a purchaser which shall be in the best interests of the City of Kalispell and its inhabitants. The City Council hereby reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any technicality or any informality and accept any bid or proposal which may be deemed best for the interests of the City of ualiscell. any prospective purchaser wishinz further information may obtain same from the Plarning, Economic and Community Development Department, City Hall, P.C. Box 1997, Kalispell, MT 59903 Clerk of Council Publish: October 27, 1996 November 3, 1996 November 10, 1996