Resolution 600 - Assessment - SID 165R E S 0 L U T 1 0 11 Y, o 600 I d 4 A Resolution levying a tax UP= all'Property clod in Speciloal ImPro vevient Ti strict O. 165 of the City 0-10 Kalispell, 1hontana, for the purpose of defraying the costs and expenses of improvenjnetvt made and con etrvoted in said district in accordance with the resolutions and ordinanceb Of the City of Kalispell., BE IT RES01VED by the City Council, of the City of Kalispell, Section 1. There is he-reby levied, and assessed, to defray the costs and expenses of improvements made and conotructed in Special '.Improverxient District jToQ 165 of the City, of Kal- ispell, Vlontana, in accordance with the resolutions and ord* nances of said City, 0, tz'kx a�_ralnst all property -included in the said. districtl the amount to be charged against each 10t or parcel thereof being set opposite the discription of the property, and the nwne of the owner, as follows$ to wit: Annual Block Lot Asmn't kyent owner 144 1 orig 10*07 3 *.35 Ralph Claypool 6 3-:36 144 2 10*07 3135 Ralph Claypool 36 7,:36 11� 144 3 1007 ,a 31635 Ralph Claypoo l 3. ) 6 3*36 144 4 10*07 3*35 Ralph Claypool 5.36 3*36 144 104,07 3.35 Henry & Amanda Hoffman 3,36 (Ed Woodruff ) 3*36 144 6 10,07 0 335 HJ�j enry & iinanda Hoffman 3036 (Ed Woodruff 3,36 144 7 10,07 3135 Henry 8,- Am-anda Hoffman 3.36 (lid lVoodruff ) 3,636 2.44 8 10-07 5*35 TT enry Ama.nd,--.a- 11offman 5 36 Ed Woodruff 3:36 144 9 ► 10-07 3*35 Henry Amanda lloffman 5.b36 Ed Woodruff • 3.36 144 10 10,08 5.3 Timothy Jayne Alillian Riggs) 3*36 144 11 10,07 3135 Elizabeth Krier 3*36 144 12 10"08 .3*36 Ellizee betlj. Krier 5.36 3o36 144 13 20.1-4 6*71 _3 Thos. S, Lowrie I,State 6.71 6v72 Annual Block Lot Assmtt �2,�e n t CrvLrner 144 14 Orig 20014 6, 7 1 Kalispell Townsilie Co. 6.71 Levi s W. Cole 6,72 14.4 15 20o14 6 71 Kalispell .,-owy,lisite Co. 6 * 71 Lewl's Cole 6.72 .144 1.6 20,J4 6*71 Chas. E. afford 6,71 6*72 144 17 20*13 6,71 Chas. r. Ufford 6*71 6,71 144 18 20.13 6.71 Howard H. 'Sheldon 6,71 6*71 123ection 2. The said taxes to be paid in three annual install- ments in amounts as above set i'orth, the first Of which install- ment eha.11 become due and payable upon the filing of a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the City Treasvrer of said City, and shall become delinquent after the 30th day of Nov- ember 1915, and the annual installments all there after become due and payable on the first day of October of each year and de- linquent on the 30th day of liovember in each year. All of the -above interecs)t Rat the rate of 6 per cent per annum all"ter the �Oth day of Y--'ovember 1915 iantil peid, and if any installft, meats against any particular piece of property becomes delinquent the whole tax RgainF:it such pRrticular piece becomes due and de- linquent. Section 3. Objections to the fyin-al adoption of this resolution Fill be heard at a meeting of the Council to be held at the Coun- 02''3. Char,,ibers, 11eptember 20th, 1915 at 7:30 o'clock P. Ma Passed arid approved this 7th day of September 1915, R. Pauline, Mayor . Ri& E. Rollins, City Clerk. Finally adopted. and approved this i'?Oth day of September 1915, R. Pauline, TiT '3. Y 0 r 0 R, E. Rollins, City Clerk. STATE OF IMONTAKA ) COUNTY OF FLATEFFAD( E'Y'S ClTY OF K.A-LISPEML I* R, 'JE. Rollins, City caerk o*A.' the City of !,-.al- Montana, do hereby, certify that the foregoing is a full, true and exact copy of a resolution finally adopted and approved by the City Council of the City, of K!,Iispell, Monttaxia, orl the 20th day of September 191,51, Dcated this 'Oth. day of September Ic/115. 0 V Citv- C-Ierk 0