Resolution 598 - Assessment - SID 161R S 0 L I I T I C N N A Resolution levying a to upon all property included in Special Iraprovernent'? District 1,,Tol� 161 of the City of K.-i1ispell, I'lontana, for the purj)ose o� defraying the, costs and expenses of improvements riade and. constructed In said, district in occord-ance iTith. the �esolutions end ordin,nccs of 'the City of Kalispell. BE IT RESOLVEM t b,-r ,Y I :a 1 of the City of K.--1,11spell , X'0 n. t a 11 a a Sect. on 1. There is hereby levied, and -assessed, to defray the costs and expensee of improvements made and constructed lrAl Speci�--�a. Impravei�,sent District .41,T,10. 1.61, of the City of Ml'ontana, in accordance with the Resoltiono.. and Ordli-TV1,1111ces of said City, a tax against all property included in the id district, the .amoun:t to be charged, a�zainot each lot ar -,L)F�rcel thereof being set 9 opposite the discript- on. of the property, and the of the Chi vner, ns followst to wit: Total Annual Block Lot Owner Tax Pay-ment 196 1 C. E. Conrad J.�state 41-07 13.69 13,69 13,6Q E. Conraf`k' Estate 41.o6 13,6. 196 2 C. 13*69 1)e6q 196 3 C. R. Conrad 'Estate 41.o6 13068 13.69 i7it6q 196 4 C. E. Conrad Estate 41,o6 13*6� 17, 6o 1 6 196 B. J . B o o imwn 41,,o6 17,,69 W 5 0 6 196 6 13. J, Boorman 41.o6 13*69 13,69 17, 6Q 196 7 _Ezmna B * Cqnnon 41,07 1;; , 6 9 I ,d -,v * 6Q 13. 9 io6 8 RImmr-i 13 . Crannon 41.07 13.69 13.69 196 9 Cathrine C. Van Duzer 43,057 14052 14.�2 14,53 196 io To H. Bogart 41,07 13,6Q 13,69 13,69 196 11 T. 11, Bogart 43,56 14652 14.52 14*52 196 12 C. R. Grifffith 43.��6 14 .52 14-v 52 14, ;)2 Section 2. The said taxes to be paid in three a, nnua I inst4�tllnientsin amounts, above set forth, the first of which inst,,,-illment shn_,11 become due and paysable upon t1le f3iljnC_. of a certified copy of this Flesolution in the office of the City Treasurer of said City, and ehall become delinquent after the 30th day of November 1915, and the anniial installnients sha'_111 there oafter become clue and pay'able on the first day of October of each year and delinent on the 50th day of Ndvember in each year. All of the above payments bear int- e"Aest cat the rate of 6 per cent per �,,-nniam after thOth day of h1ovember 2,915 Until paido and if any installments against any partioular piece of property becomes delinquent the whole tax against such particular piece becomes due and delinquent. Section Objectionz to the final adoption of t 11 his resolution will be heard at a meeting of the Co'uncil 1915S at to be held. at the Council Chc-,) waber, Septeriber 20th, 01 7: 30 01 clock P. Mo Passed and approved this 7th day of September 1915, R. Pauline, Mdy'or,." R, E, Rol�-in,s, City 701.end. k-* Fina].ly adopted and approved this 20th day of Sept. 1915* R. Pauline, NTayor, R. E. Rolllns, City Clerk, STATE OF MONTANA COUI,TTY OF FLATHEAD SS. CITY OF KALIS'ELL it R* R. Rollinst City Clerk of Kalispell, 1,�,oww tens, do hereby certify that the J"'oreg- *n&,,- is a full, true o I � and exact copy of a resolution finally adopted and approved by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, on the 20th, day of September 191�-. Dated this 710th day of September 1915, C31ty Clerk.