Thursday, May 23, 2013
Lower Level Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Jeff Clawson, Building Official Mark Crowley, Construction Manager
Dave Dedman, Fire Chief Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director
Rick Parker, Bldg. Dept. Inspector Wade Rademacher, Police Lieutenant
Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
GUESTS: Marc Liechti and Kim Larson from APEC.
OLD BUSINESS: Prestige Assisted Living on Glenwood — Memory Care Addition — Public
Works is still working on the stormwater issue, and the building review has just begun. This is passed
through Site Review.
PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS — Fred's Appliance/Gardner PUD — A 20,000 sq. ft. building will
go in north of Mergenthaler's on Highway 93 South on Gardner's property. They will need to submit
a road system and a sewer system proposal. Jentz stated that we would need a frontage road or a
rear access road with a way for each lot to have an alternate access off of Highway 93. They are
interested in having a road on the back of the lot with right in, right outs going to Highway 93, which
will probably be an improvement over a frontage road. Public Works will be doing a preliminary
review of the water and sewer lines. There is the issue of the latecomer's line versus the gravity flow
to a lift station and where it goes. This will be going through the PUD process and then to the City
Council, but will still need to go through Architectural Review once their Building Permit comes in.
They will need to go through Architectural Review. Liechti and Larson discussed the project options,
and mentioned that portions of the Gardner property are in the County. They still need to come up
with an engineering solution for the sewer system. They would like to provide an access from Lower
Valley Road to connect down to United Drive. The two antennas are still in place, which include
underground wires. The front lots will use the existing approaches with right in, right outs. Road
options were discussed. A road will need to be provided to allow secondary access. Lower Valley
and Willow Creek will need something, because there is no stacking distance. MDT may eventually
provide a traffic light along this project. Discussion was held regarding the sewer line. Liechti stated
that Lower Valley Road is crowded with the retaining wall, the gas line, and the overhead power, and
probably the sewer line. They would like to stay on DePratu's property and provide easements to the
City for the water line, through the rest of the project, and then north again out to Lower Valley.
Keith Haskins has provided written comments for the other Public Works' issues. Jentz asked for
written comments from Public Works for his Staff Report. Landscaping Plan needs to go up to the
ROW. The Pedestrian Trail will need to go along the front of the lot. Parks would like a Preliminary
Landscaping Plan. They will be required to provide curb, gutter, boulevards, sidewalks and street
trees. They will do the boundary line adjustment to eliminate the cul-de-sac at United Drive.
The Dollar Store - at the Gateway West parking lot - One half of the building will be retail liquor
(not State run) with a casino in the back with about 20 machines. No site changes. There is a fire
hydrant next to this location. Public Works will view the site for possible sidewalk requirements.
Old Sizzler Building — Tiebucker's in Somers is moving into the old Sizzler building, a 3,600 sq. ft.
structure. It will be called the Tree Frog Tavern. They will have a small area for a casino with 5 or 6
machines, and are planning on having no one under 18 allowed in the building. No site changes.
There are two hydrants next to this location. Sprinklering will not be required, as there is no change
of use. Public Works will view the site for possible sidewalk requirements.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.