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1. Council Minutes - Regular Meeting - September 18, 2006A REGULAR. MEETING OF THE KALISPELL CITY COUNCIL WAS HELD AT 7:00 P.M., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2006, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL IN KALISPELL, MONTANA, MAYOR PAMELA B. KENNEDY PRESIDED. COUNCIL MEMBERS JIM ATKINSON, KARI GABRIEL, BOB HERRON, BOB HAFFERMAN, RANDY KENYON, TINT KLUESNER, DUANE LARSON, AND BANK OLSON WERE PRESENT. Also present: City Manager James Patrick, Adjutant City Attorney Richard Hickel, City Clerk Theresa White, Police Chief Frank Garner, Detective Lieutenant Roger Nasset, Fire operations Chief Dan Diehl, Public Works Director Jim I Iansz, Finance Director Amy Robertson, Planning Director Torn Jentz, and Recording Secretary Judi Funk. Mayor Kennedy called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. A. AGENDA APPROVAL Atkinson moved approval of the Agenda. The motion was seconded. There was no discussion. The motion carried unanimously upon vote. B. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL 1. Council Minutes — Re ular Meeting — September 5 2006 2. Ordinance 1583 -- Initial Zoning with a Planned Unit Development overly —The Meadows Inc. — 2nd Reading (Moved to Main Agenda as Item EI3) 3. ordinance 1584 — Graffiti ordinance — 2nd Readin Ordinance 1584 would require that any graffiti within the City limits be removed within ten days. Ordinance 1584 unanimously passed on first reading September 5. 4. Ordinance 1585 -- Zoning Text Amendment — Special Parking Maintenance District No. 2 -- 2nd Reading This ordinance would allow required parking within Special Parking Maintenance District No. 2, the downtown area, to be met by a cash -in -Lieu payment and to expand the district boundaries to include the Kalispell Center Mall. Ordinance 1585 unanimously passed on first reading September 5. 5. Proclamation — Constitution Week Larson moved approval of the Consent Agenda. The motion was seconded. Larson moved that Item 2, the second reading of ordinance 1583, be moved to the regular agenda as Item EJ3. The motion was seconded. Kalispell City Council Minutes Sept 18, 2006 Page 1 Larson explained that he was not present for the first reading and he has some questions. The motion carried upon vote with Atkinson, Gabriel, Hafferman, Kenyon, Kluesner, Larson, Olson, and Mayor Kennedy voting in favor, and Herron voting against. There was no further discussion. The main motion as amended carried unanimously upon roll call vote. C. STUDENT ISSUES None. D. PUBLIC COMMENT Rebecca Groose Jones, 630 Fifth Avenue East, read a letter that was submitted to Chief Garner from Christine Barry -Jorgenson regarding traffic near Hedges School and requesting a traffic impact study at 5th Avenue East at 7th Street East. Cindy Stone, 538 5th Avenue East, stated the intersection of 7th Street East and 5th Avenue East is very dangerous with people making quick turns and she would like a four way stop there. E. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUBSEQUENT COUNCIL ACTION Ejl, ORDINANCE 1586 — POLICE OFFICER PROBATIONARY PERIOD — 1ST READING This ordinance would change the probationary period for police officers from six months to one year to comply with State statute. Kenyon moved first reading of ordinance 1586, an ordinance amending Kalispell Municipal Code 22-5 to set the probationary period of police officers at one year and declaring an effective date. The motion was seconded. Nasset gave a staff report and answered questions. There was no further discussion. The motion carried unanimously upon roll call vote. EI2. RESOLUTION 5148 -- STOP SIGNS — 7TH STREET EAST This resolution authorizes the placement of stop signs on 7th Street East at the intersections of 6th and 7th Avenues East. Kalispell City Council Minutes Sept 18, 2006 Page 2 Gabriel moved resolution 5148, a resolution approving the placement of stop signs on 7th Street East at its intersection with 6th Avenue East and 7th Avenue East and declaring an effective date. The motion was seconded. Garner gave a staff report and answered questions. He suggested that Section I of the resolution be amended to require traffic to stop on 7th Street East at its intersection with 6th Avenue East and on 7th Avenue East at its intersection with 7th Street East. Gabriel moved a friendly amendment that Section I of the resolution be amended to require traffic to stop on 7th Street East at its intersection with 6th Avenue East and on 7th Avenue East at its intersection with 7th Street East. The second concurred. There was no objection. There was discussion concerning the request of stop signs at 7th Street East and 5th Avenue East. Larson moved to table Resolution 5148 to the next regular meeting, October 2. The motion was seconded. The motion to table carried unanimously upon vote. E13. ORDINANCE 1583 — INITIAL ZONING WITH A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY —THE MEADOWS, INC. —2ND READING (Removed from Consent Agenda) This is a request for a zoning designation of R-4, Two Family Residential, on the property listed above. The zoning would include a PUD overlay to allow for 138 condominium units with a miLX of multi -family buildings. Ordinance 1583 unanimously passed on first reading September 5. Gabriel moved second reading of Ordinance 1583, an ordinance to amend Section 27.02.010, Official zoning Map, City of Kalispell zoning Ordinance, (Ordinance No. 1460), by zoning certain real property more particularly described as Tract 4 located in Section 1, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana (previously zoned County SAG-10, Suburban Agricultural) to City R-4 (Two Family Residential), with a Planned Unit Development overlay in accordance with the Kalispell Growth Policy 2020, and to provide an effective date. The motion was seconded. Larson asked Jentz questions regarding Four Mile Drive and the additional development that is planned in the area. The motion carried unanimously upon roll call vote. F. MAYOR/COUNCIL/CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS o Action Herron informed the public that a fundraiser for Human Therapy on Horseback will be held on October 1 at the O' Shaughnessy Center in whitefish and encouraged everyone to attend. Kalispell City Council Minutes Sept 18, 2006 Page 3 Patrick reminded Council that Mayor Kennedy and Torn Jentz will be making a presentation at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Tuesday, September 26 at 12:00 pm. G. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. ATTEST: Theresa white City Clerk Pamela B. Kennedy Mayor Kalispell City Council Minutes Sept 18, 2006 Page 4