Resolution 594 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 1'1Y7 -I R E S 0 L IT T I O1T---jTO 594--, A R11],SOLITTION R1,9TIHATITIM TH-T COST OF LIGHTING FPT",CIAL LIGITIT- ING DISTRICT NUNU31',R ONE OF MIE� CITY OF KALIS-PELL FOR "ME YEAR 1915 ,M1 'D LEVYII-MI A111) X79ESS111C, All TTIF PROP'PIRTY WI TWIT SAID DISTRI CT V,!TT*,a'. rul, COST 011 LIGHTING ,CAI?) DISTRICT. BE IT RIPMC)LVED BY THR, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KA1,I,'3P:1.ML: Section 1. The cost of lighting, Lighting District Nurriber One of the City of Kalispell for the year lqlis estim-Ated to be w792.96. Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon all tile property in said lig�iting district for the amount of the est- imqted cost of lighting tine aveirues therein by apportioning to the several lots and parcels of land 1thin the said district as follows, to wit: ORIGINAL P1,1013SMP OF KAl.ISPf0,LL: BLOCK 37 Lot Assessment Owner 7 8.26 Frederick Redeker 8 "3. 2 6 Frederic]% Redeker 9 8.26 Frederick Redeker 10 8.26 Sarah F. Hyde 11 8.26 Sarah E. Hyde 12 8.26 Alice A. Adams, 13 8.26 Kalispell Niercantile Co. 14 8.26 .L Kalispell Mercantile Co. 15 8. 26 Kalispell 7,11ercantile Co. 16 8.26 K,I.lis-pell Irlercantile Co. lK 8.26 ilirst Bank 1 8.26 First ITwtional Bqnk BLOCK 44 8.26 First Rational Bank 8.26 First National Bank 9 8.26 VI. R. Twining C. Knight -�3- 10 6.26 Robert D. Goshorn 11 6.?6 Fran],: D. Stoop 12 8.26 Robert Pauline 15 E�.26 Robert Pauline 14 , 8.26 Otto P. J. Mosby iq 15 4.13 Otto P. J. Yosby S lj 4.13 Northern Ideho & Mont. P, Co. 16 8.26 Uorthp-n Idaho & Mont. P, Co, 1� 8.26 luinifred Tremblay W, H. Griffin) 1 8.26 1�winifred Tremblay V1. 11. Griffin BLOCK 57 7 8.26 united 'States of America 8 8.26 United States of AxaeT i c a 9 8.26 United StqtesOf AriericP 10 8.26 United States of America 11 8.26 ITnited States of 1xieri c a 12 8.26 TIli ued. Stlteg of Am e -v i c a 13 8.26 Lee Tames 14 8.26 -Oza . .'Label L, Nlont,eath 15 4.13 Mabel L. TVTontenth IT -k 15 4.13 McClellan Wininger 16 8.26 McClellan Wininger 17 8.26 Bank Of Cort-ierce McClellan Wininger 18 3.26 Btnk Of Col,'ZllercO Unnipllawn ,,,ininryer BLOCK 64 Lot Assessment Owner 7 8.26 Frederick W. Bucksen 8 8.26 F. W. Bucksen 9 8.26 Peter S. Uorris 10 8.26 Ozq Lee James 11 8.26 Malinda E. Jtuaee 12 8.26 Esau James 13 8.26 Chris F. Kolle 14 8.26 V'Aa. A. Johnson 15 8.26 Carrie E. Penrod 16 8.26 Geo. Taylor, Cascade, Mont. 1'7 8.26 1,1ary T. Morrie Irving W. LindllFChr 18 8.26 Anton and Josephine Fox 1 8.26 S. J. Dahlberg 2 8.26 S. J. Dahlberg 3 8.26 J. D,-ihlberg 4 3.26 Irlaria S. Conrad 5 8.26 'Karia S. Conrad 6 8.26 ATartin MdKoy 8.26 Mirtin 'A11,cKoy 3.26 1, 11fartin 1"IcKoy 9 8.26 G. H. 110,utz J, R. Listle 17' x 351 8.26 "''Iry M-lite 11 8.26 i",ary White 12 8.26 Cory White 13LOCK 4� 1 8.26 A. D. Coarad Trustee 2 8.26 A. D. Conrad Trustee 3 8.26 A. D. Conrad Trustee 4 8.26 A. D. Conrad Trustee 5 8.26 W. B. MacDonald 6 8.26 D. F. Smith 7 8.26 Tri State Land Co. 8 8.26 0. A. Zahn 9 8.26 C. A. Zahn 2.0 8.26 Robert J. Benn Estate 11 8.26 Robert J. Benn 11,otate 12 8.26 Robert, 0'. Benn :"state BLOCK 56 1 8.26 Kalispell '.4,ercnntile Co. 2 8.26 Hal i alpell 'Hercrmtile Co. 3 8.26 Kalispell e r c, s n t i 1 e Co. 4 8.26 Kalispell TAerectntile Co. 8.26 Kalispell Mercantile Co, 8.26 Kali spoll lAercantile Co. 7 8.26 Kalispell Mercantile Co. 8 3.26 Kalispell lerenntile Co. 9 8.26 Kali spell Co. 10 8.26 Ke li spell LIL e r c ,,I n t i I e Co. 11 8.26 Kali sp ell Lle, rc ant i I e Co. 12 8.26 Kalispell Uercaliti le Co. BLOCK 65 1 8.26 City of Kalispell 2 8.26 City of Kalispell 3 8.26 City of Kalispell 4 S-)6 Conrar !i'ational 7;rank 5 8.26 Conr,-ad, Yationgl Bank 6 8.26 17,1ra. F. Mulaney 7 8.26 Yirst 3N Ea t i o n a 1 13-,-ink 8 8.26 First 1,1�Alonol 12, a n k 9 8.26 First 1"at i ona I Bank 10 8.26 F i r,.i t 17 n t i o n al "I s n k 2.1 8.26 F i -r s t X-at j onr-il B9,nk 19 2 0A 7,14 ".+ V+ 4 ^" I 'U-Ir 179 Section 3. The tax hereby levied becomes delinquent at six o1cloc'k P. K. on the 50th dry of November 1915, Section 4, Reference is hereby made to the Resolu- tion of Intention to create LightinC�, District Number One for fur- ther particulars, Introduced September 7th 191at 7:30 o'clock. 11, Pauline, RI"or. ,attest R. 'S. Rollins, City Clerk. Passed and Approved this the 20th day of September 1915. R. Pauline, 14 --1 y o r . Attest R, I. Rollins, City Clerk. STATE OF NIONTfi2,TA COUNTY OP TFLATHRAD) so, CITY OF KAI,19PELL I, R. E. Rollins, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing is e, full, true and exact copy of a resolution finally adopted and approved by the city Council Of the City Of Haliepell, 11ontina, on the 20th day of wept - ember 1915. Dated this the 3Oth dray of September 1915. City clerj<_