Resolution 593 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 2E S 0 L TJ T 1 0 N NO. A RIPISOLITT10H EG)TI.-KA2I'1R3" TTIR, COST OF LIGHTING SlIECIAL LIGH11.1111."r DISTRICT NUIMER TWO OF THE 'ClITY OF KALISPELL FOR THE YRUR 1915 XTD LEVYING AIM ASSIP SSING AIL THE PROPERTY WIVIIIN SAID DISTRIOars WITH THE, COST OF LIGHTIXG SSAID DISTRICT, B7 IT R220LVED BY THE -CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALI SIP EL L section It The cost of lighting Lighting District Number Two of the it of Kalispell for the year 1915 is estimated to be $799.96 Section 2, A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon all the property in salt.Ligiliting -I)istrict for Vne u=oiant of the estimated cost of the llghtinf.�,- the streets therein by appartion. ing to the seveTal lots and parcels of land within the said dis. trIct as follows, to wit - a ORIGINAL TOWITSITE' OV KALISPELL- BLOCK 36 Lot Assessment Owner 13 8 .,,:z 6 Ywang 11ens Christian Assn. 14 8.;?-6 Young Yens C]ar'st -i Assn, 15 8.26 W. H. French en ch 'rohn 16 RListle. 8,26 . 0 17 8,:26 Geo. W. Proctor Jno, 114 Llstie 61, x 371 18 8.;?-6 Wo G. Conrad and C, R. Conrad 19 6 'If I. a I,, tie, '111111 sn' it I-L" 2 0 8.26 2=n* L. Proctor-, Kalispell To-wrasite Co. 21 Z: 0 ­ 22 Kalisj)ell Tovmsite Coo 23 8,*26 Kalispell Townsite Co. Geo.W. Proctor 24 8*?6 J, jk. Rakright BLOCK 13 8.26 J. A. Ford* 7' 14 8.26 0.) 0 A4 "Fordo 1 8,2,6. Bogart & "I"follensteirler 1 2 6 Bogart & 11011ensteiner 17 8,26 Alialla Conrad 18 8 * o6 7.1m. Luppold P, C. McStravick 19 8 0 26 rialuna C. i0taill 20 8'. 26 J o kin 1 -1'ar r i .9 21 8.26 Thos. J. odegard ?_ 2 8 .2 6 T, D, Diincan 23 8.->6 W6 C. Siver 24 8.26 W* C. liver BLOCK 56 13 8.26 mt-isonic Tem'ole Co. 14 8, 26 I'lasonic Temple Co. 0 A ,VtE. Tiningjr4�.0 .n)griio �wprola 16 id1ne 17 8 ,& 2 6 Kearchev �111- Durall 18 8,26 11enry 'ATolla,'r Pz- tTaseph Marto 19 8,0 ;)- 6 Vvlilllani Calbick 21 8,26 G. 11. Adams 22 8,26 Alicia D. Conrad .Fj44#1ff78f 23 8.P-6) 111,0 IT. Naffsinger j,l 1 ddlelS 2 3 I I 'I A. D. Conrad B44tIV780 24 8,26) W', IT. Noffeinger 1 -1 A 1 i e 1B 2 4, A. D. Conrad BLOcK 6� Lot Asseosment Owner 13 8.26 Be Pip 0. E41ks Temple Assno 14 8.96 B, P, 0. 'Elks Temple, Assn, 1 8, 26 B. P. �0. 'Elks Temille Assn, 1W 8e,26 Hannah Marsden 17 8.,26 Nora K. Sherman 18 3.26 voallie Page ITelson, Longbranch,19illwood,Va. 19 8.26 Kalispell To*vrnslte Co. 20 8 "o 6 T-ames A, Corara 21 8:26 8.26 B=qa 11'. Pose wm. C. Whipps 22 25 8.26 C. 14rftipps 24 8.26 tier vv%ipps B 1U0 CK 1 8,26 T� i v s t YTIational Bank 2 d * 26 'p' rst Ngtional an 3 8s26 First H-utional B-,4nk 4 8,26 Stenar A. Haur ,en 8*26 Rudolph I. Schinmel 6 84,26 ldrs. Annie 'Walker 8.26 Alicia D. Conrad 8 26 Yore L. McWhorter 9 8:26 1'ufison Sawyer V 10 8.26 'TY TML 0 1 't 0 S1 I rlarf,,Iware *,Clo. 11 8.26 V! C If i t os I-L T 1 r dwa r e C o ib 12 8,26 11, c I nt o sh Hardware Co. BLOCK 46 1 8 6 Ida 11. Rudolf Edw, G. & Maths lda Ellis 2 8.26 Ida M. Rudolf' Edw. G, & Mathilda Ellis 3 8.26 W. F. Halliday 4 8,26 We F. Mulamey r" 8 * ;,2 6 LT a r 'TvTorri s- Irving V% Lindlahr 6 8 26 Julitis Fischer H. He Howsley Agt,, 7 8:26 julius Fischer H. H. Howsley Ag-t. 8 8,26 llenry Bierman V 9 8 26 Grace TvI. Nelson Re E. Webstex- Agt.) 10 8:26 Aupuwt.- Heller 8,26 Robert 'Russell 12 8,26 Robert Russell BLOCK 1 3.26 Conrad 1ITational Bank 2 8,26 Conrad National Bank 3 8,o26 Conrad National Bank 4 8 26 John H. O'Connell John I-T. O'Connell 6 d 26 John R. ListlTad 6 26 W. R. Twi n' ng, I 6.026 0.Conrad Estate 9 8.26 C. E . Conrad Estate 10 8*26 C* E. Conrad Estate 11 8.26 C, E, Conxad Estate 12 8,26 C 41 IN.. Conrad Estate BLOcr, 66 1 8,, ;-) 6 Kalispell IMatio'n-al 13--:Mk 2 8) . 2- 6 K-,-,..11spell 11-nt.ional Bnank H. Griffin j,E,Uehlinger 4 8. 2 Jas. Conlon G . M. D-a f fy 5 8.26 11, Griffin 7 8*26 � . F. Sri th 8 8,26 Freclerick W. Bucksen BLOcK 66 Lot Assessyient Owner 9 8.26 Benj 0 D' Phillips 10 8*26 Geo. R. McMahon Efora K. Shermf-_,Ln 12 8. 26 A F or d 792,97 Section 3. The tax 'hereby levied becora�s delinquent at six o'clock P. 11$ on the 50th day of 1911 Secti on 4. 'Reference is heteby made to the lResolution of Tntent.on to Create Lighting District Number Two for fur- ther partic�xlarsv Trit-roduced M-:1-ptember 7th, 1915 and set for hearing September 20thi 1915, at 7.30 o'clock. R. Pauline,. 7kTlayor, Attest R. E. Rollins, it Clerk, Adopted this 20th day of S6pteraber 1915 Approved this 20th day of Stember 191� R, Pauline, Iday or W Attest R. 12. llollinsv City Clerk. STA2, OF T10111TAITA COU-NTY OV FLATI-11BAD SS CITY OF KALISPELL R, Rollins, City Clerk of the City of Kal- ispell, 1,10rit'allas do her certify that the foregoing is ra full, true and exact copy of a resolution ftnally adopted and R_,r,)proved by the City Council of the City of Kalispell, , ontana, on t."ne 20th day of �epteraber, 1915. ­ 0 ted this 30th day of September, 1915. City Clerk. Ly