12. Board Appointments - Revolving Loan CommitteeAA& /X\OUNTAIN IMMONNEW vmww� -WEST BANKof Kalispell, Nn, February 23, 2006 Honorable Mayor Pamela B. Kennedy City of Kalispell P. 0. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903-1997 Dear Mayor; My term on the City of Kalispell Revolving Loan Foal Committee RLexpires the end of May 2006. 1 have enjoyed serving the City of Kalispell on this committee but would like to provide the opportunity for another individual to participate. I would like to r oon nnnd that Wade Elder be considered as a member on the RLF Committee for the next three-year tern.. Wade is the new Branch President for our Kalispell bank and I will be moving on to a new position as western Regional President for Mountain West Bak. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve. Sincerely, Richard E. Hart President REH:1 444 VVST IDAHO & KALISPELL, MONTANA 59904 & 406/752-2265 a FAX - • www.mtnwestbank.net March 8, 2006 Honorable Mayor Pamela B. Kennedy City of Kalispell P.O. Box 199 Kalispell, MT 59903-1997 Dear Mayor - Rick Hart has informed me that it e has resigned from the Kalispell Revolving Loan Fund Committee (RLF) effective last month. I would like to be considered for the replacement member of the RLF Committee. With. 24 gears of lending experience and 2 years in the insurance business there could some benefits for the RLF Committee. I have enclosed my resume for your consideration, If there are any questioDs or comments that you have, please contact me. The phone number that I can be reached at during; the clay is 752-2265. My home number for calls dun'ng the evening is 756-1996. Thank you, for your time and consideration of this position. Sincerely, Wade F. Elder 127 Stiftater Lane Phone )56-1 Kalispell, RAT 59901 E-mail older@ bresnan.net Wade E. Elder 'I'm* experileacm February 2006 — Present Mountain West Bank Kalispell, MT Branch fteskkmt ■ Mountain West Bank is a 3 M community bank nth one other branch. April 2004 — Feb. 2006 First National Bank of Montana Kalispell, MT CanmmarcW Lam der • First National Bank is a $258MM independent com undy bank with 10 branches located in 7 communites in Montana. The Kalispell branch has $29MM in total assets and $29MM in loans. • Have been instrumental in reversing the run off of ioans and deposits in the Kalispell branch. Earnings have increased by 00%+, • Grew a personal loan portfolio from to $1lt which is made up primarily of commercial and construction credo. • Sere on the Loan Commktee as a votng member. • Active in training and being a resource for the staff. January 2004 — April 2004 capital chit union Bismarck, ND Vice President of Member Services • Capftal Credft Union was a $136MM full service credit union with branches in Bismarck and Mandan, North Dakota. ■ Oversaw Mortgage Lending, Consumer Lending, Operations Manager Regional Sales Manager of the 5 branches. Served as a member on the Senior Management Team. Wrote Policies and Procedures for Commercial Lending. Jan. 200— December 2003 Westem states Insurance KaHrSp ii, MT commit� mos Producer • Licensed insurance agent in Life, Accident & Health, Property & Casualty in an office that had annual commissions of $3MM, vAth 15 agents. • Worked nth commercial lines insurance (Workers Comp, General Liability, Commercial ial Auto and Property) and cross -sold other insurance products. ■ Greg portfolio from to $6M In gross annual commissions. March 2001 — January 2002 Cana & Associates Kalispell, MT Collector ■DeJana & Associates is a iibganc Law ]Firm that is a franchise of the Collect Arenca System. Where were 25 employees that were involved in the collection of credit card debt and receivables. ■Responsible for colleefion of a 2MM portfolio. That involved skip locating, collecting, asset investigation, negotiating sefflements and recommending litigation be tiled throughout the 26 offices in the Collet America ica System, which are located throughout the United states. Nov. 1997 —January 2001 Rocky Mountain Bank Bigfork WIT 1gfork Branch Preskkmt • Rey Mountain in Bank was a $267MM independent Commercial Bank with 7 branches located in Montana. The Bigf6rk bank opened for business on 12/01/7 and grew to $23MM in total assets with a loan portfolio of $121MM. • Supervised building of the bank facility# Helped to create bank policies; Hiring of staff. • Performed Commercial, SBA, Real Estate, Credit Card and Consumer loans with the larger credits being 7 digit lines. Performed Loan Analysis and write-ups that were presented to the Loan Committee and Board for approval. ■ Prepared monthly reports fbr Board Meetings. a Prepared for and ran Advisory Board Meetings. a Prepared and was accountable for budgets at the Bigfork Bank. ■ Directly supervised 4 officers and responsible for all 10 employees. ■ Responsible for all lending and operations actives of the Bigfork bank, in the areas of risk management, rent, delinquency: accuracy and profit margins. Although ft was a branch it operated very much like an independent bank. • Was very active in building a customer- base from nothing. This was done through a customer call program and serving our customer base. Brought the bank into a profitable status after 2 years. Feb. 1996 — Nov. 1997 Norwest Bank MN Wet Thief der Falls, MN Vice Presldenll� Business maker • The branch in Thief River had total assets of $6MM & loans of $4MM. • Supervised 1 Ag. officer and 2 banking assistants in the commercial area and I originator and a part tirne processor In the real estate area. WM a total portfolio of $30.3MM. • Was responsible for loan quality, controlling delinquencies and technical exceptions in the commercial and ag. areas. The bank had previously failed 2 loan audits and brought it back into a satisfactory rating. • Bank had an ROA of 1.7 8% and an ROE of 32.5%. June 1991 — Feb. 1996 Fib National Bank of Whft r h Whftefth, M" Wee President • First National was a $32MM independent commercial bank. The loan portfolio was $ 1 .1 M M _ • Performed Commercial, SBA, Ag, Consumer and Real Estate Loans by preparing Loan Analysis and Write-ups for Loan Committee and Board Meetings. • Bank had an ROA of 1.9% and an ROE of 1 .9%. Was rued + by Sheshunoff. Aug. 1990 — June 1991 Zapp Bank, N.A. St. cloud, MN nch Mom, srrtil, MN • Zapp Bank was a $175MM commercial bank with 3 branches, The Sartell branch was a $12MM branch with a $4. NIM loan portfolio. ■ Supervised five employees. ■ Initated commercial and real estate lending In the branch. • Started a business development posture by developing a call program. April 1987 — Aug 1990 Midwest Federal savings Bank Bismarck, NID Asset Wice Pr siktt • Midwest Federal was a $1. MMM full service savings bank nth t renty- four branches. The Bismarck branch had $25MM In total assets. • supervised two loan officers and two loan processors. • Increased consumer loan portfolio from $1.3MM to $17MM. ■ Assumed responsibilfty for the real estate department. Attained Direct Endorsement status with FHA • Serves as a member of the Regional Loan Committee. • The bark was taken over by the RTC. The Bismarck branch was profitable at all times. December 1980 — April 1987 Norwest Banc Mandan Mandan, N Assam v'me Pr"Idwft • orwest Bank Mandan was a 101 M full service commercial bank and a part of the l'orwest chain of banks. • Began as a consumer loan officer. Performed direct and in -direct leading of consumer lows, handled $4MM In for plan lines, small commercial ercial loans and supervised the MasterCard/Visa merchant credit card program. Jan. 1979 —member 1980 AveoFinance York, NE & Bismarck, ND Oranch • started as a Manager Trainee In the Bismarck office. Dubes included consumer lending, buying of dealer paper and collections. • Was promoted to a Branch Manager In May 19 and transferred to York, NE. • Supervised one processor. ucafm 1976-1978 Bismarck state college Bismarck, ND ■ Associates of Arts Degree — Business Administration. 1972-1976 Beulah Pubk High school Beulah, ND ■ High school Diploma Bank Eden "Commercial Lending' University of l orwest. Numerous lorwest Bank workshops and classes. "Commercial Loans of Business"' omega — 19941985. Montana Bankers Association classes. Robert Morris and Associates meeting and workshops. Numerous Insurance classes (Property & casualty & life & health). comnumity United Ida - Citizens Review Panel - Kalispell, MT. a tivWWS i f rk Art and Culture Center - Beard Member - Bigfork, MT. Active in Chamber of Commerce. Norwest Medical Center - Associate Member- Thief River Falls, MN. Jobs Now - Board Member s Thief River Falls, MN. Whitefish Youth Sir Association - Board President - Whitefish, MT. Whitefish Booster Club - Board Member - Whitefish, MT. Volunteer coach for youth soccer- Whitefish, M. Soccer Referee for High School, Junior College & Youth -Whitefish, MT. Mandan Hockey Club - Board President - Mandan, ND. St. Joseph Catholic School - Board President -• Mandan, ND. Refererums Available upon request. 0 WHITEFISH 4 Railway Street Whitefish, MT 59937 Tel: 8 862-26 2 Fax: (40 862-48 1 Voice Response: 1-888-662-2652 Toll Free www,parksidefcu.com 11 COLUMBIA FALLS 1015 Ninth Street West Columbia Falls} MT 59912 Tel: 40 82-88 Fax: 48 892-3999 El KALISPELL 55 Heritage Way Kalispell, MT 59901 'el, 406 ■ -8 0 Fax: 4 8--8 6 Apn'1 I I1,2 06 "Me Ho o . l ' . am Kennedy, 'Mayor of Kalispell, M Po Box 1997 Kalispell, TNIT 59901 Dear Mayor Kennedy{, I would like to express my interest l se-rving on the Revolving Loan Committee. Currently I am the Executive 'Vice President of Park Side Federal Credit Union.. By helping small 1) sl es es get funding they need to grow and expand business will only help the City of his ell. Thank you for your co sidera.tlo .. contact rrie at 1- 2W f Sincerely, f° f Daniel N'. Leclerc 1"..xec tive Vice'President .If you have any questions, please NCB GLACIER BANK March 1, 2006 Honorable Mayor Pamela B. Kennedy City of Kalispell 1�1.. Box Kalispell, Mt.59903-1997 Dear Mayor: I would like to be considered for reappointment as a member on the City of Kalispell Revolving Loan Fund Committee. I understand that this is a three year terms and I am prepared to fulfill that commitment. I look forward to serving the City of Kalispell in this position. �x"currxr.,rs:x::wnrrxra,w.,:r:.�.:�r�'.traw.rxrrys,�z:c:.per.�.r�.rr.:rr:��r�.rir�x.��csw�w!ra;Y;t�rrarrr,�r;,o-vrrrrrrrrr;,rrrrxrecrr/,c�rr»,r:vr.,rrr.,r✓:::.w;.x�:Y>:«��.w::w:«�«o«xr�o-rr,Mcw,�xxwo-•,r.•rrr;,r :rn.xrrrrr.<scam.:vrrrr�-.u+,o-::o:�xY:^�:a�`-xo-•;.vrrc�,rrrrrr:ssrrr,�c?:rr��rd::��oo«o�,rr,�c{,o-frs;:�cxrrrr,�c�:rrrrrrv;,rcerrrr,<r;.tc,<arr.,vrr;,�v,�cnc•,r,rrrrr.,rr�x�r:;c�,rrvo-vn:xrw..W,c�,rrur.,r,�,v-rr..:;..:..rc-:rxxceW we te: www.gY l i r n.com email* glacier@glac*lerbank.com AN ORTUNTY MEMBER FDIC xv�,o3ao',eo',o',ovoss.ov�o',o-ro',o-�o',ccox-:�PPOI LENDER 3� + t� JORDAHL SLITER u w+ LC CertifiedPubfic Accountants Su rise t Pia * P 0. B o x 8600 * Ka ss e If, -Mo n ta na 59904-1600 * 4 0 52 -104 0 FAX 4 06-752-2. March 6, 2006 Honorable Mayor Pamela B. Kennedy City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 'Kalispell, MT 5990 - 997 Dear Mayor: I would like to be considered for appointment as a member to the City of Kalispell Revolving Loan Fund Committee. I understand that this is a three year term and I a prepared to fulfill ha ommi . I look ` r rd to serving the City of Kalispell in this position. Sincerely, }} L"V t. Justin I . SlIt r, CPA Lary P Johnson . Donald E. KLsIer David C. Heyshe-imer * flavidy. Schutz • Yustin P Sliter