Resolution 590 - Tax LevyR 8, S 0 L U T 10 N N 0 . 590 A PRSOLUTION' IIVIAKIING- AT,,1141JAI, T'h"'..X 1"EVY 'FO'm rfHE CITY 01-0 KALIS!Ej-L MONTANA FOR TITF YEA V - R 191 BT�, IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COWNCIL 01i THE CITY 014, K. LISPELL, MONTId4A: That there will be levied on each and every dollar of the, assessed val,u;9tion of taxable Property in the City of galispell, M"ontana, for the. yc-,,-,-ir 1915, tie following, aoounts: General and Admi-nistr.,ative 4 "-'treet ai-id Road Purposes .......... 2 TAbrary. s f r • • ■ • a r # s f f a ■ • • b a . r • � n • r • # • r • • 7'ater Bond Iriterest .............. 77ater Bond Sinkino, C� J�xp� .y[ '�"''� (`may Water and Light 2 I L i gh t Fu nd 4 N • 0 ih 0 4 0 a 9 V 4 6 3 Fire. i'rotection Total levy for o,11 1.,,urposes, above mentioned 19 Mills Passed and approved this 7th day of September, 1915. I?.. FAULIANE MAYOR �RK A-T T E. aOLL.I.NL . GTTY CLE .