Resolution 588 - Resolution of Intent - SID 166R E S 0 L €.I T I o N Na » 588
Section 1. That it is the intention' of the City
Council of the City of Kalispell to create a special improve_
tent -district, hereby designated as Special, Improvement
District No. 166, and the boundaries of said proposed special
improvement district are hereby declared to be follows: Be. -
ginning at . the intersection of the center line through the
alley in block one, hundred fifty --nine with.'the south side of
the railway right of ay; thence proceedin.g easterly along
the south side of said right o'f way to the northeast corner of
block one huundred ninety-one; thence southerly along the east
side of said block -one hundred ninety: -one to ,the southeast
corner off' said block; thence southeasterly along the west
side of Woodland Avenue to the northeast corner of block one
hundred ninety-six, thence westerly along the 'south side of
Fourth, Street to a.n, intersecti.on with the center lire of the
alley in block one hundred ninety-six; thence southerly along
the center line of said alley to an intersection with the cen-
ter line of Fifth Street; thence southeaster) to the point
where the enter line of the alley 3n block one hundred ninety
nine intersects the south side of Fifth Street; thence southerly
along the center line of the alley in said block one hundred
ninety-nine to an intersection with the center line of Sixth
Street; thence southwesterly to the point where the center
line of the alley in block two hundred one intersects the
south side of Sixth Street; thence southerly along the center
line of the alley in said block two hundred one, one hundred
fifty feet; thence westerly along, the south side of lot ten
produced in said block -two hundred one to an intersection with
the center line of the alley in block two hundred two; thence
southerly along the center line of said alley produced to the
center of block. two hundred seven; thence westerly to the
center of block one hundred twenty-one; thence southerly along
the center line of the alley in block one hundred twenty-one
produced to an intersection with the north side of twelfth
Street; "thence westerly along the north side of Twelfth Street
to an intersection with "he center line of First Avenue, East-,
thence southerly along the center line of First Avenue East
to an intersection with the south sine of lob, three, of block
two hundred fifteen produced; thence westerly .a .ong said south
side of l.ot, three , of said block two hundred. fifteen produced
to an intersection with the center line of First Avenue West;
thence northerly along the -center line of said First Avenue
West. to an intersection with the center line of Twelfth Street;
thence westerly along the center line of Twelfth Street to an
intersection with the center line of the alley through block
one hundred forty-five produced; thence in a northerly direc-
tion along the center line of said alley to an intersection with
the south side of lot ten, . of block one hundred forty-five ,pro-
duced; thence westerly along said south side of lot ten pro
duced to an intersection with the center line of the alley in
block one hundred `orty,six- thence northerly along the center
line of said alley to an ,intersection with the center line of
Tenth Street; thence westerly along the center line of Tenth
Street to, the center line of,Fourth Avenue West; tthence northerly
along the center line of Fourth Avenue lh.est to an intersection
with the Routh side of lot ten produced, of block mine, of Fisher
Addition toKalispell; thence westerly along the south side of
said lot ten to an intersection with the center line of the
alley of said block nine; thence northerly along the center
line of said alley to an intersection with the south side pro-
duced of lot three, block five, FisherAddition; thence
westerly along said south side of lot three produced to an
intersection Frith the center line of the alley in block three,
Fisher .ddition% thence northerly along the centerline of
said alley to an intersection with the center line of seventh
Street; thence westerly along the center line of said seventh
Street to an intersection with the center} line of Seventh Avenue
West; thence northerly along the center line of said Seventh,
Avenue.lNest to an intersection with, the south side produced of
lot three, of block one hundred eighty _ four; thence westerly
along the south sale of said lot three produced to an intersec-
t Ion with the center line' of the alley in block one hundred
eighty-three; thence northerly along the center line of said
alley to an intersection with the west boundary line of the
city; thence northerly along such boundary line to its inter-
section with the south side of lot three of block one hundred
fifty-six; thence easterly along the south side produced of
paid.Jot lot three to an intersection with the center line of the
alley in black one hundred fiy-nine; thence northerly along
the center line of said alley to the point of beginning;
such being the district hereby declared by the City Council
to be benefited by the contemplated improvements herein men-
tioned and to be assessed to pay the casts and expenses thereof
and such improvements, in the opinion of the City Counc i l.. ,
being of more than local. or ordinary pubic Pnefit.,
Section 2. That the general character of the
improvements to be made in said proposed. Special Improvement
District is as follows, to. -wit:
The construction of concrete cross walks at
each avenue and street intersection and at each street and
alley intersection within the boundaries of the proposed dis-
Section 3. 'That the approximate cast of said im-
provements is 25, 905 a M
Section 4. That the entire cost and expense of
such improvements, incl.udi rig street and alley intersections,
shall be assessed against the entire district, each, lot or
parcel of land within such di.stri of to be assessed for that
part of the whole cost which its area nears to the area of the
entire district exclusive of streets, alleys and public places;
provided that where any of the work herein provided for is al-
ready clone upon a street or avenue to the - official , rad.e and
is in a condition satisfactory to the City Engineer, such work
already done is hereby excepted from the work provided for
herein and in ease such work already done has been done at the
expense of the owner or owners of are , l.ot or lots in a block
fronting upon said excepted work, the assessment against such lot
or lots shall be reduced to the extent of the coast of construct-
ing such excepted work in this proceeding.
Section 5. That said assessment shall be paid for
in, three equal annual i.nstall,ments hereby extended over a per..
iod of three years, Said assessment shall constitute a fund
to be known as Special. Improvement District Fund No. 166'.
Section G. That said improvements shall be paid
for in Special Improvement District Coupon Warrants issued
against said district in the sum of $100.00 each, bearing inter-
est at 6 per cent. per annum from the date of registration
until called for redemption or paid in full, interest payable
..annually on the first day of January of each year, payable
J_ .
three years from date and redeemable at any time there are
funds to the credit of such Improvement District Fund avail-
able therefor; the interest coupons attached to such war-
rants to bear the fac- simile signatures of the Mayor and
Section 7. That on the fifth day of July, 1915,
at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of
Kalispell, Montana, at :7:30 o'clock p. m. , a regular meeting,
the City Council will hear and pass upon all protests that
may be rude against the making of such improvements or the
creation of such district,
Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby,authorized
and directed to give the proper notice of the passage of this
resolution by publication and mailing as required by law, such
pub ica-tio . .to be made in the Daily inter Luke,' a. daily new's
paper published . in the City of KaltspAl .
Passed June 7th, 1915.
Approved June 7th, 1915.
E. ROLLINS, City Clerk