Resolution 585 - Change Boundaries - Sprinkling District 1A PRSOLUTION CM-1ANG-ING ME BOUNDARla`01" SPRINKLING DT*'."-=lCT NO. 1. BE IT RESOLVED RY',THE Cl"FY COU1110 T L THE ICITY 01" -KALISrELL. rict, No. I be and That the gprinkl'-.ng, Dist they are, hereby to include Third Avew..ie, East Eighl:., street to TiAlylth Street. -10th, 1915. Al.,.,,).roved, May R. FATJLTNE) MAYOR. TY" R, 'E. Lf L L I S , CITY ,6 AK A REMOLUT1014 (-'Tfi.AN(IING TFE TBOUNMAPIFS OF 711R., SPRITINT-KLIN0, DT'-1717,,-I-Cfl' NO. T. BE TT RESOLVED BY! THE CITY CMUNCIL OF UTIE "ITY OF KAJ,,TSPFL., Th.at, t.he boundamie, of" th.e sprinkling- Dj.st�.-jct No, I be., and --ided to include Main -Street froin Fotirtn tl.iey are hereby ekl ei street to Ricylith �Stree t Passed 19 1. 0- - Apy�rovf,ICU M,,-,).y loth, 9% R. rkULTNEP M A"YO R . E THOLL I N S CTTY CLER.K.