Resolution 579 - Resolution of Intent - SID 163R R S 0 L U T' 1 0 N NO. 57 9
NO. 1634
Section'l. That Is the intention of the City Council
of the City of Kalispell ,tee create a special improvement.,
district, hereby designated as Special. Improvement District
No. 163, and the boundaries of said proposed special imprqve,
Ment district are hereby declared to be as followst
Commencing at the intersection of the line between lots
three and four of blook one hundred ninety-two with Woodland
Avenue, thence In a direct line to the point .off` intersection
of the line between lots nine and ten of -block fifty with
Fi,fth Avenue West., thence in a direct line to the point
where the line between lots three and four, of block one
hundred ninety. -three intersects with Woodland Avenue,,. thence
In a direct line to the place Of beginning; such being the
district hereby declared by'the City Council to be benefitted
by the contemplated improvements hePein mentlaned, and such
Improvements in the opinion of the City Council ,being of more,
than local or ordinary public benefit.
Section 2. That the general charaoter of.the improve-
ments -to be made in said proposed Special Improvement District
Is as follows,, to. -wit:
Construction of a concrete pavement, c=a.rete.curbings,
widening of sidewalks, construction of par kings, including
the planting of grass plots and setting out trees, And the
construction of catch basins and drains for drainage purposes,
on Second Street in the City of Kalispell, extending from a
point in Woodland Avenue eighteen feet east of the Intersee.,
tion of such street -with such avenue to a point on Fifth
Avenue West eighteen Bret west of the intersection of said
street with said Fif th Avenue West
Section That the approximate cost of said Improve-
ments is $25,700.000.
Section 410 That the entire cost and expense of such
improvementS,, including street and alley intersections, shall
be assessed against the entire district, each lot or parcel.
of larld within such district to be assessed for that part of
the whole cost which Its area bears to the area of the entire
district exclusive of streets, alleys and public places; P110-
vided that each square foot of the' land embraced within any
corner lot shall bear double the amount of the cost of such
improvements that a square foot of any inside lot shall bear;
provided further that any of the class of work proposed to be
done heretofore done at the expense of the owner or owners of
any lot or lots abutting on said. work where such work is done
upon the official grade and is in condition satisfactory to
the City Engineer shall be excepted from the proposed work and
the cost of such. excepted work shall not be assessed against
such lot or lotsO
Section 5. Th6t said assessment- hall be paid for in
ten equal annual installments hereby extended over a period
of ten years. Said assessment slia-11 constitute a fund to
be known as Special Improvement District Fund No, 163,
Section 6. That said Improvements c.,jhall be paid for
in Special Improvement lAstrict Coupon Warrants issued
against said district in the sum of $1.00.00 each, bearing
interest at 6 per cent. per annum from the date of registra-
tion until called for redemption or paid in. full, Interest
payable annual,ly on the first day ofeJanuary of each year,
payable ten year from date and redeemable at any time -there
are funds to the credit of such Improvement District Fund
available therefor; the interest coupQns attached to such
warrants to bear the fac-simile Signatures of the Mayor and
Section 7. That on the third day of May, 1915, at the
Council. Chambers in the it Hall of the City of Kalispell,
Montana, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., a regular meeting, the City
Council will hear and pass upon. all protests that may be made
against the making of sueh, improvements or the creation of
such district,
Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and
directed to give thd proper notice of the passage of this
resolution by publication and m6iling as required by law,
such publication to be made in the The Daily Inter Lake,
a degaily newspaper published in the it of Kalispell,
Passe-d April .5th, 3.915.
Approved April 5th, 191-5.
City Clerk.