Resolution 584 - SID 164RESOLUTION CREI.TING S:,PEf-"dIAL TMPROVEMENT DTSTRICT NO. 164 i COUMCT BE TT RT-'i'lS0LVlKD 11�" TE E Cv I TY 4.11 JIL OF THE' CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA ; Section. 1. Tha-t Spe,,c,!,,a,]- Improvem6rit District, No. 164 Is hereby oreall..ed for the of the r(--,,,(,,onst.micti.on of a sanitary sevver from the. nor-t.,11,west corner c.,,f block one hundred nirle.ty-flve, diagpnally acr�.ss Third S"treet to the irte,r.section of the no: lAne, of ThArd Street wityl the, -alley in block one hundrpd nlnety-threc-,.and thence along the allc�y In bl.,o(,.,k one, tiundred nli--iety-three and to an. intersection With th,,=, sewer in 'Second t; with. aJl necessa-ry manholes., flush- tanks ard ap)purtenfinces. !H'l e c t i o ri. 2 Thal., sRid district is created subject to the terms an.d. conditions specl..fled in Resolution No. 581, entlAbled "Re,,c;olul-.Jon. of Intention to 'S4%,ecia-1 Improvemel-0-', Dlqtrl,ct No. 1-64". adopted AprJ..l 1-20 1191,51 to which referjenc(.,.x is hereby made, fo-r further . �ai.-,ticulars, P,assed May 10th, lql..5. Approved May 10thq 191-5. PATJ T T N. E MAY OR