Resolution 577 - Resolution of Intent - SID 162R E 0 0 L U T 1 0 N NO * 577 RESOLUTION or INT11MOIT TO CREATE SPECIAL ITYPROVE 11ENT DI S7R.IrT No. 1620 BF IT RE'S"'OLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 4 KALI'SPELL',, MONTANA0 Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Kalispell to create a sped al izya�',.roverftent diatrict� the bounid.'aries of which are hevinafteT set forth. Sect ion 2. That the, number of said. -prcposed Sy-Tecial Improvement District is hereby designated as No. 162. Section 3. That the bound:�',-ries of said proposed Special Improvernent District are herobv dec."L,"a.red to be as follows: Commencin� on the east side of Fifth Avenue East, in t1la City of Kalispell, at tho northweat corner of Bloc l one hun- dred. ninety-three, theiice aouth alonE; t'r.'ie seat boun1ary line of Fift',-). 'Avenue Emit to its intexsecat ion with Fifth Street, thence eazt alonz the north boundary line of Fifth Street to its inter- section with Sixth Avenue Faat,-,thence north the weat boundary line of Sizth Avenue East to the aoutheaat corner of block one hundred ninety-fou'r, thenoe east ato the, north bound- ary line. of 14"'ourt-fa Street tf,) its intersection ��iith Woodland Ave- nue, thence northwestAerly alonS the aout� t�rly boundary line of Woodlan,,,'l Av,13nue to its Intersection with the cent-er line of Seoond 13treet., -thence west along the center line of Second Street to it int�raeotion ivith the ea side of Fifth AvenueEastl, thence southerly to the point of beginnin- the boundaries of the district beinrg extended to include blook one. 'hundred ninety- five pf the Kalispell Town site,, not abuttinz on -the proposed im- provement'. for the, reazon that, in the opinion of the City Counoll such impro vertient is of more '11,.han local or ordinary -public benefit V P the lots in sucil block byin g benefitted by the construction of C.� such sanitary sewer equally with the property abutting upon the improvement . Section That the general ch_tracter of the im- prov,­,Mcent s to be made in said proposed Special Improvement District is as followe' to -wit: The construction of a sani- tary sewer connectingy* with the sewer in Second Street at a point opposite the alley in block one hundred ninety-three, ex- tendino; through the alley in block one hundrea ninety-three, across Third Street, through the alley in. block one 1iundred n ninety-four, across Fourth Street andthrouE;h the alley in block one hundred ninety-seven, and a connecting sewer from the north- lve3t corner of block one hundred ninety-five diagonally across Third Street to a point when t1i-e alley in block one bundred ninety-three intersects Third Street, -with all neceaaa-ry roan- of flush tanks and appurtenances, ihich sewer shall be tan inches in diamtter in blook one hundred ninety-three and ei6ht Inches throughout the balance of its course excelpt -the sewer connectino- block one hundred ninety-five which shall be six ZD 3. inches in diamleter. Section D"-, That the approximate cost of constaka uct- inE said improvements is section. 6. That -the entire cost cand expen ae of such improvements., includinZ street and alley intersections shall be assesaed againat the entixe district., each lot or par- cel of land within such district to be asaedsed for that part of the whole cost which its area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of Btreetal, alley8 and, public,placea. Section 7. That said assessment shall'be paid for in three equal annual installments and are hereby extended over a period of three years. Said asseeament shall alonati- tute a fund to be known as Special Imjprovom�ent District Fund No. 162. Section 8. That said improw-ments shall be paid for in Special Improvement District Coupon Warrants issued against said diatrict in the sum of t1OO.00 each, bearing interest at 6per annum from the date of ra,­iatraticy. until called for redemption or paid in full, interest payable annually on the first day of January of each year, payable three years from date and redeemable at any time the.re are funds to the credit of such Improvement District Fund available therefor. Sect ion' g., Tha-5 on the fifth day of April; 1915 at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, Montana, at 7:30 otolock p. m., a regular meeting, the City Council W-111 hear and pass upon all pro- tests that may be made against the making of such Im- provements or the creation of auch district. Section 10. The City Clerk is hereb%� authoxized and directed to give the proper notice of the passage of this reziolution by publication and mailing as required by law. Passed March 3rd,,, 1915. Approved March 3rd, 1915. R. ATTFsT: CITY CLERK.