Resolution 565 - Tax LevyR 7P4 S 0 L TY "Tr 1 0 N NO, 565 A R_'ES GL U T61ON TMAKING THIF ,C,`,`NUAL TAX DWY FOR THIE, CITY OF KALI�31P'OLIA, TXNT�UiAo FOR 7.'HE YEAR 1914 BE IT 71,,7`7'S"0LVTM) BY TH71 CITY COUNCIL OF THE, CITY OF KALISPELL, I M 0 N T AN A That there be levied on each and every dollar of the assessed valucation of the taxable" p-ro-peIrty in the f. o -alispell, Montana, for t.ne yeav!- 1914 the follow. i t y f "N, ink; amounts: Gene'ral arld A(Imini strative rur�)oses,, 10 mills Streit and Roo.,cl -purposes..... mills 1 mill Park. kP 4 Mi 11 1 a 'Nn ater Dod Interest, .................. ......... 3� Mi 1 Water Bond Sinking lundn. .............. Ij ri 11 S Judri-ment Fund, 11 1q e V 10 11 mill Tot� J levy for all. pizY-poses above T-rientioned 19 mills I Passed and -approved, this 8th day 0"' Septe.mber 1914, MAY0 R CITY (7,74MK' 0 �TAT'77 OF MONTANA 170UNTY OF 71LArnT-T7ATD, ss T Tq 4jT `ITY 07 NA_i.j'4­ PrL' J, NcAllisterl City Cler.'.c of tlrie City 0 f ' 'Kalispell, !Pontana, do hereby certify t1,iF%t the fore- going is a flUll 1 'A' 11 t:r")e exact. cop�� of a 13esolution Passed and approved by the City Councii o -'III' the City of' S P e I 1M. 0 n t �i n c-) on the 8th day of Sep ,raber, 1914. Dated t,?'Us 22nd day of ()ctobey% 1914,, C-FITY CLRM�.