Resolution 564 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 2R B S 0 L U T 1 0 N NO, 564 .4.L A R77S,0LUTION 'T,',--`,TV`AT1N(1 711'7, COST OF LIGHTING SP701AL LT OTITITIN(31' DISTRICT NTRD3"q.-R 111170 OF TMPj CITY OF KAIjl',3P,'T-,LL FOR "IT17 YE SAR 1914 NND LRVYING A74D ASSRSSITIG ALL THE PROP7RTY VIITTIIN SAID DISTRICT NVITH, TIM, COST OF LIGHTING SAID DISTRICIT, MI. IT "Pr,44E33)0LV-D BY T11177CITY COMICIL OF. THE CITY OF KALI SP311L Section 1. The cast of ligh"I'Aing Lig,11ting 'Distr3i.ct Number Tro of the City of 'Kalispell for the year 1914 is estirm-ated to bf� $861J2. Section Q tax 1hereby I-P-vied and -j-sf3essed upo n all the property in sald Lighting, Di st.rict for the at'nount of tjie esti=)ted coot of lightif-ng the stre-et t1r.lerein by apportion- ing to the several 'cats ar.1,11 parcels of land withirl the, eaid dis- trict -as follawie, t"l-wit. OIRIGI]�'AL OF KALISTIELL BLOCK 35 T-jo t v I d th AzZin'. t Owner 1 25 ft. 8.97 First National Bank 2 '2- 5 If t 8.97 1" i -r S t 1.1 a, t 10 11 a' -I Bank 3 25 f t 8017 1j',1jrst !T@,tional. B an k 4 25 ft. 8,97 jTa-U.�;en, �Itenav A. 5 25 f t- 8 97 Schiramel, Rudo-]-Ph W. 7 25 apt 8.97 Conrad, Alicia D. T.c as 9 25 ft, 8,97 ��avvymlr, Judson 71? 10 25 ft, 8.97 .!:cIntosh 11ardw<are-, Compary 2 P -Pt T-Tardware C om p,,.-my 11 8,97 M- 12 2 1") ft, B.97 Dhato-sh 11,zardvare f,ompany PL 0 C K, 46, 1 29 ft� R,, 97' T�!U(1101f�lrta U�Rl1is,7dward G, and "'JIathildo P P Halliday, W. P. 15 f t e f A. 5 25 --'A' te 8.97 'Morrls,, Uary T. Irving W,, E, 25 ft8. 9- 7 t-i'i s ch e r Julius t�JH.Hoiqsley, Agent) 7 7 f t, 8,97 _:'i,ischert Julius 8 25 ft, 8,97 Bierman, Tley.-Iry r a o e Webstor, Agent) 9 25 :'t 8.97 Nelson , -,G: (R 'Firl 10 Ig b f, t 8.97 Heller$ AuS-Ust 11 <rl 5 ft. 8.97 TTUOSelllf vilobert 12 25 ft, 8.97 Russellt Robert T 0,7K 55 or2 5 f t, 8,97 n1vad Na ti anal Bank 3 25 ft, 8,97 C o n �r.,,idt rfa t i o n a 1 Pamk 4 5 f t, 8.97 O'Conriell, J, N. 6 25 f 511� 8. 97 Tol stleo John 11. 7 25 Y t , 8.97 ■, R i r, 4 n i g�n t 3. C. B 6- 2 V11 "-1.j -L Ew 9 -7 (1, on d 7., z t a 16e 9 25 -11' t . 8,97 C on d 7,s t a, t C 10 25 • 1" t . 8. 97 Conrad 7 S to �a t e '5 f t, 9.97 Conrad s ta "u, e 12 25 If t 8.97 C ni Caonrud 7,state BLOCK 65 J. 13 25 fr t 8.97 B P 0 E �K's TeMP1e AKS>80ciation 14 25 f t, 8.97 P, P. 0, 11, 1 k s TOMP19 Association 15 25 f t. 8.97 B, P.- 0. Z-11 L k s TOMPle Association 16 25 f ttr S., 97 T',I.a r s d e ii Hannah 17 25 f t S. 97 S1,i e rman No ra K. 2.8 25 f t. 8 9 7 Nelson, Salli(!, Pztgf-�, Long 33ranch,71112.wood,Va. ,C� t W. 19 25 3. 8,,9_7 Malisipell Towns. to Corapany I __1, C 2 5 f t 8,97 CoravqJamee A. I F o r IU 1 n Ph i I I i 10e 22 P, 5 ft. 8 9 7 Whinps, W1 111 am r, 23 191,11,5 I-E t , 8.97 MUPPSA W i a,,eq CC 24 P,5 ft 8,97 1 in p S William 0, 8=. Sectlon 3, The tax �iereby le7ied becomas de.I.A. c r t a, t six otclocic p. m. on the, 3f"Ith dAy- of !To v mb er 19 14 Section 4. Refe-rence is hereby made to the Resolution of Tnt..(nmti,on to Create TAghtin g I)Istvict Numl)er Two for forth lntY*.Ac),I=ed September 8th, 1914� and set for hearing �.,.e,vte.,Iber 21st,, 19149 7:30 ofclock K, z Z� y. A TT'PIST CITY Adopted this 21st do.v of September, 191.4,, AY�� ,.Proved this 21st day of September, 19 14 1.1AY0111, A 11 P 7. S, 'Ll W P, I TY LT R X , "Van A'"'T 07, "J'[0717"ANA1 COTT"= 02 FLAT1,17AD C CITY QP XAL.T95PTPLL, 1� C_ J. McAllister, City. Clerk ol" the Cit-y of Kalispell, do hereby certify that the foregoing. is 1A full, trup, 141ontanal C> and tn),Xact copy of' a Resolution passed and approved by t'he City Council of the Ci+il*y of' Kal-�..,epell, Munt,,-ina, on.. VLae 21s-t duy of' 1914, .Dated thics. r-1,2nd day of. Octol.-.)er, 14 CITY CMRK� I M P L 0 CI� 6 6 1 25 -.4Lt 3,97 T�­ I i svri e, I I "',lat-ional. 19ank 2 2") f t,, 8. �) 7 Kz:-Ili spell '.'Illat *1 6nal Bank 3 25 f t, 8,97 'T 4. ( Ue"al ingrer, J. E. 4 25 f -t. 8.97 Conlon, James 5 2b G ri ff i n V? H. 6. 25 ft 3.97 Gr r i i n IN I I 7 2, 5 ft 8.97 Smithp D. F. b, 25 f. t . 8.97, Bucksen., F,, V1 9 .25 ft m 8.97 Phillip�, 'Benj,,amin D, 10 25. -11' t , 8. 97 �5h e man. No ra. K. il 25 A ft , 897 13"o r d James A. P 12 5 ft 8.97 FordJame s A B 0 X 36 13 25 8,97 Y o un g? "'gen's Christian A .990 c i a t 10 n 141 25 ft. 8�97 Young Men's Christian A-soociation 1.115 25 ft� 8.97 j�erican Laundry Company 16 25 flt. 8.911 Listle., John R. 17 25 If t. 8.97 Li s' tl e Joh:&ri *R. 610 x3 7 1 G. TA. 1,10-utz 18 P_ "5 ft, 8.97 7, r).n ra d 'ff. G p C on ra,11 C 19 2.15 ft, 8,,97 Somiit-hl Tlattie11. 2 C, 25 -1�7 t P. 97 Proctor, 7mna L. 21 1, 25 ft S. 97 Ka 1, i sp e 11 T 0 wn s i te, (1, wripany 22 25 ft 8,97 Kalisne'll Townsite Comp,Rny 23 25 f t' 8*97 Kaiis-oell To-ansi:te, r7ampa,ny (Geo, N11. Proctoor) 24 25 ft. 8.97 'Makright, J. A,� B 1A 0 � K 4 5 13 2 5 ft .8,97 Ford J. A!u 14 25 fts 8 , 9? FO rd J. A 15 25 `Lt. 8.97 Eogart Ho."Llonsteiner 16 25 t 8"97 Bogart- Ilo-Ilensteiner r? 25 t s.97 & Con-ra'(111 Alicizi. 18 25 7} t 8.97 Luppold' V1i 11 i am (P, C , McS travi ck) 19 25 f t 8.97 I'La i n Ein:y.a a 20 25 A'* t., 8 �, 97 Harris, John 21 25 ft. 8.97 Odegard, Thomas 22 8.97 Duncan, T. D. 23 25 I. . 8.97 Sivyer, "N. C. 24 .2,15. ft. t . 8.97 Sivyer, W..' C. B LO ICI K 5 6 . r) r ') 4. -rt. 8.97 Masonic Temple Commany 14 25 'f t . 8.97 Masonic Temple Company 15, 25 .4p.t 0. L t3. 97 TwininL � I 'Iff, R. Kn i gla IT. C t 8.97 "Proh-lidher, John J4 17 121 19 f t, 8.97 Ma r c h e r (1% Durall 18 25 f t. 8, 97, TTenry M"a r t 0 Jose'P'11 W. 19 25 f t , 8,97 Calbick� Will.'I"I'M 2 In 25 f t . 8.97 -A d am s � IT . 74. ' 21 25 ftW 8,,97, A.dams, G.H. 22 r'-71; 5 ft, 8.97 Conrad, Alici,,a D. 23 25 ft, 8.97,11,dof f singe, r, "II.N. R-441 W-78f A.D,Conrad Middle lat 24 25 ft H 8.0..7No.4[-'fsinr,.,1er,W.N. Y.1-441 W-781 A. 'D. Conrad lAiddle 181